"Really? That's great! I don't have to sleep on the street anymore!" Jiang Shangxue excitedly picked up Bai Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, thank you so much. Your phone call saved me. If it weren't for your call, I would have to sleep in a tree hole after today!"

"By the way, that handsome guy just now is the president. Why is he so polite to you and even calls you sister? You dare to warn him? Aren't you a secretary?" Jiang Shangxue was a little curious. Are all the presidents now so good-tempered?

"Of course, and he is a president with great power who can fire me at any time." Bai Xiaobai put down the coffee cup.

"The chairman asked me to help him get familiar with the company's business and restrain his behavior, so he called me Sister Bai. Didn't he also call you Sister Xue?" Bai Xiaobai asked back.

"Really?" Jiang Shangxue thought about it and it was true. There was a little excitement in her heart. "But it's a good thing to work under such a handsome president, even if I am subject to unspoken rules. Before I came here, I always thought he was a bald middle-aged uncle. That's too sad!"

"You'd better get into work this afternoon. We have a lot of work to do." Bai Xiaobai took out a stack of documents printed in the morning from the shelf and handed it to Jiang Shangxue.

Jiang Shangxue was in a stagnation state.

There was only one line of text written on it, "Employment Agreement for Secretary to the President of Lu's Headquarters of Lu's Group".

Below it was a line of subtitles, "Related Documents on Temporary Work of Senior Secretary of Lu's Group".

There was another line of special notes in small calligraphy below - Bai Xiaobai specially prepared it for Jiang Shangxue.

The content of the document was very organized and all targeted at Jiang Shangxue. It can be said that all the advantages of Jiang Shangxue were maximized and all the disadvantages were strictly restricted.

Jiang Shangxue looked up at Bai Xiaobai, her eyes were full of fire, no wonder it was a special edition, this contract was for her.

This job is impossible to do!

But what can I do? I have to sign it even if I cry.

Because the other party is offering so much!

Even in Linhai, it is not rare to offer an intern with no work experience an annual salary of 800,000!

Bai Xiaobai looked at Jiang Shangxue's fierce eyes that wanted to cry, and said in a calm tone, "Don't thank me. This contract of mine can allow you to adapt to the work of the president's secretary within three months. You must know that your responsibilities are very important. You are not here to be a vase in Lu's Group."

"Thank you so much!"


On the other side, Lu Wanqing came to Wanhe Design and called all the senior executives to a meeting early in the morning.

"Everyone should be very clear about the content of today's meeting. We are going to expand recruitment, both online and offline. I have already talked with Bai Xiaobai, the secretary of the president of Lu Group. We will be given three contracts within two months. Whether we can take these three contracts depends on our ability, so I decided to recruit." Lu Wanqing took out the plan she had prepared.

"This time, the recruitment is tentatively scheduled for 50 designers and 500 engineering teams. Lan Lin'er, you go to the city's job fair tomorrow to find a seat." Lu Wanqing turned her head and looked at Lan Lin'er who was sitting on her left.

"Okay, no problem!" Lan Lin'er nodded.

"Ling Guoguo, you and Su Yiwei are responsible for posting recruitment advertisements on major websites!" Lu Wanqing looked at Ling Guoguo and Su Yiwei again.

"Guarantee to complete the task!" Ling Guoguo said with a little mischief.

A young designer sitting in the corner of the conference room was listening to Lu Wanqing's words while secretly sending text messages to Lin Chen.

This person was the undercover that Lin Chen had planted next to Lu Wanqing.

The position of this kind of undercover agent cannot be too low, or he may be fired at any time.

Nor can it be too high, or it will attract attention.

Therefore, this kind of person who is neither up nor down, who seems to have no communication with the superiors, but will not be noticed by the superiors, is just right.


Lin Chen, who is responsible for being a househusband at home, is watching TV boredly.

After all, the Lu family has servants, and there are few things that need him to do.

For some reason, the surveillance has been relaxed in the past two days, which makes him feel relieved.

Otherwise, he would be caught between a group of muscular men every day, which makes him breathless.

The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, and Lin Chen took it out immediately. It turned out to be a text message from the undercover agent he arranged in Wanhe Design.

"Is my dear going to expand the scale of the company? My dear is really amazing!" Lin Chen laughed like a child weighing more than 150 pounds, and whistled a little song in his mouth.

"50 designers and a 500-person engineering team? Hehe, Wanqing baby, wait for me, I will invite them for you right away." Lin Chen trotted to the bathroom, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello?" a voice rang from the other end of the phone.An old voice.

"Wei Cangxiong? I'm Blood Wolf!" Lin Chen said in a deep voice.

Wei Cangxiong was stunned, then he laughed, "It turns out to be Lord Blood Wolf, how come you remembered to call me, an old man."

Wei Cangxiong wanted to reminisce with Lin Chen, but was immediately interrupted by Lin Chen, "Wei Cangxiong, I don't have time to chat with you, I want you to do something for me."

Lin Chen's tone was cold and emotionless, and he didn't show the timidity and servility he showed in the Lu family.

This is the real side of Lin Chen, a cold-blooded killer without any emotion.

Except for Lu Wanqing, all the people in the world are ants in his eyes, and they can be destroyed in a blink of an eye.

When Wei Cangxiong heard Lin Chen's words, he immediately sat up straight and said seriously, "Master Xuelang, tell me what I can do for you, I will do my best!"

"That's what I want!" Lin Chen smiled and nodded, "My wife is the boss of Wanhe Design. Recently, Wanhe Design needs 50 designers and a 500-person construction team to expand. Can you help?"

When Wei Cangxiong heard Lin Chen's words, he frowned and immediately picked up the tablet on the table to start looking up Wanhe Design.

Soon the main business of Wanhe Design Company appeared in front of Wei Cangxiong.

Wanhe Design is a medium-sized decoration design company. It was established last fall and it has been less than a year.

The boss is Lu Wanqing, 25 years old this year. She has 50 designers and an engineering team of 800 people. It is a company worth tens of millions.

Wei Cangxiong smacked his lips. This company looks very good. It is still a new company.

We can try to cooperate in the future. It is worth it to dig more than 500 people to gain the other party's favor this time!

And I can do things for Lord Blood Wolf. One is to repay the favor of saving his life, and the other is that I can get the care of the Dark Wolf Mercenary Group on the road to transport stones in the future, which will be much easier.

"Lord Blood Wolf, no problem. Next week I will let some famous designers go for interviews one after another." Wei Cangxiong promised.

"By the way, I warn you, don't let Lu Wanqing know that I am helping her. If you dare to leak it, you know!" Lin Chen threatened coldly.

Wei Cangxiong was confused. "Lord Blood Wolf, since she is your wife, why don't you let her know what you do for her?"

Aren't men supposed to be animals that fully perform in front of women?

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

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