Ling Guoguo looked at Fan Jin, who was blocking her way with a lewd smile, and smiled contemptuously, "Mr. Fan, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean?" Fan Jin sneered, "You want to leave after eating my food today? I tell you that it is impossible to get it!"

"What do you want!" Su Yiwei's face turned cold and took a step forward!

Fan Jin smiled lewdly, "Either you two accompany me for one night today, or I let you two accompany me for one night today."

"That's impossible!" Ling Guoguo refused!

"I don't think you two want to cause trouble, you can ask about my name, Fan Jin!" Fan Jin smiled lewdly and reached out to grab Ling Guoguo's hand.

But suddenly, his body seemed to be controlled, and his hands stopped in the air.

Fan Jin felt as if he had suddenly lost control of his body.

When he wanted to ask for help, he couldn't even open his lips!

Then his body began to shake like a malaria, and in the blink of an eye, he saw that Fan Jin's eyes had lost their luster.

Lu Tianhao stopped using the knife and fork in his hand and focused on observing the changes in Fan Jin.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The power of this Gu is very strong!

‘Let me see how much impact this Gu has on ordinary people! ’

Fan Jin picked up the remaining half bottle of red wine on the table and drank it down.

His mouth was like a smelly sock, and he shouted incoherently, “Check out!”

Fan Jin’s words just now had attracted the attention of the waiters.

If Fan Jin had any impulsive behavior, they would immediately stop him.

But he didn’t expect that Fan Jin would pay the bill after he got up and drank a bottle of red wine?

Several waiters looked at each other, and a sturdy waiter came to Fan Jin with a polite smile, “Sir, the total is 748,000 yuan, and you also have three crispy soups, two white truffle breads and two golden phoenix cakes. Do you want to take it away?”

Ling Guoguo was shocked when she heard the price!

Such a small amount of things is so expensive!

This should be the most expensive meal Ling Guoguo has eaten in a hundred years!

"Take it away? Do you look down on me? Swipe the card! I have something else to do!" Fan Jin still spoke incoherently, taking out a card from his pocket and handing it to the waiter!

Because Fan Jin gave a credit card, he could borrow money temporarily even if he didn't have enough money.

After paying the bill, Fan Jin ignored Ling Guoguo and turned away.

Seeing Fan Jin's abnormality, Ling Guoguo glanced at Lu Tianhao, thinking that this must be some trick played by Lu Tianhao.

But what trick this would be, Ling Guoguo couldn't think of it.

But now Ling Guoguo wanted to eat the remaining cake, turned her head to look at the waiter, and asked expectantly, "Since we have already paid, can we eat the remaining cake?"

Lu Wanqing, who heard Ling Guoguo's words, almost sprayed the golden rice in her mouth on Lu Tianhao's face.


Fan Jin, who left Chunjiang Tower, was confused and angry in his eyes!

In his heart, he kept shouting, "740,000! I spent 740,000 on you! If I don't let you stay in bed for ten days and ten nights, I won't be named Fan!"

"Why should I leave? This is not what I want to do. Didn't those two little bitches drug me?"

"When the effect of the drug wears off, I'll kill them!"

Fan Jin tried his best to control his body, but he couldn't control it at all. He could only watch himself get into the car, insert the key into the keyhole, and put his hands on the steering wheel.

Fan Jin's eyes became terrified at this moment.

He didn't know what his body would do in the next moment. Maybe he would drive 180 miles per hour and hit a big tree, and the car would be destroyed and people would die!

Fan Jin's idea soon became a reality.

He saw his BMW car driving out of Chunjiang Tower without being controlled by his body.

Fan Jin's eyes lost focus, and his pupils kept flashing with fear, because the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, and it had reached 180 miles per hour when it got on the highway.

Fan Jin's anger had completely dissipated, and he became terrified, begging for mercy in his heart, "I was wrong, I was wrong. Forgive me! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

At this time, the speed of the car was no longer possible to stop!

The white car body crashed into the electric pole on the roadside, and the front of the car was completely deformed as if it had been pressed by a hydraulic press.

The electric pole also became shaky, shaking left and right twice, hitting the roof of the car, and flattening the car.

Fan Jin had already stopped breathing.


Lu Tianhao, who came to the underground garage, found that the poisonous insect had completely lost contact with him, and Fan Jin must have died!

Facing Fan Jin, Lu Tianhao did not want to use such extreme means at first.But seeing Fan Jin's final threat to Ling Guoguo.

Lu Tianhao knew that today's matter would never end peacefully. Even if he came forward to protect Ling Guoguo today, Fan Jin would take the opportunity to retaliate against Ling Guoguo in the future.

Because people like Fan Jin have no sense of awe at all.

Either do it right or kill it directly!

"Hello! Let's get to know each other. My name is Lu Wanqing, I am Guoguo's boss, and you are Guoguo's friend, right?" Lu Wanqing introduced herself generously.

"Hello, my name is Su Yiwei, I am Guoguo's roommate and also a best friend!" Su Yiwei spoke cautiously, and was somewhat shocked by Lu Wanqing's aura.

"Sister Wanqing, your cooperation with Brother Hao tonight is too perfect. I uploaded your video to the Little Cow website and it has been liked for less than an hour, and the number of private messages is 99+!" Ling Guoguo rushed directly to Lu Wanqing.

Lu Wanqing hugged Ling Guoguo, and when Ling Guoguo bumped into Lu Wanqing, she could only see the waves surging back and forth.

Lu Wanqing smiled and said, "All of them are praising Lu Tianhao, he performed so perfectly tonight!"

"No, all of them are blessing you two!" Ling Guoguo clicked on some comments.

Most of them were blessing the two, some were praising Lu Tianhao's piano skills that had broken through the sky, and some were considering Lu Tianhao's face control.

The last small wave of trolls has been reported by netizens!

Lu Wanqing smiled happily as she watched the subtitles passing by on the screen, but still said, "This is not good. If people misunderstand, Xiaohao will not be able to marry a wife in the future!"

Lu Tianhao shrugged and said nothing.

"Sister Wanqing, aren't you and Brother Hao a couple?" Su Yiwei looked at Lu Wanqing leaning on Lu Tianhao intimately, naturally like a couple who have lived together for countless years.

"No, Sister Wanqing and Brother Hao are siblings!" Ling Guoguo explained, then turned to look at Lu Wanqing again, "Sister Wanqing, Yiwei wants to come to our company because she is always bullied by her superiors, is that okay?"

Lu Wanqing glanced at Su Yiwei, who looked good and didn't look like a girl who would mess around, so she nodded and said, "Okay, I agree, no need for an interview, come directly to my company on Monday!"

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