The doorbell rang outside the house, and Ling Guoguo jumped up first, "It should be the takeaway. I'll go, I'll go."

Ling Guoguo just came out of the bathroom and ran out to get the express delivery without drying her hair.

Lu Tianhao couldn't help thinking, Ling Guoguo was carrying such a heavy weight and running so fast, no wonder she has a good figure.

Life is about exercise, especially weight-bearing exercise with increased dosage!

"I'll go with you, Guoguo may not be able to carry it alone." Lu Tianhao ordered a lot of things this time, and Ling Guoguo had some difficulty carrying them.

"Hello! Your... Guoguo? Do you live here?" Ye Feng was a little surprised when he saw Ling Guoguo opening the door.

Because Ling Guoguo changed into a simple white pajamas and her long hair was still wet, Ye Feng thought this was Lin Guoguo's home.

Ye Feng didn't expect that Ling Guoguo, who usually looked like a girl from an ordinary family, would actually be a rich woman.

"Hey, Ye Feng?" Ling Guoguo also recognized the person in front of her, then smiled very gossipy and took a step forward. "Ye Feng, I saw in the group that Zhao Qian broke up with you. Is it true?"

Ye Feng was a little embarrassed. Thinking of the embarrassing scene outside Yunque Villa just now, he was a little embarrassed. Ye Feng quickly changed the subject. "Guoguo, I didn't expect you are still a rich woman. You can actually live in Yunque Villa."

"Oh, this is not my home. I accompanied my boss to a cocktail party. It was too late, so I stayed here." Ling Guoguo explained the incident in one sentence.

But this sentence made Ye Feng feel ambiguous. Ye Feng's eyes showed a burst of disgust. He didn't expect that girls in the world are the same. A naive girl like Ling Guoguo would also be kept.

At this time, Ye Feng's heart suddenly tightened. This was a feeling that he was seen through.

He looked up suddenly and saw a man with sword eyebrows and star eyes standing behind Ling Guoguo. His white shirt was a little messy, and the top two buttons of the shirt were open. He had a kind of romantic and free and easy style.

However, the deep and sharp eyes made Ye Feng feel as if he was seen through, and he shuddered!

Ye Feng's prediction was right. At this time, Ye Feng's own data appeared in front of Lu Tianhao.

[Protagonist: Ye Feng]

[Combat Power: 85] (Ordinary Adult: 100)

[Charm Value: 80] (Ordinary Adult: 100)

[Financial Value: 577]

[Protagonist Aura: 100%]

[System: Express God System]

[Current Task: Deliver ten precious express deliveries to get a Bugatti Black Voice! (1/10)]

[Ye Feng's protagonist novel "God: Billions of Assets Starting from Express Delivery" has been saved in your mobile phone. Please read it as soon as possible. ]



Lu Tianhao only saw a faint golden chain appear in the void and shoot into Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

[System chain has been established. All movements of the Express Godly System are monitored by you. During the establishment of the system chain, you can use the Flying Dragon Exploring the Clouds Hand without distance. ]

Lu Tianhao was shocked. This Flying Dragon Exploring the Clouds Hand is a free skill!

In the future, you have to think about how to maximize your benefits. You can't just get it for free. If these little pigs don't complete the task in the end, it will be a loss.

Lu Tianhao came back to his senses from the sea of ​​consciousness, showing a very sunny smile, and came to stand behind Ling Guoguo. "Guoguo, do you know each other?"

"Yes, let me introduce you. This is my college classmate named Ye Feng." Ling Guoguo turned to Ye Feng again, "This is the young president of Lu Group, Mr. Lu."

Even though Ye Feng had the Godly System, he was shocked when he heard Ling Guoguo's introduction. Mr. Lu from Dongzhou? Even if he had the Godly System, his wealth would not catch up with Lu Group in a few years.

Moreover, the Lu family has deep roots in Dongzhou. No matter how rich they are, they cannot compare to the Lu Group's entanglements in politics, economy, military, and business.

This is the person you really can't afford to offend!

Just when Ye Feng was stunned, Lu Tianhao took the initiative to extend his hand and showed a handsome smile, "I am Lu Tianhao, very happy to meet you."

Ye Feng was overwhelmed by Lu Tianhao's initiative. The scene he imagined in his mind was not like this. Aren't the rich second generation as arrogant as two million and five hundred thousand?

According to the plot, shouldn't he look at me with contempt, then snatch the takeaway, drive me out of the house with disgust, and then shout, don't bully the poor young! In the last few years, step on Lu Tianhao?

This script is obviously wrong!

He actually took the initiative to shake hands with me. Did he see that I have a system and wanted to hug my thigh?

That's not right either. Even if I am the richest man in the world, I should hug his thigh because my foundation is too shallow.

Lu Tianhao's sudden hand out also made Ye Feng a little flustered, and he quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, ICall Ye Feng! This is your takeaway!"

Lu Tianhao took the package and it was indeed quite heavy. "It's so late and I'm sorry to bother you."

"Brother Hao, Ye Feng was cheated on by his girlfriend Zhao Qian, and Zhao Qian found someone who runs a company. Do you have any solution? "It seems that Ling Guoguo and Ye Feng have a good relationship, and she took the initiative to ask Lu Tianhao for help.

Lu Tianhao was not surprised. In the early stage of the Shenhao System, it was the school belle who helped the protagonist to pretend to be cool and get slapped in the face. It seems that Ling Guoguo is also one of the school belle.

That is to say, Ling Guoguo is also a school belle.

Well, seeing that Ling Guoguo has such a big chest, she must be a school belle!

From the reward, Ling Guoguo seems to be the main heroine in Ye Feng's novel!

However, Ling Guoguo should be Lin Chen's heroine, why is she also Ye Feng's heroine?

This is not right!

[Human, this may be related to the fusion of planes. I don't know the specific situation. You need to explore it yourself!]

Just when Lu Tianhao was confused, the system folder explained.

Lu Tianhao frowned and said, "I can't do anything about this. After all, feelings are two-way. If one party doesn't like it, it can't be forced. Besides, I don't have any experience in facing feelings. I haven't chased girls. They always chased me and I couldn't get rid of them. "

Ye Feng is about to curse, can you be more Versailles!

"However, if the other party is scornful of the poor and loves the rich, I can give this brother a position in the Lu Group." Lu Tianhao took out a card bag from his trouser pocket and pulled out a business card. "The Lu Group has been recruiting externally. If this brother is interested, he can take my business card to the Lu Group and try. "

Ye Feng only saw a title written on the business card, Lu Group's Young President - Lu Tianhao!

Simple and domineering!

Ye Feng couldn't help swallowing his saliva. This business card was hundreds of times more valuable than any diploma or certificate.

It can even be said that with this business card, any position in any sub-group or subsidiary of Lu Group can be directly applied for, without even an interview.

However, Ye Feng thought of his system, which only rewards food delivery, and thought that if he got this business card one day in advance, he would definitely quit his job as a courier and apply for the job.

After all, even the top students of several top-notch universities in Linhai would fight to get into Lu Group.

But now, he, Ye Feng, has a system, and he doesn't have to work for anyone anymore!

He, Ye Feng, works? He will never work in this life!

"Thank you, no, I think food delivery is very suitable for me." Ye Feng refused the business card handed over by Lu Tianhao.

"Okay, since you have your own choice, I won't force it. "Lu Tianhao already knew that Ye Feng would make this choice.

After all, the system is everything to the host, and the system and the host complement each other.

"Humph! Ye Feng really doesn't know how to appreciate a good person! "Ling Guoguo angrily slammed the door shut.

[Ling Guoguo's favorability towards Ye Feng -20 (current favorability 10 (familiar)), Ye Feng's power aura -1%, humble, human, your power aura +1%]

[Get reward: a Bugatti Black Voice children's toy car (packed and placed in the garage)]

Lu Tianhao was shocked. He just wanted Ye Feng to stay away from the job of takeout. After all, this kind of system of super rich people is still a huge blow to the secular world.

Once he rises, the wealth will be inexhaustible, too scary!

Plus they don't care about anything

Hearing the reward, Lu Tianhao cursed in his heart. What a difference, other people's reward is the Black Voice, which is limited to only one in the world, and he got a children's toy car!

This is so pitfall!

And who is this thing for!

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