"Shuanghua?" Lu Tianhao's eyes revealed doubts. Who is Shuanghua?

"Shuanghua is the name of the system folder." After saying that, Lu Rong jumped onto Lu Tianhao's palm.

As if to say to the system folder, do you dare to hit me?

Shuanghua narrowed her eyes. She and Lu Rong were from the same science and technology department. Now that she had lost her subsystem, it was like a software that had lost its key program, and its combat power had dropped significantly.

If she really fought with Lu Rong, it would be hard to tell who was better.

[You'd better stop! Otherwise, if you bring the guy downstairs up, it will be hard for both of us! ]

Shuanghua passed the words to Lu Rong's ears.

The guy she was talking about was naturally Bai Xiaobai.

Hearing Shuanghua's words, Lu Rong couldn't help but shudder.

"Shuanghua, the name is quite nice. I didn't expect you to have such a name." Lu Tianhao had no idea about the confrontation between Lu Rong and Shuanghua just now.

[I don't look like some kind of mass-produced machine, with only a number but no title. 】Shuanghua's tone revealed arrogance.

"Okay, then let's do this. If you follow me in the future, you will also take my last name." Lu Tianhao looked like he was recruiting a younger brother with a righteous look on his face.

"From now on, you will not be called Shuanghua, but Lu Hua!"

Shuanghua and Lu Rong both had black lines on their heads!

Damn Lu Hua!

Lu Tianhao's naming is still as unreliable as ever!

And what is Lu Tianhao's habit, why does he always pull people around him!

Are you preparing for a gang fight?

[Ahem, human, Shuanghua is a name given to me by others, not a name. ]Shuanghua quickly refused, otherwise Lu Tianhao might not give her the name Lu Ergou.

Shuanghua is indeed a good name.

But Lu Tianhao's last name is Lu.

Adding the word Lu in front of Shuanghua is like, this person's name is Gao Feng, but his last name is Yang!

"Okay." Lu Tianhao stopped dwelling on this matter.

He remembered what Lu Rong had said about the nature of her job before. "I remember Shuanghua told me that your job includes but is not limited to..."

Lu Tianhao couldn't remember what Shuanghua had said for a moment, he just remembered that she had said a lot.

Lu Rong shrugged, she just knew.

"In your words, it means coding the space-time gate, adding special effects to the nebula, polishing and waxing the stars, solving the problem of planetary derailment, taking the lost large meteors home, and demolishing the old white dwarfs."

"Sometimes mediate wars between races, beat up characters like the Destroyer Demon King, or quell a galaxy with armed rebellion or something."

Lu Rong said it very casually, and Lu Tianhao was shocked.

If Lu Tianhao hadn't seen Lu Rong really walk out of the space gate, Lu Tianhao would have suspected that Lu Rong had played with her phone too much these two days and had become a little bit of a middle school student.

This is much more awesome than the forums, where you wax aircraft carriers, coat fighter jets, and stamp the Pacific Ocean.

[Human, don't even think about those things. If you want to encounter them, it will be a long time later. I won't send you to solve those systems now. ] Shuanghua comforted him.

Lu Tianhao was almost crying. It would be better not to comfort him. He really had to go "That..."

[Don't even think about running! ] Shuanghua's cold voice rang in Lu Tianhao's mind [It's too late to run now! ]

[Even if you die, I can open a system world for you, let you be reborn, and then continue to collect systems for me. ]

[You should know that I can't do anything else. As the creator of the system, I can make people's souls travel through time and space. This is my specialty! ]

[Workers, you should have the awareness of workers! ]

After threatening, Shuanghua tempted him again [And you see, you have won so many rewards in just one week. Aren't you happy? ]

[As the mission progresses, you can't say you are immortal, but as long as you don't commit suicide, you can do it... well, being an agent of the Heavenly Dao in the world is not a big problem! ]

Lu Tianhao 'I don't believe you, you old woman are very bad! '

Then he lay on the bed resignedly and said "Forget it, this is how my life will be anyway!"

Lu Tianhao sat up suddenly again "Shuanghua, how do you use [Moving Stars and Changing Constellations] and [Pointing to Stones as Gold]?"

[Moving Stars and Changing Constellations is a great magical power, which can turn the palaces of all things in the universe and change their positions. Those who go against it can be killed, their essence destroyed, or they can be kept alive. It can also manipulate the stars, rotate the sun and the moon, and even reverse the day and night, which is called controlling the sequence of time. ]

As soon as Lu Tianhao said this, he was no longer sleepy. "Is it so awesome?"

This is really like a little cow taking a plane - awesome to the sky!

[Don't even think about controlling the timing. I can't do it. Only those who stand on the "Stairs of Destiny" can do it. The energy in your body now can only support you to do so much.Transformation. 】

"Transformation?" Lu Tianhao still didn't quite understand.

[Focus on the chair next to the table, and then use the power of Changing Stars, try it! 】

Lu Tianhao stared at the stool, and then used Changing Stars.

The next second, Lu Tianhao was seen lying on the ground, and the dark brown stool fell heavily on Lu Tianhao's bed.

Lu Tianhao was stunned at first when he saw the ceiling change, and then he was excited!

"This ability is too powerful! Isn't this teleportation?"

[Unlike teleportation, Transformation is one of the Five Elements Escapes, which can only ensure that you exchange with objects, and the range of exchange is the same as the range of your spiritual consciousness release! 】

Lu Tianhao nodded excitedly. His current spiritual consciousness range is about 1,000 meters, which is enough for the secular world. As long as he doesn't encounter a missile, he can run.

"Exchange of objects." Lu Tianhao seemed to have thought of something and picked up a teacup from the table and threw it out, then raised his middle finger and index finger in front of his chest in a very childish way, "Look at me, Flying Thunder God!"

[Don't, be careful...]

In the blink of an eye, I saw the cup return to the table again.

And on the other side, a 'bang! ' was heard.

Lu Tianhao smashed the window and flew directly down from the third floor.

During the free fall, Lu Tianhao heard Shuanghua's words.

[Moving objects have inertia! ! ! ]

'Bang! '

Lu Tianhao fell heavily on the grass outside the villa in a big word.

Due to the bonus of the steel body, Lu Tianhao was not hurt at all.

But now my mind is full of 'Isn't this a fantasy world? Why do we have to abide by Newton's three laws! '

[I know what you are thinking, the mystery department and the technology department are different paths to the same destination, just like the system I wrote, doesn't it have stars and seas, and also nine heavens to ascend? ]

[Don't show that ignorant expression, have you seen "Star Wars"? ]

"Yes." Lu Tianhao looked at the endless sky and fell into thought about Shuanghua's words.

[Can you explain why they still use swords to chop when they have spaceships? Is it so much trouble to just throw a few nuclear bombs? ]

Lu Tianhao's expression froze.

[Why do Transformers still use knives to chop? Isn't it better to use nuclear bombs? ]

[Don't show that ignorant expression, in the world of my system's evolution, there are also scenes where fairies in green clothes wear cat-ear headphones and hold Barrett snipers to sniper aliens. ]

Lu Tianhao was confused, fairies wear cat-ear headphones and hold Barrett snipers to sniper aliens?

What kind of weird scene is this!

Is this COSPLAY?

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