This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 102: learn from each other

Her Majesty the Queen in the tent was quietly listening to the fairy tales from the women's clothing boss, while William simply played a mime.

After discovering that something was wrong with William's face, the round-faced girl buried her head like an ostrich, and kept her mouth tightly shut, bowing her head like an angry little daughter-in-law, not even saying a word. Say.

Even if he occasionally raised his head to look at him, he would look like he saw something scary, like a frightened little beast. An attitude of being ready to run away at any time.

Looking at the round-faced girl who resolutely abides by the three no principles, ignores people, doesn't look at people, and doesn't make a sound, William knew that there should be no more news, but he was ready to give it a final try.

He tentatively said, "Why don't you speak? If you ignore me, I will go after Her Majesty the Queen."


After hearing William's words, the round-faced girl shouted eagerly, and quickly looked up at William.

However, after meeting his gaze, her gaze shrank back like a bunny, but the man rushed over without hesitation, burying his head firmly in front of William.

"Uncle Berry said you were not allowed to go there!"

William smiled slightly and said, "Why? I'm your uncle too, and you didn't want to call me just now..."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The round-faced girl shook out the Wind Whisper dagger from her sleeve and slashed.

"If you don't listen, I won't listen, you big liar! Your face is poisonous! You are not allowed to go anyway!"

William took a step back, avoiding the two daggers that exuded divine power, and pouted in annoyance.

Gee! I was so stupid to call me Dad just now, but I didn't expect the reaction to be so fast. I'm really sorry for your stupid, cute, round face.

Looking at the round-faced girl with her arms outstretched and her face dead, William completely gave up the idea of ​​taking information from her mouth.

It didn't take long for him to come down from the Dusk Mountain Range. He had just disposed of the undead warhorses that he used to travel when he discovered that the royal army had actually started a civil strife, and he had no time to understand what had happened in the past two days.

Why did the Marquis of Gibbert suddenly rebel? Why was the bearded cousin so badly injured? When did the queen hook up with someone from the Church of Eros? The most important thing is, when did my cousin find such a "turbulent" younger brother and sister for himself?

Of course, the reason why William asked this question was entirely out of the affection between the cousins ​​and the love that the cousin had for his cousin. It has nothing to do with curiosity, the desire to gossip, and the idea of ​​not being too big to watch the fun.

The bearded cousin deeply realized his good intentions, and was still moved by William's concern. He told all the events of the past few days with excitement, but unfortunately he didn't know much, only limited to what happened around him.

For example, how shameless the old man Gilbert is; how Hans justly rebuked him on the spot for his unreasonable thoughts; after getting up this morning, how he fought with Gilber in order to protect the Marchioness some type of……

William patiently listened to Hans's adventure story, and keenly found some key loopholes in it.

He reached out and patted his bearded cousin on the shoulder, and asked earnestly:

"Hans, did you miss something very important? For example, don't you think that when you described the experience of the past two days, you seemed to have skipped over ten hours?"

Hearing his cousin's keen question, Hanston, who was still full of interest just now, blushed, and a shy blush appeared on the face of an old man who was believed to be forty years old.

As a fearless man of the Vankins family, this is the second time in the seventeen-year life of Hans Vankins that he has not dared to look directly into the eyes of others. The last time I slept naked with the Marquise was when I was caught on the spot by the Marquis of Gilbert.

The bearded cousin turned his face away uncomfortably. His black face was like the bottom of a hot pot, and his calloused fingers quietly pulled the bandage around his thigh.

He said with a blushing old face: "It's mainly because of that... I didn't say anything. During that time, I didn't do anything. I just kept... sparring with Pomona all the time. Pomona is a The third-tier [Fighting Master], I... I have benefited a lot, and it seems that I can break through the third-tier."

Looking at Hans, who was blushing and his beard was about to catch fire, William raised his eyebrows playfully, and then asked a very profound question with a serious expression.

"Well...then after you have been discussing all night, where are you going to continue to discuss? I heard that the marquise is a barbarian on the grassland. Now that Jibo is dead, she should also return to the grassland. Bar?"

William put his arms on the shoulders of his bearded face (eyebrows), color (fly), cold (color), light (dance), and asked in a low voice: "So, you are going to talk to him. Does she go to the grassland and then learn from each other? Or does she choose to follow you and learn from each other wherever you go?"


Hans's full-faced beard twitched. Cousin, can we not talk about the discussion? Besides, it's been a night of discussion. I really can't help...

Seeing that his bearded cousin was speechless with a suffocated face, William, who was satisfied with his bad taste, decided to skip this topic.

Because my cousin is losing a lot of blood now, the limited blood in the body needs to be distributed reasonably. If this topic continues, it will wake up some of his memories of the time of the exchange, causing the blood to suddenly concentrate in large quantities and causing the injury to worsen.

However, I still have to ask what to ask. Although it has not been a few days since we recognized our relatives, he is still his own cousin, right?

Almost all the people in the Vankins family are gorillas with full brains and muscles. Now, a person who can ride a bicycle has finally evolved in the orangutan group. (play) Just do it.

Hans didn't know that he had become evidence of evolution in his cousin's mind, but instead began to think about the question posed by William.

Yes, Pomona will definitely go back to the grassland, what should she do then? Can't choose to go to the grassland with Pomona? If she chooses to stay in Frank, will Pomona be willing to stay?

He thought about it, but the more he thought about it, the more worried he became, so he turned his attention to the most reliable "smart person" in his heart. The bearded cousin consulted William regularly and steadily:

"Cousin, do you think... Pomona would be willing to stay in France for me?"

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