This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 64 The disappearing armor (third update)

With a face as deep as water, Wright followed Grandet around the crowd and came to the corner at the back of the House of Representatives.

As the stone door opened, light shone into the dim corridor.

"Boss, this is a side door."

"Well... let's go."

Grandet didn't know what he said wrong, so he could only lead the way carefully.

But in fact, Wright was not angry because of him, but thinking about whether he had overlooked something.

As Grandet said, the current temple is just a ragtag group.

But the former temple was able to resist the existence of the three major churches and the Papal Palace on its own.

It is difficult to say whether this kind of organization, whose ancestors were so generous, has left any means to check and balance the Holy See.

Perhaps, because of the passage of time and the discontinuation of inheritance, the current temple members no longer know this.

But this also means that the Holy See may not know it either!

Then, this becomes a neglected blind spot, an unknown area shrouded in the fog of war!

"Tsk, maybe that woman who came to integrate the temple was not interested in these low-ranking members, but the unknown secrets of the temple!"

"Ah? Boss, what did you say?"

Wright waved his hand, quickly passed Grandet and came to the main hall.

But at this time, the hall was empty.

Those congressmen ran away early because they couldn't stand the ridicule, rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves.

"damn it……"

Wright looked around and saw that there were indeed many collections in the hall.

But he has no research on this aspect. He can only identify whether it has any effect by feeling the energy fluctuations.

After this round, he actually found two or three pieces, which contained complex magic circles and were rare magic tools.

This time, the worry in his heart became even heavier.

"Hey! Is anyone out of breath?"

Wright's voice echoed in the meeting hall, but unfortunately there was no response.

"Boss, don't worry!"

Grandet ran over quickly: "Our Chamber of Commerce has several seats in the parliament! I will call them all over now!"

"Call me here, call me here immediately! Also, call me the people you know and can call over!

Preferably someone who is particularly old! He knows the inside and outside of the temple very well! "

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Just as Grandet was about to turn around and leave through the small door, a voice suddenly came from the corner.

"Who is it! What's happening? I didn't see... am I sleeping?"

The person speaking was slurred and sounded drunk. Wright followed the sound and found a drunk man holding a wine bottle, slumped under a huge bronze statue.

" also a member of Parliament?"

Grandet came over to take a look and nodded repeatedly: "I know this man, his name is Idros, and he is a drunkard.

I used to often go to the food area of ​​our commercial street to drink and eat Overlord meals, but later I was banned from doing so by the Chamber of Commerce.

He is indeed a congressman, but... he is a little out of tune with those guys.

It is said that he has never accepted any of the gifts we sent. "

Wright raised his eyebrows: "I would rather eat the King's meal than receive gift money. What's the logic of this behavior?"

"Who! Who said I ate Overlord's meal? Hiccup?"

Idros was still quite unconvinced: "I used my poetry to pay the bill! It's just that those ignorant shopkeepers don't know what they're selling!"

Wright looked at Grandet: "Poetry?"

"Yes, the members of the temple are all the best in all walks of life. Although they have fallen now, there are still some capable people.

Some artists, in particular, still have some real abilities.

Although this guy is a drunkard, he seems to be a first-class bard. "

"What a first-class! It's top-notch!"

Jiu Mengzi struggled to sit up and opened his arms, his mouth full of alcohol.

"I! I am an eagle soaring freely in the sky! I want the blue sky and white clouds to be heard! My loud and high-pitched eagle cry!"

Laita suddenly drew out his sinful light and slashed diagonally towards the man's neck.

The sword blade cut directly into the base of the bronze sculpture behind Idros, stopping accurately less than half an inch from his neck.

But the sharp cutting wind was still slapping him randomly on the face.

"Land me, eagle."

"Yes sir! No problem sir! Already landed, sir!"

Idros woke up instantly, and all his clothes were wet with sweat. It felt like the whole person had sobered up all of a sudden.

"You are a troubadour, what kind of thing?"

"I am a general practitioner, sir! I know a little bit about everything, sir! If you have anything to do, please feel free to tell me, sir!"

Wright looked around: "Let me ask you, did your newly appointed unlucky vice president take anything from here?"

“Sir, the congressmen here engage in dirty deeds every day, and it is common for them to carry things home.

Are you referring to anything in particular? "


"Too...too general, sir?"

As soon as Grandet heard that the boss was looking for the missing ancient things, he immediately started looking around the hall.

Finally, as if he had discovered a new continent, he pointed at the largest bronze sculpture in the center of the hall and shouted.

"No more! No more! That one is gone!"

"What? What's gone?"

Wright looked in the direction of his finger: "Whose sculpture is this?"

"Sir, this is the sculpture of Ray Lister, the first president of the Temple Council! Alas! It is indeed gone!"

"On the contrary! Nothing is gone!"

"Armor! It's armor!"

Grandet pointed at the sculpture excitedly: "It turns out that this sculpture is wearing armor! A complete set!"

Wright looked up and down: "It feels like this sculpture is now one piece. Are you sure it originally had armor?"

"Yes! I'm so sure! The grandsons of the permanent director once asked me for money, just in the name of maintaining the armor of this sculpture!"

Wright's eyes fell on Idros, who immediately felt blessed.

"Sir, I know everything! I can also hear Lelist's biography! Do you want to listen to the full version or the playing and singing version?

If I want to play or sing, I have to get my instrument! "

"Explain clearly within one hundred and forty words!"

"As you wish, sir!"

Idros took a deep breath: "The legendary first-generation temple president helped the goddess win the war of the gods. But in order to restrain the powerful, he signed a contract with the gods.

When the Holy See betrays its faith, when the gods are no longer kind! Then someone will inherit his will! Wearing his hunting light armor!

Save everything!

Less than a hundred words! Sir, are you satisfied? "

Wright frowned: "Hunting Light Armor?"

"When the light is no longer kind to all living beings, let it hunt. That's probably what it means."

"So, this is a pair of armor specifically designed to restrain the Holy Light Cult?"

Idros nodded repeatedly: "It is recorded in the legendary poems like this, sir.

But so far, it has only been worn on statues to commemorate the great achievements of the first President of the Temple Council, and has never shown any great power.

Moreover, this bronze sculpture is three to four meters high, and the first president was just an ordinary person.

There is still doubt whether this set of armor is the one he wore originally! "

Wright held his chin in thought: "Well..."

At this moment, Grandet suddenly shouted: "Boss, there are words on the base of this sculpture!"

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