This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 469 My Judgment

The moment the energy cube was embedded in the chest, the entire space began to tremble violently.

Then, Wright's body seemed to have gravity, absorbing metal parts from all directions.

On the battlefield, countless war machine wreckage rose into the sky and flew towards Wright.

After a period of twisting, fusion and deformation, a super-large humanoid combat machine was formed.

Looking at the majestic body of the Titan, the gods of the Gate of Truth present were instantly stunned.

They even forgot to escape, beg for mercy, and even forgot to resist.

The mechanical species on the ground knelt down in front of the huge war robot, and the machine soul fell into madness.

"Great Mecha God! Praise you!"

Wright slowly raised a hand and pointed it at these gods.

"Then, die here."


A scorching light gushed out from the hand of the Mecha God Mecha, and several gods were caught off guard and blasted into the ground on the spot.

The powerful destructive power made the other gods who had escaped by chance terrified.

"He, he, he, how can he have such a powerful force in such a world that blasphemed the road of God!?"

"Idiot, didn't I just say that?"

Wright opened several gun barrels all over his body and instantly locked the position of all enemies.

"I found the version answer! By the way, I am just a passing paladin.

Holy light and the like are my specialty.

If you don't believe it, take a few more shots and taste it yourself!"

Ten thousand arrows fired! Firepower coverage!

In an instant, the giant mecha body burst into countless rays of light and shot towards the enemy.

It was obvious that only Wright opened fire, but he instantly completed the fire suppression.

The enemy could only run around and could not organize an effective defense at all.

As Wright said, the power he used was the native power of this world, which was the version answer.

And these gods of the Gate of Truth belong to the outer gods. Although they have powerful divine power, they are not tolerated by the world.

It is impossible to use the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of the current dynasty.

Even if they use divine power and magic, it will be greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that they have never seen such power!

If you ask a god to defend against the attack of another god, he must have a plan.

Use divine power to fight divine power, use divine spells to resist divine spells, and use magic to solve magic.

However, they have divine power but cannot fight against electromagnetic guns, vortexes, hot melt rays and plasma bombs.

If you want to effectively resist something you have never seen, you must analyze and adapt.

Unfortunately, Wright will not give them a chance at all.

In desperation, they had to flee in all directions and look for opportunities to fight back.

Then they tragically discovered that their divine power moves were useless to Wright.

The reason is very simple. Wright's clone also has divine power.

Whether it is the application of divine power, the understanding of divine spells, or the tricks of the battles between gods, Wright knows everything.

He only needs to use conventional means of fighting against gods to deal with the enemy's means, and he can do it.

As a result, the whole scene suddenly tilted in a direction that was unfavorable to the Gate of Truth.

There was no way!

They attacked, and Wright could easily defend.

They did not understand the principle of Wright's attack, and could not analyze it, so they could only flee everywhere.

This was an unfair battle from the beginning.

However, it would be too ridiculous to seek fairness now.

After all, this chess game world of life and death was constructed by them. The basic rules of the world were also woven by them.

Not to mention, they made sufficient preparations before introducing Wright into this world of life and death.

They played so many tricks and took so many advantages.

For them, the early stage was such a wonderful start! It was no less than everyone leading by 10,000 economy at the beginning of the game, and only one person on the opposite side successfully entered the game.

In such a situation, they were chased and killed like dogs.

That is, for these members of the Gate of Truth, rationality is always above sensibility.

Otherwise, they would have committed suicide out of shame.

Now, they don't have to commit suicide, because Wright has already prepared to send them on their way.

In the empty fire network constructed by countless lasers, several gods were hit on the spot and fell directly to the ground, their lives unknown.

"Damn it, fight him!"

The tenth apostle shouted angrily, just wanting to show his concept power. As a result, a light wave suddenly burst out from Wright's body, forming a huge energy field.

"What's going on, my power! Why can't I use my power? My concept! My rules! My laws are gone!

What happened!"

Not only the tenth apostle, but all the other outer gods present found that their power was disappearing rapidly.

It's not consumption or loss, it's disappearance, or more accurately described as [invalidation].

"So you people just like to be smart."

Wright's voice echoed throughout the force field, like a real god in heaven.

"This mechanical world is a special chessboard world that was completed with the help of the power of blasphemy, and it is also an illusion world.

You can use the power of blasphemy, why can't I?

Since you can make the basic laws of this world lose the path to God, why can't I make you, the Outer Gods, lose the power of God?

Although there are some differences in the details, the principle is the same.

Since a world without God is the premise, then a force field that can make the Outer God lose the power of God is a natural thing, isn't it? "

Wright took a step, and the mechanical giant came towards his enemy.

"I have met the top dragon of the dragon clan, the force field dragon, twice, and his force field is still fresh in my memory.

For ordinary gods, the domain of God is absolute and unique.

However, for the force field dragon, he can use one force field after another to simulate one god's domain after another.

The force field is a simple domain.

This is very interesting, so I spent some time privately to learn it.

And now, I merged the force field with the power of the machine god, and got such an energy field that can carry the power of blasphemy.

I call it, [God Forbidden Energy Field].

And this energy field will also be your tomb with the highest technological content.

The high and mighty God, the God who toyed with the world and individual lives at will.

Here, welcome your judgment.

Start. "

At Wright's command, the machine species, who had long been bloodthirsty, rushed into the energy field.

The energy field that made the gods lose their power and support was useless to the machine species.

What awaited the gods would be a one-sided massacre.

The toys that they once manipulated at will were killed like chickens and dogs.

This was the end that Wright gave to the other party.

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