This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 336 This is a trap

This is indeed a trap.

Wright wants the world to be okay, but there are always people trying to get it.

He doesn't have a good temper, let alone being harassed over and over again.

Therefore, from the beginning, Wright had no intention of answering according to the question maker's intention. He planned to kill the question maker.

If possible, he would take over the entire question-producing organization.

He attacks, I defend.

Take precautions and everything will be fine. If you can't prevent it, the world will be destroyed.

You can definitely make money by co-writing with him, right?

If you fail, just pat your butt and walk away, pretending that nothing happened?

Beautiful thought!

Since you dare to come, you have to put your own life on the gambling table!

In order to invite you to the urn, Wright spared such a large circle and even allowed the other party to make mistakes to a certain extent.

The purpose is to take a long-term view to catch the big fish and solve the problem fundamentally at once!

And now, he saw Mrs. Corruption, the initiator of this incident.

"The seventh apostle, the lackey of the Gate of Truth."

Murderous intent surged in Wright's eyes: "You have offended someone you can't afford to offend, you know that, right?"

Mrs. Corruption was facing a formidable enemy at this moment. She could feel that the man in front of her was completely different from the demon just now.

He is dangerous.

The Holy Evil with special combat power in the Great World of Holy Light chased the Dragon Clan some time ago and almost killed the Dragon God Emperor Furious Red.

If the Meme Level, one of the three strongest forces of the Dragon Clan, hadn't stopped him, I'm afraid the Dragon Clan's forces would have been completely reshuffled.

Although according to rumors, this man did not fight against the meme-level master of the Dragon Clan, he almost killed the Dragon God Emperor and even escaped unscathed in front of the meme-level master, which already showed that the opponent was extraordinary.

But soon, Mrs. Corruption regained her composure.

So what if it's strong?

He has the greatest indescribable power in the world, a higher level of power given by the Gate of Truth, which he uses to deal with the man in front of him.

What's more, he must be like the demon just now, unable to exert his full power because he doesn't want to destroy the world.

Can win! I can win!

However, the next moment, one of her arms was cut off directly.

Wright reached out to catch it and put it in front of him to examine it.

"There seems to be no difference between the power of corruption and the rod of corruption, except that one is at the concept level and the other is at the law level.

But the strength is the same. It seems that you didn't make any achievements when you were at the rule level.

Hum, if you don’t expand your abilities well when you are at the rule level, you will regret it too late when you reach the concept level.

But that’s right, tens of thousands of rule levels may not produce a concept level, so why bother too much? "

Mrs. Corruption covered her broken arm and looked at Wright and

"You, you, you! How, how did you did you do that?"

Wright shook his arm: "You are very smart, and you also know how to lure the tiger away from the mountain. You transferred me to the country of the First Empire to play with the Sage of the Sky who was fooled by you.

Unfortunately, you forgot one thing.

Information and intelligence are the top priority in wars between conceptual levels. "

Wright raised his hand and slashed with his sword again. Madam Corruption grabbed the pus and blood from the wound in her arm and spread it towards the incoming holy sword.

The fact that he was able to hurt himself just now must be due to the sword.

If his weapons are corroded, there will be nothing to fear!


However, what Mrs. Corruption didn't expect was that Wright's sword showed no sign of stopping.

The sword edge first split the god's dirty blood in her palm, and then cut off her entire palm.


Mrs. Corruption whined and flew backwards.

These two swords seemed simple and innocent, but they left unimaginable trauma to Mrs. Corruption.

Her body recovered well, but there were cracks in her soul, and even her divine foundation was shaken.

Looking at Wright coming with the sword, her eyes were filled with fear.

Man retains a fear of the incomprehensible, and so does God.

"Why, weren't you very arrogant just now? Aren't you going to destroy this world and give us some color?

I quite admire your unruly look just now. Can you please recover? "

"Impossible! Impossible! Your concept is light! It is emergence! I know it!

Your concepts do not restrain me! I know!

You...why can you hurt me? You use far less conceptual power than I do! Why can you hurt me? ! "

Looking at the hysterical Mrs. Corruption, Wright sneered.

"You've done a lot of research, but do you know that my concept of emergence actually has a usage!

That is to temporarily promote other laws and rules to conceptual level power.

The last person to be severely beaten because of this ability was the former devil of lies and now the master of fairy tales, Pinocchio.

I think he still remembers how brutally he was beaten by the power of rule-level law.

That's right, what worked when I hit you just now was not the power of emergence, and certainly not the power of law, but...healing. "

Wright held the Sinlight Great Sword upright in front of him and gently wiped the sword blade.

"Aren't you guys a little too stupid to just chase me and investigate alone?

Even if you are chasing me to investigate alone, you should know.

I'm a paladin!

I am a paladin!

Why is everyone starting to ignore this issue?

I will pray to the Holy Light, and God will give me the power of the Holy Light.

Among them, there is the effect of helping patient treatment.

For example, Holy Healing, Holy Healing·Change, Holy Healing Magic Change, Heavenly Protection, etc. "

Ruan Hua was a little dumbfounded now. She did investigate a lot of information about Wright, but she forgot to investigate the information about him as a Paladin.

In their opinion, the Paladin is just this man's usual disguise.

He is already a conceptual level strongman, and so powerful.

What necessary help can the so-called Paladin provide him?

But now it's clear that it helped a lot.

"Holy light, isn't it magical? It can not only heal external and internal injuries, it can even cure common diseases, and it can also bring the dead back to life.

Moreover, it is legal to bring back the dead!

Unlike your corrupt power, the resurrection of the Holy Light is approved by the God of Death and does not affect the screening of the great will of the underworld.

Comparing the two, I don’t know how high the Holy Light is. "

Wright said as he walked towards the enemy.

"It's just corruption, you can drive it away with the Holy Light!"

Then, an arc of the Holy Light Sword flashed across, scaring the other party into fleeing one after another.

"Haha, it's fake. I didn't use much power of emergence in that sword strike just now, and the natural holy light is not a concept-level attack.

What are you hiding from? "

Mrs. Corruption's eyes widened and she looked at Wright angrily.

She felt humiliated, extremely humiliated.

Are you being played by the other party like a cat and a mouse?

She gathered the power of corruption, turned into a crescent scepter, and attacked Wright.

Wright slashed out five arcs of the Holy Light Sword with his backhand, directly blocking the opponent's dodge route.

Mrs. Corruption held her breath and concentrated, hoping to determine that among the five arcs of the Holy Light Sword, some of them had been enhanced to conceptual level intensity by the power of emergence.

"Only this one is true!"

Mrs. Corruption seemed to see the difference between real and fake, and then happily hid, and headed directly towards Wright with four phantoms.

Puff puff puff puff!

Mrs. Corruption was severely slashed by four flying slashes of holy light that had a healing effect, and she flew backwards with dirty blood spurting from her mouth.

Wright laughed when he saw this.

"Idiot, just believe whatever I say. In fact, the Five Ways are all genuine.

And my power of emergence is fully stocked, so I don’t need to use it carefully. "

Wright looked at the embarrassed Mrs. Corruption and felt very happy.

Holy Light, for corruption, can't be considered a professional counterpart, but it can be considered very restrained.

In addition to holy light, life elements are also a means of healing, but the concept of life will not have any suppression on corruption.

On the contrary, decay is even a threat to life.

But the holy light is different, or the healing effect it contains is different from the life elements in principle!

The life element works based on the vitality of all things. It is more like an external reward mechanism.

The purpose is achieved by injecting an excessive amount of life elements into the body.

Therefore, the corruption that feeds on the power of life will even crave the magic of life.

It's like adding fuel to the fire.

But Holy Light is different, it is more like a panacea.

It cannot increase the vitality in the human body, but it can have many miraculous effects.

This situation cannot be explained by theory, because light energy can heal injuries or even cure diseases, which itself has no theoretical support.

Therefore, in Wright's view, this is a very arrogant and unreasonable healing ability.

This is also one of the reasons why he invented the holy healing technique in the first place.

He hoped to understand the principle and found that it was magical and sacred, but it just didn't make sense.

But precisely because of this, corruption has no way to start.

This is easy to understand, since Mrs. Corruption was formerly Lady Moon, Corruption should be the product of the distortion of her original life power.

"So, from the beginning, you have already lost."

Wright's eyes were full of coldness: "It can even be said that you are hitting the muzzle of the gun!

This world is called the Great World of Holy Light, and the Divine Court is called the Holy Light Divine Court. The main people in charge are Aphra and Joanna, the twin goddesses of Holy Light.

You, a concept god with the level of oral ulcers, should not come out and embarrass yourself. "

Mouth...mouth ulcer?

Mrs. Corruption's eyebrows stood up in anger when she heard Wright use this word to describe her concept.

"I want you to know the price of such arrogance!"

Seeing that she was no match for Wright, Mrs. Corruption turned around and fled away.

"Want to run away? You are so beautiful!"

Wright immediately mentioned the sinful light, turned into a stream of light and chased after him.

"Wright, this area has been isolated from the outside by me. I must not let this corrupt lady go, do you understand?"

Lilith's voice echoed in his ears, and Wright suddenly laughed: "Don't worry, how could I let her go?"

"Pay attention, she is going to the Tree of Life!"

"I know, don't worry, it's okay. I have already thought of a solution to the problem of the Tree of Life."


"Of course, and I also thought of how to fight back!"

Wright followed Mrs. Corruption's hand unhurriedly, his eyes flashing sharply.

“This matter cannot be left alone.

Just one corrupt lady and it’s all over? There is no door! "

Wright clenched his fists and said with murderous intent: "I want to take over the underworld! The Life God System! And the Gate of Truth!

Pay the price for everything!

It just so happens that this world has become very fragile and barren due to the overgrazing by the gods in the past.

So I am going to get some big pigs, horses, cows and sheep to replenish the world!

The best thing is to eliminate all hidden dangers.

This world is just like people. Those who are strong and healthy are less likely to get sick, while others are always unavoidable from major illnesses and minor disasters.

This time..."

Wright stopped on the island in the middle of the lake and watched Madam Corruption arrive in front of the Ancient Tree of Life.

“I want to improve the current world from a sub-healthy state to a healthy state.

Such a healthy world will save me a lot of time! "

"So, in your eyes, this Lady of Corruption is just fertilizer that nourishes the world?"

"She is just the beginning."

Wright walked forward with the Holy Sword of Sin Light, Yaoyao pointed at the Corrupt Lady under the Tree of Life.

"I said, after all, you are a conceptual level strongman, why can't you just run away if you can't defeat him?

Isn’t it a little late to ask the Tree of Life to bless you?

Or is it that you instigated that idiot Sisilis to put the magic circle on the Ancient Tree of Life back then? "

The magic circle has been moved, and Wright is really not afraid of any little tricks from her.

Today, she must die here.

Perhaps, becoming a transformation material for the Tree of Life is also a good choice.

"Humph! You have no idea what the blossoming of the Tree of Life means! I'm going to drag all of you into the underworld!"

Mrs. Corruption was almost forced to a dead end at this moment.

Her corrupting ability was sealed in this area by Lilith, who was also at the conceptual level.

And the man in front of her took away all the moonlight as soon as he arrived, causing her plan to corrupt the world to fail instantly.

The next few blows were even more deadly!

How crazy is it to be able to elevate rules and even laws to conceptual level power?

Emergence, how could it have such terrifying power?

Mrs. Corruption understood that if she continued like this, she might really be purified and healed by the Holy Light.

She had to activate her final trump card.

I saw Mrs. Corruption reaching out and pressing on the Divine Tree of Life, and her power quickly swallowed up the entire ancient tree.

"Lite, is it really okay to let her do this? The Ancient Tree of Life is gone!"

"I have already obtained the Divine Crown of the Burning Sun King and the design for upgrading the Ancient Tree of Life. However, I don't like it very much, so I also made a small upgrade."

Wright looked at the melted ancient tree of life and licked his tongue: "Just wait and see."

At this moment, Mrs. Corruption also let out a harsh laugh.

"Hahahaha, stupid and arrogant guy! Go and regret your arrogance!

world! Will eventually fall into the sea of ​​underworld! "

Wright chuckled: "No! Because the sun! It rises as usual!"

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