This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 214 All the truth comes out

Wright's words left everyone confused.

Emily was the most curious, and she took Wright's hand and shook it vigorously.

"What, what, how does it make sense?"

Wright looked at her: "Faith is the best choice for gods to quickly gain divine power and stabilize their divinity.

I remember what I told you, if you are a god and your followers are steadfast in one of your divinities.

For example, they all firmly believe that you can spit fire, so your fire-breathing divinity will be continuously strengthened.

When your fire-breathing divinity accumulates to a certain level, it will be converted into the fire-breathing law power.

When the power of the law becomes perfect, it is the rule of promotion.

So, why does the believer’s faith have such power?

Because the essence of the power of faith is the fragments of believers' souls, plus the will to believe in something.

The world's understanding of the soul is actually wrong, and even its understanding of the body is wrong.

If you can conduct microscopic observation, you will find that the physical body is actually composed of countless extremely tiny structures.

Over there in our hometown, we call them cells.

Cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, organs make up systems, and systems make up the human body. This is the truth of the physical body.

So since the body is composed of countless tiny cells, what about the soul?

The answer is that the soul is also composed of countless small structures.

But unfortunately, I haven't done enough research on this part. I only know that the soul is not integrated.

It will also metabolize like the ship of Theseus, and those tiny structures will be metabolized.

I call it, soul crumbs.

These fragments possess energy and can carry simple beliefs.

When these spiritual fragments are given a firm belief in the gods, they will be ignited and become speckled sparks.

But when these sparks gather together, they will become the divine fire ignited by the gods.

And the sparks ignited by these spiritual dust are actually the [power of faith] that the gods love most.

Do you still remember that Unica and Gladys both have half of the witch's power? "

Emily nodded repeatedly, "Ah, yes. We are still wondering why there are two witches."

"Actually, only Unika is the witch, because the witch plan requires generations of soul sacrifices to accumulate energy.

At the same time, fairy tales widely circulated among the people give it characteristics.

The fusion of energy and characteristics is the power of the witch.

Think about it, is it similar to divinity?

However, the soul fragments provided by countless believers have become the personal soul energy accumulation of generations of witches.

Therefore, His Majesty the Poseidon just said that the power of witches is actually very similar to divinity.

Because essentially, the composition of both is the same.

This is also the reason why the power of the witch has similar laws and even rules-level power. "

Having said this, Wright paused and gave Emily and others some time to think before speaking again.

"Gladys herself said that her mother did not die after giving birth to her, and she was already hundreds of years old when the Tower of Truth was destroyed.

Therefore, she cannot be the Witch of the Sea.

The witch's power in her body should be something like a witch's token such as a fairy wand or a glass slipper, which was forcibly plundered.

The reason why the power of the witch was added to her body was to suppress the consciousness of the ancient ocean god in her body and prevent its resurrection.

Am I right? His Majesty the Poseidon.

You cooperated with the people from the Tower of Truth, but you violated the contract signed by all the groups. "

Poseidon nodded: "I am here to save my daughter's life, otherwise I would not be willing to cooperate with them."

"Why didn't you come to us?"

"I tried it, but it didn't work. The light and divinity in the Eye of Poseidon didn't have any effect.

In this case, I think the Goddess of Holy Light will probably be helpless.

As for why it has no effect, I still can't figure it out. "

Wright actually laughed: "Probably the same trick cannot work twice against the ancient ocean god.

Just like now, Gladys still has the power of the witch in her body, but it still cannot stop the will in her body from awakening.

Oh, right. The Poseidon's blood in Gladys' body was also taken out by people from the Tower of Truth, right? "

Poseidon nodded, then shook his head,

“The situation with Poseidon’s Blood is rather complicated.

My daughter Gladys is gifted and has the appearance of a sea goddess.

She was born with almost perfect talent. Whether it's sea fighting energy, sea magic, or the Tide Summoning Curse, you can quickly control it.

The most important thing is that the Poseidon's blood in her body is so rich that it's amazing.

Although fighting to the death can accumulate the blood of the Sea Emperor, my daughter has never killed any Sea Emperor.

She is just extremely talented!

If we were from any other ethnic group, we would probably be able to laugh out loud at night.

But we are the sea people, and we are the back-up people left behind to help the ancient ocean god recover all the time.

The stronger the talent, the more likely it is to become the host body of the ancient ocean god.

I don't want my daughter to be a victim!

So, I prayed to Poseidon, hoping to use the light divinity in Poseidon's Eye to suppress her power.

Poseidon readily agreed. "

Emily whispered quietly: "Is this Poseidon quite reasonable?"

Wright sneered: "Nonsense, because his father has already used this method once. In other words, he has successfully offended the ancient ocean god once.

If the ancient Poseidon resurrects, whether it is for Poseidon's divinity or seeking revenge from him, he will not let go of their father and son.

Of course they would be happy to avoid this trouble. "


Poseidon coughed twice: "In short, we used the same method as before.

But since there is no way to test it, we can only succeed by default.

In this way, time passed little by little. In the blink of an eye, Gladys grew up and everything was as usual.

We all thought that we had succeeded and no longer had to worry about the ancient ocean god.

But just a few years ago, this child suddenly fell seriously ill and was lying in bed talking nonsense.

Her language is obscure and difficult to understand, and she feels like she is completely different.

I prayed to Poseidon, but by then Poseidon had completely left this world and was temporarily unable to respond to my call.

Later we speculated that this was probably a sign of the resurrection of the ancient Poseidon in her body.

Just when we were helpless, a group of mysterious people found us.

They told us about the Tower of Truth's Witch Plan and claimed they could help us solve this problem.

Not only can she use the power of the witch to suppress the will of the ancient Poseidon, but she can also drain the Poseidon's blood from her body! "

Wright was surprised: "Is it the Truth Workshop?"

"Yes, that's them."

Wright pinched his brows and said, "I see. It's a good thing for these bastards to spare me such a big deal.

I have to admit that the Tower of Truth even has the qualifications to challenge me when it comes to causing trouble. "

Even Lilith was a little confused now: "Why, is the Truth Workshop manipulating all this behind the scenes?"

Wright waved his hand: "No, they are the group of people who lit the fuse. But the development of the situation has been far beyond their control.

The very beginning was the time when Gladys was sick and talking nonsense.

It should correspond to the time period when the former city lord of Harbor City found the small fishing village and entered it with the magician of the Truth Workshop.

The effect of that incident was that the oath made by the ancient ocean god and the village guardian was broken.

I predict that maybe this was not a vow at first, but more like a bet.

In this bet, the village guard failed in the end and the ancient ocean god won, causing her to resuscitate in Gladys' body.

However, due to the suppression of the divinity of light, her recovery failed and she fell into silence again.

Then, the remnants of Truth went to the Holy City to cause trouble, and at the same time broke the seal of the Demon of Lies.

Then, the Demon of Lies discovered the power that the small fishing village had nowhere to put, and then used it to lay out its plans in Harbor City.

At the same time, the people from the Truth Workshop found His Majesty the Poseidon, and under the pretext of treating the disease, they actually dragged the Little Mermaid into doing research.

Of course, they were really doing something, and they did find a way to deprive Unica of her witch power and give it to the Little Mermaid.

It's just that Unika hasn't awakened yet, so she doesn't feel anything.

But then, for further planning, the Demon of Lies suddenly attacked their underground alchemy workshop.

Accidentally released the disaster-level containment object Crocodile, and almost caused the death of the Little Mermaid.

He tried to get Unika's uncle, the youngest son of the last generation of village guardians, to commit serial murders to complete the sacrifice and strengthen the fishing village.

But this is actually invisibly charging the ancient ocean god in Gladys' body.

Later, we defeated the demon of lies and completely destroyed the fishing village.

Everything seemed to have been perfectly resolved, but at this time, the ancient Poseidon in Gladys' body had already met the other conditions for recovery.

There's just one last step left. "

After listening to Wright's explanation, everyone still seemed to understand. Especially Poseidon, his brows knitted together.

"Your Highness Wright, your reasoning is very interesting, but you also said that the Poseidon's blood in Gladys' body is gone.

This is the most important anchor point for Poseidon to revive! "

"Yeah Wright."

Unica also said quickly: "You prepared such a grand welcome ceremony, isn't it because you are afraid that Gladys will be bullied after returning without the blood of the Sea Emperor?"

Wright chuckled: "Isn't it easy to get the blood of the Poseidon? Although Gladys doesn't have the blood of the Poseidon, she is still a member of the Poseidon family.

As long as you pass the death battle, can you accumulate the blood of Poseidon again? "

The Queen waved her hand: "Impossible, Gladys is kind-hearted and never conflicts with anyone.

She, she won't fight to the death! "

"What if there is a group of sea royalty who are eager for the return of the ancient sea god?"

Wright's question brought the atmosphere in the entire bedroom to a freezing point. From the ugly expressions on the faces of the Poseidon and the Poseidon, it can be seen that the if that Wright mentioned is not just an if.

In fact, this is easy to understand. The third generation of Poseidon surrendered without a fight in the last war between the gods.

This, to him, is repayment to the Goddess of Holy Light.

But for the Hai Clan, the ministers are about to fight to the death, so why does Your Majesty surrender first?

To this day, the Sea Clan is still unwilling to acknowledge the status of the overlord of the human world, and is even more unconvinced that the Goddess of Holy Light is the main god of the world.

Under such extreme emotions, it is not surprising that there is a group of young people who hate the third generation Poseidon and miss the ancient Poseidon.

He must have gone through the battle of the gods in the ancient sea god, but he single-handedly resisted the siege of all the other gods!

Although defeated, it is still glorious!

Seeing that Queen Hai did not refute, Wright continued to sort out the development of the incident.

“From the very beginning, the previous city lord of Harbor City got in touch with some high-ranking people from the Sea Clan and gained a firm foothold.

I think his backers in the Sea Clan are those fanatical believers in the ancient sea gods.

It was this group of guys who, after taking control of the former city lord, coerced him to take the people from the Truth Workshop to the small fishing village.

This led to a series of things happening next!

Now, everything is ready, the ancient sea god is about to return, all he needs is some sea god's blood.

I feel that at this time, they will not be stingy with their lives.

When the last piece of the puzzle was put together, Gladys became the ancient Poseidon.

And now, I don’t know what method this ancient sea god used to effectively solve the problem of the incompatibility of natural gods with divinity.

She can now use the witch's power quite easily.

The monsters that attacked Harbor City should be the products of the alchemy of the Sea Tribe. "

Having said this, Wright suddenly took out the sapphire given to him by Unika's grandfather, the last guardian of the fishing village.

“No, I want to correct that.

There may have been more than three sea gods in this world's past.

Before the ancient Poseidon, there might have been a stronger, older, and more mysterious [Sea] who had been promoted to an indescribable level.

The guardians of Haiglo Village do not believe in the ancient ocean god, but this more terrifying [sea].

The ancient ocean god was the dominant one back then, but failed to advance, so that he is still able to revive now, and he has integrated other divinities with the foundation of a natural god.

These are not things that a law god can do.

Maybe at that time, she had already obtained part of [Hai]'s legacy.

As for the bet in the fishing village, it may be her strategy to obtain the sapphire.

But she didn't expect that mere mortals could persist for so long from generation to generation.

I stupefied her to death first.

But it was this bet that gave her the chance to make a comeback now. "

Lilith was highly different after all, and she quickly understood what Wright wanted to express.

"So that's it. The fog when the sea monster attacked must have been caused by the other party.

Now that she knows that the thing she dreamed of is in your hands, she will probably go even crazier to trouble you. "

Wright sneered: "She has caused so much trouble for me, and I haven't planned to let her go yet!

Your Majesty the Poseidon, you two don’t have to worry about Gladys’ safety.

I will naturally rescue her safely. After all, I promised her that I will always protect her.

As for that ancient god of the ocean, I’m sorry, maybe not even the dregs will be left. "

Poseidon shuddered, and he felt the boundless murderous intention from Wright's calm tone.

Suddenly he felt a little lucky that it was not him who would offend this man.

"That's the best! Then I'll trouble you, Your Highness the Saint!"

Lilith asked quietly: "Hey, what are you going to do next?"

"Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a moment."

Wright rubbed his hands and laughed: "The witch power in Gladys is the biggest flaw of the Ocean God.

Fairy Tale Town has been built for so long, and it’s time to give it some use. "

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