In the Alchemy City, a fierce battle is going on.

The paladin army formed a sword-like formation, weaving in and out of the undead army, almost defeating the Apoptotic Rose's army.

The Holy Light's restraint effect on the undead is too terrifying, and the power of these paladins is perfectly gathered together, making the entire legion indestructible.

The holy light turned into a sharp blade and cut the undead army into pieces, making it impossible to organize effective resistance.

James Watson did not join the charge of the troops. It was a complete waste for a legendary strongman like him to charge with his men.

As a light priest, James Watson has mastered hundreds of magical arts. What he has to do now is to float above the battlefield and continuously bless this army with magical arts.

Group courage, words of healing, anti-death barrier, chain of protection... With the use of various magical spells, the combat effectiveness of this paladin army has increased more than ten times. From the beginning of the war to now, there has not been a single wounded person, but there have been Killed three digits of undead.

If it weren't for the fact that there were many powerful death knights in the opponent's army and an absurd number of golems, the paladins would have won long ago. But now it's only a matter of time. This undead army seems to be patchwork, and the coordination of arms is extremely unreasonable.

Suddenly, a dark green light flew from the side and hit James Watson accurately.

Finger of Death, this is a high-level necromancy spell that is said to be able to kill a giant dragon instantly. Once it successfully kills the target, it will instantly turn the target into a zombie and be controlled by the caster.

However, the destructive necrotic energy could not penetrate James Watson's magic shield, but only caused an enchanted ring on his hand to shatter.

James Watson sneered and said, "I've been waiting for you."

A bright light lit up from the top of James Watson's head and spread into a blazing halo.

In mid-air, the figure of Apoptotic Rose was blasted out by the halo, and the raging holy fire spread to her body, constantly burning her undead body.

This is a magical technique that only light priests can master - Dawn, which borrows the power of the Lord of the Dawn to create a halo that can dispel all darkness. This darkness does not only refer to the environment, but also all dark things hidden nearby.

Apoptotic Rose had been hiding using advanced invisibility. She just took the risk of using the Finger of Death to kill James Watson. Unexpectedly, he blocked such a powerful necromancy spell and counterattacked instantly.

The power of the Holy Light continued to erode Apoptotic Rose's body, using dark magic as nourishment, burning crazily, and wrapping her whole body in it.

Any other undead would have been rolling on the ground in pain.

But Apoptotic Rose seemed to feel nothing, allowing the holy light to spread throughout her body. Her scarlet eyes stared at James Watson through the barrier of the holy light.

James Watson only felt a numbness in his body. He keenly felt that dark magic was invading his body, as if a hole had been dug in his chest and a large amount of putrid corpse water was being poured into it.

There was no obvious pain, more numbness, which made his body go stiff.

James Watson had to cast himself on the Advanced Restoration Spell, a magical spell that could lift most of the curses. The effect cannot be said to be non-existent. The numb feeling did disappear the moment the magic was cast, but after the magic was completed, this feeling quickly reappeared.

This turned out to be a continuous curse effect. The dark magic was constantly eroding his body and turning him into an undead.

Such a terrible curse reminded James Watson of a terrible name

"It turns out it's you, you are the Queen of the Undead who invaded Ryan two hundred years ago!"

Apoptotic Rose let out a crazy laugh: "Hahaha, the moment your shield shattered, I have locked you with the fire of the soul. No need to struggle, become my puppet, I will turn you into The lowest zombie hangs on the gate of the capital of Ryan."

"The arrogant undead."

Even when facing a legendary figure, James Watson did not panic at all and cast a most common spell on himself - gasification body.

This is a very common spell that can turn the caster's body into a cloud of smoke, making him completely immune to physical attacks and most magical attacks. It is generally used to pass through some special terrain, such as drilling into door cracks, passing through pipes, etc.

Amber Xiu also used this spell to get in through a narrow sewer opening.

Although the death gaze of the Apoptotic Rose is very powerful, after locking on the opponent, it can continuously inject dark magic power and forcefully transform the opponent into an undead.

But the premise is that the other party needs to be a living creature.

The effect of the gasification body spell is to completely transform the human body into smoke. It is not an illusion, but a real mist.

In this state, no amount of dark magic can transform James Watson's body, which is equivalent to breaking the Apoptotic Rose's strongest method.

But doing so is not without cost.

In the state of gas transformation, James Watson lost most of his spell-casting abilities, and most of the various magical spells previously blessed on the paladin legion were ineffective.

The paladin legion that was originally charging rampant among the undead and golems suddenly slowed down. The slower cavalry found it difficult to rely on formation to win.

It's just that James Watson is very confident that the strength of these paladins alone is enough to kill all enemies.

Sure enough, as soon as the speed slowed down, the paladins dispersed and fought with the long swords shining with holy light in their hands. The Holy Swords came one after another, and the killing effect was not much worse than the previous group charge.

James Watson is not afraid that the Apoptotic Rose will turn around to deal with the paladins, because he knows that the opponent's death gaze requires full concentration to be used. Once his attention is diverted, he can also return to his original form and serve the paladins again. Provide assistance.

As for auxiliary abilities, Apoptotic Rose, the Queen of the Undead, cannot compare with James Watson, the Light Priest.

James Watson thought to himself: "I am lucky this time. The troops led by this undead queen are very fragile. When the victory is established on the battlefield below, the paladin army can gather strength and kill this undead queen, although it only purifies her." body, but it’s still a good harvest.”

James Watson felt that he had the advantage over me when suddenly a loud noise came, as deafening as a meteorite impact.

The headless horseman riding an eight-legged giant horse suddenly appeared and rushed towards the paladin army.

This giant and giant horse together are more than ten meters tall. He is a complete monster. The strong dark magic wraps around his body, turning him into a smoke-filled meteorite, moving towards the Holy Spirit with a crazy attitude. The warriors rushed.

Gareth the Headless Horseman, a man who once brought shame to the empire.

At that time, he was just a lonely little undead, relying only on a rusty sword to cut his way to escape. His record seemed impressive. He was able to escape from being chased and intercepted by thousands of paladins, but there were too many embarrassing situations. Gareth relied on various sneak attacks and traps to escape. His survival several times was down to luck.

But things are different now. Gareth is wearing the top-grade enchanted armor built for him by the Dragon Clan and riding an undead war horse specially trained for him. The combination of the two becomes an unstoppable torrent of darkness.

Those golem puppets made of whole metal are like little bugs blocking the road in front of Gareth. They will either be crushed by the horse's hooves or knocked away, not to mention the more fragile undead, which will only be crushed by Gareth like dead leaves. The whirlwind caused by the charge was blown away.

Ignoring the enemy and ourselves, the knight's charge did not care about his own people, but only targeted the scattered paladins.

James Watson's face was full of shock. Where did this headless horseman come from?

The poor light priest didn't know that the captured paladins had been trained for a period of time under Amber's "confusion", and all memories of Gareth had been blocked. He only knew that he had been tricked by Amber. Xiu plotted against him and was captured, but he couldn't tell what exactly happened.

Therefore, James Watson didn't even know Gareth existed.

And Alchemy City, which had always wanted to trick James Watson, would not take the initiative to give him detailed information, keeping the supreme judge in the dark.

The time was too short. If James Watson hadn't started fighting as soon as he entered the city, he might have been able to check that their memory had been manipulated and prepare in advance. Now, James Watson can only bear the consequences of intelligence errors.

The scattered paladins had no chance of stopping Gareth, and each one of them was trampled to pulp under the iron hooves of the behemoth, or was knocked away.

Gareth doesn't use any fancy spells, he just charges. Such extreme power is enough to break all the paladin's defenses.

James Watson saw a thick black fog streaking across the battlefield in mid-air, leaving a terrible ravine.

At least thirty paladins died in this charge, and many others who were knocked away were seriously injured.

James Watson could no longer stand by and took the initiative to dispel the spell effect of the gasified body.

As soon as he returned to his human form, the numb feeling reappeared, and Apoptotic Rose had no intention of letting him go.

James Watson knew that he had no way out. If he didn't want to be turned into a zombie, he could only use his most powerful ability.

Ignoring the changes in his body, James Watson recited the hymn of the Lord of the Morning with the most pious gesture. Countless white-gold lights began to fall from the sky, completely covering James Watson like a canopy.

The power of the light priest comes from the gift of the gods. The most powerful power of the light priest is naturally to summon the gods to come.

Divine Intervention, a powerful divine spell that even legendary level priests of light can only use once a year.

In desperation, he prayed to the Lord of the Dawn for a single glance.

The holy light fell, and a majestic figure loomed in the sky. The Lord of the Dawn responded to James Watson's prayer and overlooked the city from his kingdom of God.

A loud rumbling sound was heard, and the entire Alchemy City was shaking. The earth began to crack, and countless dust was shaken into the sky.

James Watson just felt lucky that the power of the gods was still so great, but soon he felt something was wrong.

The magic of divine intervention has not yet fully developed its power, and the earthquake in the alchemical city has nothing to do with the magic.

There seems to be something hidden underneath this city, and it is destroying the city!

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