This lich needs more money

Chapter 81 Cruel, vicious and crazy!

The moment Gary Watts' soul appeared, Amberxiu threw the quill away, quickly cast several defensive spells on himself, and then prepared to jump out of the window and run away.

But Gary Watts just stretched out his finger and tapped it, and the window completely turned into gold, integrated with the wall, and could no longer be opened.

Since you can't run away, then you simply don't run away, or you'll be reborn again at worst. Amber Xiu simply stood there, waiting for the arrival of the Apoptotic Rose.

Looking at the window that turned into gold, Amberxiu said in a jealous tone: "It is such an enviable legendary favor to turn stone into gold."

Amberxiu's jealousy is sincere. If he had this legendary favor, how could he be so poor?

Gary Watts shook his head and said: "You misunderstood, my legendary favor is not the Midas touch, but now is not the time to talk about this. We can sit down and have a good discussion later."

"Aren't you ready to take action?" Amberxiu said strangely.

Gary Watts shook his head again and said calmly: "I don't have the confidence to snatch this child away under the watchful eyes of this undead queen."

As soon as the old man finished saying this, several hazy shadows appeared next to Amber Xiu. It was Apoptotic Rose and her death knight guards. They had entered the room using group invisibility just now and were preparing to give the old man a sneak attack. Unexpectedly, all the advanced invisibility techniques had been seen through.

Amberxiu immediately felt at ease. With Apoptotic Rose, at least he wouldn't be afraid of this bad old man in terms of combat effectiveness.

Gary Watts did not look at Amberxiu's proud expression. He turned to Naomi and said, "My child, let me tell you the truth. You are my great-granddaughter and my only blood relative today."

Naomi didn't speak. She couldn't accept the so-called truth yet. She just wanted to escape from this place. She didn't want to know whether the old man was the mysterious president or a relative of hers.

Escape may be shameful, but for Naomi it is the easiest option.

"As the shadow druid said, I was conducting a great experiment, but for a long time, I was stuck in place and could not move forward. Until one day, my daughter died due to an accident. Although I was obsessed with research, , the relationship with her was very unfamiliar, but her death still made me inexplicably sad.

"But it was also because of this unspeakable grief that my soul entered a special state. At that time, I discovered that this could bring me closer to the goal I wanted to achieve.

"So, I began to pay attention to my granddaughter. I personally educated and raised her and developed a deep relationship with her. On the day she passed away, my grief was many times stronger than before, but after the grief, my My soul was sublimated once again, and I was convinced that this was the right path."

At this time, Gary Watts' tone was as plain as if he was telling someone else's story. Regardless of whether Naomi could accept it or not, he continued: "So, I had a crazy idea. When I cut off all blood ties, , perhaps, it can really make the soul escape from the mundane world and enter the realm of gods.

"But because the experiment has reached the final stage, I can no longer raise you personally. I will send you to the tribe of Shadow Druid and let them raise you on your behalf..."

Amberxiu suddenly spoke and said to the president: "It's not just raising her up. The Shadow Druid will not have any feelings for a sacrifice, but this girl obviously had a good childhood. You started talking to them In the transaction content, it definitely did not say that the girl was a sacrifice, but instead told them to take good care of her, and the truth was not revealed until recently, right?"

When Naomi heard this, she was also confused and asked excitedly: "Why? Why is it so unnecessary?!"

If she hadn't been treated warmly since childhood, Naomi wouldn't be so desperate now.

Amber Xiu snorted coldly and explained: "Because you are not miserable enough, he is not heartbroken enough.

"Didn't he just say that only enough grief can stimulate his numb soul? He has no time to cultivate feelings with you. If you were treated indifferently since childhood, would you be sad now? Will you be desperate? You are not sad enough yourself. Despair, how could this perverted old man feel grief.

"He is using the most cruel and ruthless way to flog his conscience, allowing him to completely abandon his human emotions."

Gary Watts did not refute, but instead praised: "It was my most correct decision to write you an invitation letter back then, but it's a pity that you rejected me."

Naomi deactivated the Black Panther transformation and collapsed helplessly on the ground. She never expected that the truth of the matter would be so cruel. There is such a vicious person in this world, and he is his only blood relative.

Amberxiu sighed and cast a sleeping spell on Naomi again.

If I don't let her sleep through it, this chick will go crazy.

Looking at Naomi who was sleeping deeply, Ambrose said to Gary Watts: "I was still human at that time, and I was incompatible with perverts like you. But I have a question, is the sublimation of the soul such a simple thing? ? Any wrong feeling will make this experiment fail. If this girl dies and you haven't reached the realm of gods, then won't it be a waste of effort? Don't tell me that you have calculated. Regarding the soul, I compare You’re more specialized.”

Gary Watts replied: "Because this is my legendary favor. I can make the possible success of the alchemy experiment become an absolute success, thereby avoiding all experimental errors. Although the conditions of use are very harsh, if everything If you follow my plan, this ritual magic will be successful. However, you ruined my plan."

"Haha, if you didn't want to support me, I wouldn't bother to care about you. Since you want to plot against me, don't blame me for fighting back. However, you suddenly show up now, looking like you are not ready to fight, but you are preparing to discuss cooperation with me Really?"

Gary Watts nodded and said, "How much do you know about this ritual?"

"I only know that even if you succeed, you will not become a god, but become an artifact, an artifact that can truly perform the wishing technique. This is no different from committing suicide." Amber Xiu said very definitely.

Gary Watts said: "This is enough, because the wish spell is originally a spell that gods can cast at will. I don't care whether my will will disappear, as long as I can reach the realm of gods."

"Why? Doesn't this make sense?" Amberxiu asked strangely.

If you lose yourself, what's the use of becoming a god? If you become a tool that can be used at will, wouldn't that be worse than being a human being?

"Alchemy is a magical science. When I used alchemy to synthesize a potion for the first time, I was completely hooked. Once this road starts, I can't stop. I just want to move forward, When I reach the peak, I don’t mind in what way or form I use to reach this peak.”

Gary Watts finally showed a hint of emotion in his tone, and it was obvious that he had not completely lost his human feelings.

Amberxiu said even more contemptuously: "The God of Alchemy doesn't care about you crazy people? Just like before, he will give you divine punishment to prevent you from blaspheming the gods again."

Gary Watts shook his head and said: "God's punishment? Do you think his previous curse was to punish us? You are wrong, he was actually just to make us go further.

"The God of Alchemy is not a god of faith, just like the God of Justice. As long as someone practices justice, even if they don't know Tyr's name, they can provide divine power to the God of Justice. Every alchemist creates a new formula, The power of the God of Alchemy will become stronger. As long as someone continues to advance in alchemy, his power will continue to increase.

"He doesn't need faith, what he needs is mortals like us who can give up everything for alchemy. He doesn't care whether we blaspheme, because even blasphemous behavior will leave a mark in the history of alchemy that is enough to move the world A stroke of change, and he will be promoted to a greater realm as a result.

"So, in fact, he is the most selfish. The gods are constantly suppressing us, forcing us to burst out with a brighter fire of wisdom. In the years since I lifted the curse of divine punishment, the development speed of alchemy has exceeded that of the previous hundreds of years.

"He has never favored us, he only took it from us alchemists. So, since there is a way to become a god, and I have the ability to achieve it, why not do it?"

Ambrose quickly waved his hand to stop Gary Watts' speech. He didn't want to listen to such blasphemous language. Every madman has his own set of logic. No matter whether he is self-consistent or not, whoever believes it is stupid.

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business. What do you want to talk about?"

Gary Watts replied: "Help me complete the ritual, and I will become an artifact capable of casting wishes, and you can control this artifact. A win-win, right?"

Amberxiu said: "Flynn would not agree. Those of your little brothers have put so much thought into it. It is impossible for them not to have their own wishes."

"It doesn't matter. You can sacrifice them together and make them part of the artifact. I am their president. As long as I take this child back, they will not doubt it. Then as long as you launch a raid, use this Queen of the Undead to The power can completely turn them into sacrifices."

Gary Watts calmly revealed his extremely vicious plan, and he didn't even spare his own people.

The two lichs, Amber Xiu and Apoptotic Rose, were a little frightened. This old man was more cruel than the undead. Not only his feelings, he also abandoned the lawful camp. He was completely a chaotic evil who would do anything to achieve his goals.

"How about this, this is a purely profitable business for you, you have no reason to refuse, right?" Gary Watts urged: "I don't have much time left. If I don't start the conversion ceremony, everything will be meaningless. "

Amberxiu wanted to agree, because logically speaking, there was no harm in agreeing to him. On the contrary, it could maximize the benefits and minimize the risks.

However, Amber Xiu felt a strange uneasiness in his heart.

Because there are still prophecies that have not come true.

Naomi, the druid chick, should obviously have been murdered and died in the Hall of Wisdom instead of being sent to the sewers for sacrifice. But now she is living well, which means that no matter whether Amberxiu agrees or not, things will not go according to Gary Watts' plan.

But the question is, which part went wrong? Obviously, as long as he nods in agreement, all risks can be eliminated.

Can this little girl run away?

No, thinking like this is a waste of time. Since the druid girl is destined to be killed in the Hall of Wisdom, there is no need to consider the reason. What Amberxiu needs to consider is why he still returns after the ritual program was destroyed. Will he appear in the sewers and take the initiative to host the ceremony?

Obviously, in the prophecy, Amber Xiu did not choose to cooperate, which would lead to a series of changes, and the final destruction of the Alchemy City, flying into the sky in the form of ruins.

What is missing? Which part is missing?

Amberxiu's soul fire was flickering. He directly blocked all signals from the outside world and used all his soul power to think and connect all the clues he knew.

There is a missing external force, a very powerful external force that is so powerful that it can still disrupt the situation after I cooperate with Gary Watts. Who could it be?

Suddenly, a name emerged - James Watson.

Ambrose was suddenly shocked and asked Gary Watts: "Where are the group of paladins in the Lane Empire and Supreme Judge James Watson? Where are they?"

Three chapters completed, 10,000 words updated!

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