This lich needs more money

Chapter 68 Imaginary Enemy

The so-called gods cannot arbitrate the conflicts between husband and wife. Amberxiu is just a heartless lich and does not understand how to mediate the emotional problems between husband and wife.

So he just responsibly told Gareth about the upcoming arrival of the Bone Dragon Lady, leaving him to deal with the headache on his own.

Amberxiu originally thought that Gareth would run away quickly, so his castle would not be destroyed by the breath of the bone dragon.

But what surprised Amberxiu was that Gareth's first reaction was that the orc sister was in danger.

"I know her too well. If she had discovered that I was in the Alchemy City, then Ona must have been monitored by her. I am afraid that she will be in danger. I want to save her."

Although the female orc has sold the bar, it is not easy to move out, so she has been busy dealing with various movable and real estate properties and has not yet left the Alchemy City.

Amberxiu said quickly: "Gareth, if a third party is really involved and you go to save people, won't that make your wife even more angry?"

"If I don't go, Ona will definitely die. If I go, she still has a chance of survival."

Gareth put on his helmet, transformed into the slovenly middle-aged adventurer again, and rushed towards the Alchemy City impatiently.

Amber Xiu didn't know for a moment whether he was a warm man or a scumbag with these words.

But forget it, Amberxiu couldn't interfere too much in other people's family affairs, and he had more important things to be busy with.

The first thing to do is to repair the injuries of the Mercury Zombie.

In the previous assassination plan, the mercury zombies once again demonstrated combat effectiveness that surprised Amber Xiu. Their powerful metal-devouring ability almost made Fanxing's enchanted armor useless.

If Fanxing's equipment wasn't so luxurious, the mercury zombies alone would have caused the paladin a big loss.

But this little guy accidentally got hit by a Holy Slash, and his body was severely injured.

The little guy is now dying in a glass bottle and is in urgent need of a lot of metal to recover.

Amberxiu didn't hesitate and just threw the scrapped paladin equipment in and let the little guy have a feast. The armor on the paladin's body is made of high-quality metal. It is not only light and flexible, but also extremely strong. It is not known how much fine gold and mithril is mixed with it, but it is more expensive than gold of the same weight.

However, these solid metals were quickly corroded and absorbed under the package of mercury zombies. The originally dying mercury zombies also recovered their energy at a speed visible to the naked eye. There were several lines of different shades on the original silver body.

"Adamantine and mithril? Are you suffering from indigestion after eating too much?"

Amber Xiu was a little worried that these two rare metals could not be completely absorbed, which is why these silk lines were left on the body of the mercury zombie. But he soon discovered that this was not indigestion. On the contrary, the little guy had eaten high-grade metal and started to evolve directly.

Amberxiu said gently to the mercury figurine: "Come, my little baby, let me see what you will look like when you grow up."

As the creator of the mercury figurines, this little guy was born to obey Amber Xiu's words. After hearing Amber Xiu's orders, he immediately swelled up like blowing air.

A long sword with a gold edge stretched out and smoothly cut the entire glass jar with a single stroke on the glass.

After a while, small pieces of metal appeared on the body of the mercury figurine, forming a diamond-shaped shield.

Amberxiu knew at a glance that it was a shield made of mithril, light but strong.

"You can reproduce the properties of the swallowed metal, right?" Amber Xiu asked.

The mercury zombie jumped up happily, as if responding to Amber Xiu's question.

This property is amazing. There are so many special metals in the world. If the mercury zombies swallow enough high-grade metals, will it be possible to advance to legend?

Thinking of this, Amber Xiu hurried to the treasure room and took out a helmet that exuded white light.

This is the magic equipment ripped off Fanxing's head. It has extremely strong holy light energy, and Amber Xiu can also feel the presence of divine power from it.

There is no doubt that this is an imitation of an artifact. Although it may not be the real thing, the divine power contained in it is real. It is estimated that there are not many in the Lion Empire.

This thing must be very valuable, but Amberxiu is still ready to let the mercury zombies swallow it.

Amber Xiu cannot use this power of Holy Light, and it is difficult to sell it. Buyers who can afford it may not dare to offend the Lion Empire, and most of those who have enmity with the Lion Empire cannot afford it, such as Apoptotic Rose. Someone who can afford it but has a grudge against the empire... She is an undead like Amber Xiu. She has made it clear that she has no use for this thing. Unless it is given away for free, she will not buy it back with waste and smash it.

Instead of haggling with the Alchemy City, it would be better to let the mercury zombies swallow it, maybe there will be a surprise.

Thanks to Master Morgan's research, the mercury zombies are living creatures, not undead. They are not restrained by the holy light and may be able to absorb all the divine power inside.

However, this helmet does not seem to be easy to chew. The mercury zombie's entire body lies on the helmet, corroding bit by bit at a very slow speed. Amberxiu had no choice but to put the mercury zombie and the helmet in another glass container and let the little guy digest it slowly.

After finishing this matter, Amberxiu ran to the cell in the castle.

The originally empty cell was now filled with paladins.

When everyone saw Amber Xiu appearing, they all showed angry eyes, wishing they could use the Holy Slash together to chop Amber Xiu into ashes. But they could only move their eyes. Each paladin had several layers of seals arranged by Amber Xiu. They had no possibility of escaping after being stripped of their equipment.

Amberxiu walked up to a female paladin, looked at her face carefully, then reached out and pinched her face, as if selecting goods.

The paladin's eyes were about to burst out with fire, but he could only stare at Amber Xiu with his eyes, unable to resist at all.

After confirming that her appearance was not disguised in any way, Amberxiu let her go and at the same time released the seal on her mouth.

As soon as she was free to speak, the lady cursed at Amber.

Amberxiu listened for a few seconds, and then said: "Save your energy, please. Your curse words combined are not as many as those of the paladins here."

They are always despicable, dirty and ugly, and they are so targeted that they don't even bring their family members with them. Amberxiu estimates that these holy warriors have never quarreled with anyone since they were young. I'm afraid these curse words are not from this time. Learned from the scriptures and teachings.

This kind of curse can be said to be completely harmless. Even if you point at the druid and scold him for losing his hair after transforming, he will be harsher than the paladin.

"Let me ask you a question. Are there only ten of you here this time? Are there any other paladins? Especially female paladins?" Amber Xiu asked.

A mouthful of bloody spit flew out, but Amberxiu easily dodged it.

The paladin mocked and said, "Stop your imagination. No matter what you ask, I won't answer. If you dare, kill me!"

Amber Xiu sighed and said, "Can't you just let me save some magic power?"

Drawing pink magic lines between his fingers, Amberxiu pressed a confusion spell on the paladin's head.

A few minutes later, Amberxiu left the dark dungeon with many doubts.

"It seems that it was not these paladins who took off my head."

There is only one woman among the ten holy warriors, and she is tall and thick-set, has a resolute temperament, and is very politically correct.

This look is completely different from the jade-like beauty in the prophecy, not even remotely similar.

Ambrose thought for a moment and came to a conclusion that made him uneasy.

Instead of these paladins, the people who will take off my head are those crazy alchemists?

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