This lich needs more money

Chapter 62 The Artifact of the Empire

The dark clouds in the sky slowly fell and soon landed on the other side of the mountain.

Located in a deserted suburb not far outside the Alchemy City, a large amount of fog shrouded the area, making it difficult for people to see everything inside.

The dark clouds fell and turned into a huge bone dragon, diving into the fog.

There seems to be a dense fog, but in fact there is only a thin layer. If you pass through the outer layer of fog, you will find that there is a withered land inside.

The once lush woods had completely withered, and a large number of skeletons and ghouls were imprisoned in place. Occasionally, a few death knights appeared from the shadows, then quickly disappeared, patrolling around.

The bone dragon landed, crawled on the ground, and a translucent ghost emerged from its skull.

Miss Bone Dragon, who transformed into the form of a dragon soul, walked to the small silver palace in the center of the territory and came to a noble woman as beautiful as white jade.

Apoptotic Rose, the Queen of the Undead in the Underdark, a super rich woman who can make the price of ore in the Nine Kingdoms plummet with just one sentence.

She stayed here with her undead army for several days, letting Miss Bone Dragon monitor the movements of the group of paladin.

This bone dragon lady named Canggu is particularly good at concealment and monitoring spells. She disguises herself as a dark cloud and can still see every move of people on the ground from thousands of meters high.

Canggu sat next to Apoptotic Rose and reported: "Sister Qiangwei, those holy warriors bought hundreds of slaves, and I don't know what they want to do."

After hearing this, Apoptotic Rose put down the mercury zombie information in her hand and showed a slightly surprised expression.

"They bought many slaves?" Apoptosis pondered for a moment, and then smiled: "Unexpectedly, they brought out the artifact. It seems that this time, the two of them are going to be in trouble."

"Sacred weapon? You mean the dragon weapon?!"

There was also a shocked expression on Canggu's translucent face. The Demonic Dragon Arms was the national treasure of the Lion Empire. Every part was an artifact, and when combined together, it possessed almost divine power.

In order to deal with Amber Xiu, people from the Lane Empire even dared to bring out such a thing? Aren't you afraid of losing it without the protection of the army?

Cang Gu suddenly said excitedly: "No, that heartless person can't stop the power of the magic dragon's armed force. I will take him home right now."

Apoptotic Rose shook her head and said: "Don't worry, the artifact I'm talking about is not the magic dragon weapon. This thing can only be used by the royal blood. The current Lion Empire... they can't take out the magic dragon weapon anyway. I The artifact mentioned is another one, and it should be just a weakened version of the fake. It will not have any impact on your husband. But it is hard to say about the other one. As a legend, he is too weak."

Cang Gu immediately complained and said, "Oh, sister, don't only speak half of what you are saying. It's almost scaring me to death."

Apoptotic Rose looked at the dragon soul with a vivid expression and said with emotion: "It's really interesting. What is the reason why, as an undead, you would be restless because of a headless horseman. Sister, is your heart still beating? "

Regarding the love between Canggu and Gareth, Apoptotic Rose has never understood it.

The undead souls don't even have a heartbeat, so naturally they have no desire to live.

Is it true that feelings are engraved on the soul and can transcend the shackles of the body?

Oh, there is such a thing as hatred.

But that is the deep impression left before death, the spiritual imprint left when the heartbeat is still there. The soul deeply remembers this emotion when it was alive, and will never forget it after turning into the dead.

The love between these two people not only spans species, but was born after they became undead.

Apoptotic Rose shook her head. This was simply an unsolved mystery. She wanted to imitate it only because Amberxiu's price was too high and she couldn't completely take him for her own use. That's why she thought rationally and wanted to recover. The encounter between Carved Canggu and Gareth.

When Cang Gu heard Apoptotic Rose's question, he shook his head and said, "I don't know very well, but it was love at first sight between me and that heartless person. Although my heart no longer beats, I confirm that it was not an illusion. . As for why, perhaps it can only be said to be the will of the gods."

Apoptotic Rose did not continue to discuss this fruitless issue, but continued to talk about the artifact.

"Okay, let's get down to business. If I guess correctly, in three days at most, the group of paladins will launch their first attack. They have never seen the power of this artifact, and they may be caught off guard. "

Cang Gu asked strangely: "Is it really so powerful? What does this artifact have to do with those slaves?"

Apoptotic Rose explained: "The Lion Empire has played with faith. The entire imperial capital is a huge altar. Every mortal who believes in the Lord of the Dawn will continue to provide power for this altar, so this city can be said to be Indestructible.

"And if you want to do this, you cannot do without the artifact of the Crown of Lathander. It is a powerful magical crown truly forged by the gods and given to the Lion Empire, allowing the Lion Empire to turn weak mortals into an unmatched force. strength.

"These paladins should have a way to imitate the power of this artifact and turn these mortals into the power of their faith."

Canggu said doubtfully: "But they are not believers of the Lord of the Morning."

There are many races in the Alchemy City. It is a place where the light of the Lord of the Morning is difficult to shine. There are very few people who believe in this God of Light.

"Don't underestimate the brainwashing ability of this group of holy warriors. Give them three days, which is enough to turn these hundreds of people into devout believers. However, there are only three hundred people. Is faith alone enough?" Death Rose sneered, and then said: "I'm afraid, they not only have to provide faith, but also have to dedicate their lives."

Canggu said strangely: "Using people to sacrifice? That's the Lion Empire. They wouldn't do such a thing, would they?"

Although its stance is hostile, except for discriminating against non-human races, the Lane Empire is perfect in all other aspects. Human sacrifice is also strictly prohibited by the Light Doctrine.

The most vicious rumors circulating on the mainland are just that Emperor Lane was raped by goblins, but I have never heard of anyone accusing the Lane Empire of human sacrifice.

Apoptotic Rose said: "Sacrifice does not have to be forced, it can also be voluntary. In order to defeat evil, a hero chooses to sacrifice himself. Is this considered a sacrifice? If he sacrifices himself, he also sacrifices himself. , it will become selfless dedication.

"It's just that if this kind of self-destructive dedication is not recognized in the Lane Empire, you will become an alien and cannot survive at all, and the Lane Empire will be destroyed sooner or later because of this fanaticism."

"It's best", Apoptotic Rose gritted her teeth and showed a rare expression of anger.

Cang Gu held his chin with his hands and said irritably: "I don't understand at first, but sister, why do you know so much about the Lion Empire?"

Apoptotic Rose put away her angry expression, shook her head and said, "It's just some past reasons, not important. We should still think about how to help those two men solve the problem. If Gareth is not careful, he will be injured. "

Cang Gu said excitedly: "Then I will go swallow those holy warriors now!"

Apoptotic Rose said: "Your husband will probably run away when he sees you showing up. The Headless Horseman can't even be caught by the Lion Empire. I don't have the confidence to help you stop him.

"If I guess correctly, these paladins must have reached an agreement with Alchemy City. Besides, Alchemy City will not stand idly by. They have discovered us this morning, and even the invitation letter has been sent. Wait a minute We must enter the Alchemy City as a joint mission of the Underdark Region and Dragon Tomb, otherwise we will start a war.”

"Then what do you think we should do, sister?"

Cang Gu was a little helpless. If they really fought, she would definitely not be a match for the Alchemy City. She would definitely be blasted to pieces by the magic cannons on the city wall, and would only be able to spend hundreds of years reborn in the Dragon Tomb.

"Don't worry, I believe he will find a way. All he lacks is information."

Apoptotic Rose took out the Code of the Undead, her fingertips trembling slightly, wrote a long message, and sent it to Amber Xiu.

Before Amberxiu could reply, Apoptotic Rose closed the Code of the Undead and murmured to herself: "Don't let me down, the man I chose."

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