This lich needs more money

Chapter 553 The Fate of the Sinner

Following Lorencos through the fortress, Amber Xiu once again felt the hugeness of this fortress.

Compared with this fortress, the capital of the Ryan Empire is nothing compared to it, and this military fortress is built entirely for war. The structure inside is winding and like a maze. I am afraid that even the devils in the fortress will find it difficult to recognize all the roads.

Even such a huge fortress still has records of being captured by demons. Although it was recaptured later, it can also be seen that the demon army is powerful.

That Grand Duke Bayer has been able to preside over the Blood River Battlefield for so many years, which shows that his ability to lead troops is first-class. It’s a pity that greed is an evil thought that every devil cannot restrain, and in the end, it still caused all kinds of troubles because of greed.

So why did this greedy general suddenly look for him?

With doubts, Amber Xiu walked a long way and finally came to the core area of ​​the Blood River Fortress.

Grand Duke Bayer, like a giant, sat high in the center of the hall, with dozens of magic mirrors in front of him, always monitoring every area on the Blood River Battlefield. The war never stops, and we must never let down our guard. Perhaps this is also a kind of punishment. Even if we are the Grand Duke of Demons, we must follow the laws of hell - sins will eventually be repaid.

In addition to Bayer, there are several equally huge seats on both sides, a total of eight, which seems to be eight demons who can sit on an equal footing with Bayer. However, most of these seats are now vacant, with only a disgusting giant fly and a dog-headed demon sitting next to Bayer.

Amber Xiu has heard of these eight seats. They should be the eight governors of hell. They are not much different from Bayer in status, but Bayer is the chief general and has outstanding military exploits. The other eight governors will generally obey Bayer's orders.

Amber Xiu couldn't tell who the fly demon and the dog-headed demon were. He only knew that the three giants looked down at him, and the pressure was really not small.

These three are all gods, the kind of existence that can crush mortals to death with just one finger.

As for the room full of enemies that Amber Xiu thought he would see... they were probably hiding in the inconspicuous corners on both sides of the hall. Anyway, there were so many shadows over there that even Lorencos blended in obediently after entering the door, not daring to be exposed to the gazes of the three devil dukes.

The magic mirror floated towards the three, and the closer it got, the more obvious the pressure became, and even the height of the suspension was constantly decreasing.

When it was about to touch the ground, Amber stopped and saluted the three devil dukes respectfully.

"Grand Duke Bayer, there are two respected gods, I wonder if there is anything I, a mortal, can do for you."

Bayer did not speak, but stared at Amber with his scarlet eyes, as if he wanted to suck his soul out of the mirror.

But unfortunately, although Amber appeared on the mirror, he was almost in countless magic mirrors at the same time. Bayer's perception was completely unable to lock his position, and the only thing he could do seemed to be to crush the mirror in front of him, which was meaningless.

Bayer laughed and said, "No wonder you can move freely. With Zariel's character, you should be pierced by an iron spear and roasted in hellfire for several years."

"Grand Duke Bayer, you are too kind. It's just a little trick that is not worth mentioning. Mortals will never have the power to resist in front of gods. Grand Duke Zariel just doesn't care about me, not that he can't do anything to me."

Amber Xiu still maintained the necessary humility.

You can do things to the extreme, but you can't say things to the extreme. This is one of the life principles that Amber Xiu has learned.

"Don't show off your tongue. The name of the fraudster is known to everyone even in the Blood River Fortress. However, no matter what, you are also a sinner who went to hell. This bloody battlefield has your responsibility. You just brought a lot of supplies, just think of it as your advance payment of your meritorious rewards. Next, this war zone will be handed over to you."

Bayer drew a circle on the dozens of projections, and one of them was enlarged and displayed in front of Amber Xiu.

It was a volcano that was constantly spewing magma. The flowing magma turned into two rivers, dividing the battlefield.

More than a dozen space cracks appeared around the volcano, and demons kept pouring out of them, fighting with the devil troops stationed near the volcano.

"Your task is very simple, just close these space cracks so that the troops in this battlefield can support other positions. I will teach you how to close the space cracks. Although it cannot permanently isolate the erosion of the abyss, it is not a big problem to seal it for three to five years..."

Bayer was talking to himself, but Amberxiu was confused. Taking advantage of the pause of the devil archduke, Amberxiu quickly interrupted and said: "Wait, Archduke Bayer, I'm afraid I don't have this ability. I can't lead troops to fight."

Bayer said nonchalantly: "If you can't lead troops, go yourself. We don't care whether you are a general or a soldier, we just need you to complete the task."

Amberxiu sighed and could only make his words clearer.

"Grand Duke Bayer, the things I just took away were promised to me by Grand Duke Zariel, not some battlefield merit reward. If you have any objections, perhaps you can discuss it directly with Grand Duke Zariel."

Who wants to go to the battlefield, especially in a war where there is no winner or loser, only meaningless sacrifices. Bayer suddenly asked him to go to the battlefield, this situation is not right, it is different from all the situations that Ambersu expected.

Isn't this idiot trying to get him to join the gang to fight Zariel together? Why does he look like a villain and let him be cannon fodder on the battlefield?

Amberxiu couldn't figure it out, so he could only see if he could avoid it.

However, before Bayer could speak, the other two devil archdukes made mocking sounds.

"This kid, thinks he has a choice?"

"It's so stupid. The so-called fraudster didn't even see this clearly?"

Amber Xiu calmly looked at the two strange devil archdukes and said calmly: "The two archdukes may not be too familiar with me. There are many gods who have dealt with me. The god of alchemy, the god of mermaids, The Lord of the Dawn, etc., every god who has good relations with me will get what he wants to some extent. I have always cooperated happily with these gods.

"Of course, there are unpleasant times, but that means that both parties are unhappy. I once visited the Kingdom of Talos. The Tower of Ruins is very desolate and empty. It can not only accommodate a Kuo-Tao fishman goddess, but also a few more. The two gods don’t seem crowded, can you two understand what I mean?”

Amberxiu's meaning is very simple. All the gods who offend him will suffer disaster. Shar, Rose, and Briberdup will all have a more miserable fate than the last. He didn't want to break up with these devil princes, but since the threat was already in front of him, he had to remind him tactfully.

Amberxiu was so desperate that he dared to pay Zariel and Mammon to give the flies and dog heads to Talos as pets.

It's just kidnapping the gods, once they are alive, they will become familiar twice.

This is the feat that makes Amber Xiu superior to ordinary people, allowing him to maintain an attitude of neither being humble nor being arrogant when facing the three devil princes.

Amber Xiu's words made the two devil princes shut their mouths. The anger turned into real anger and appeared on the flies and the dog heads. Even the magic mirror was slightly deformed by the heat, and seemed to be melted at any time.

But Amber Xiu didn't care. It was just a magic mirror and had no effect on him.

It would be better if these two idiots directly destroyed the magic mirror. Amber Xiu would just find an excuse and run away. Whoever fell in love with whom would fall in love on the battlefield.

Bayer obviously didn't expect Amber Xiu to be so bold.

Although he had heard the name Deceiver many times, this was the first time in Bayer's long life that he saw a mortal who dared to threaten the gods face to face.

However, Amberxiu's threat was quite effective.

He actually kidnapped a goddess with medium divine power and gave her to Talos as a concubine. This was considered a feat even for gods.

No wonder Zarrell didn't dare to attack him directly, so he could only play some tricks.

Bayer is very happy that the mortal who can make Zariel unhappy is his friend. This talent must stay in the Blood River Fortress.

Therefore, Bayer waved his hand, causing the two devil princes, the fly and the dog-headed prince, to withdraw their anger.

Bayer said to Ambrose: "You think you are free to choose, and on the surface it is true. You are unrestrained, and we can't affect you. But your ambition is more than that, right? You don't want to be trapped for the rest of your life. In this broken mirror, right?"

Amber Xiu heard something in Bayer's words and asked doubtfully: "What does this have to do with the battlefield?"

"Sinners who go to hell need to atone for their sins, no matter how. I don't know what is going on with you now, but no one can escape from the laws of hell. You are a sinner who goes to hell after all. And sinners want to break through There is only one way for you to become a true god from a mortal body.

"Step into the river of blood, join this war, and then win enough merit to be promoted. If not, your sins will forever seal you in your current state, and you will not be able to break free no matter how hard you try.

"Deceiver, it was clear to me the first time I saw you that your ambition is greater than mine. You want to become a god, even a powerful god above me and Zariel. Then going to the battlefield is your only choice. choice.

"To die in a bloody battle, or to be reborn in the flames of war, this is the fate of sinners!"

Amberxiu listened to Bayer's words in silence, then sneered and said to Bayer: "You just said...destiny?"

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