This lich needs more money

Chapter 546 Hell Bank Opens

The external statement of Hell has always been "Bayer has never betrayed and has been Zariel's subordinate from the beginning to now".

Amberxiu knew very little about Bayer. He only asked the God of Alchemy and the Goddess of Wealth about some secrets of Hell after going to Hell, so he knew that these two had some unpleasant pasts.

As for the specific details, Amberxiu was not very clear. Perhaps only the two Hell Lords themselves could explain it clearly.

Logically speaking, Amberxiu just wanted to keep a low profile now, and did not want Melina to provoke those old lords of Hell from the beginning.

Not to mention a particularly sensitive character like Bayer.

A Hell Lord who once rebelled against Zariel, succeeded in taking the throne, was beaten down by Zariel, and became a younger brother again, and also had the title of Chief General of Blood River.

Such a big man should not be underestimated in terms of wisdom or personal strength. For Melina, this kind of opponent is still too beyond the scope.

But the other party came to the door in person, and Amberxiu could only try his best to deal with it.

After carefully reading the invitation letter, this hell lord nicknamed the Forked Horn Butcher is Melina's neighbor. The distance between the two territories is less than 20 kilometers, separated by wilderness and a small lava lake. It only takes half an hour for Cambion to fly there.

Melina's annexation of territory and large-scale construction attracted the attention of this neighbor.

As a devil's habit, the Forked Horn Butcher hopes to meet Melina to confirm whether this new neighbor is willing to keep out of the way or to prepare for war as soon as possible.

It sounds fine. Compared with other hell lords, this straightforward meeting and negotiation can be regarded as "open and aboveboard".

But the time and place are all set by the Forked Horn Butcher.

He invited Melina to a hell tavern called "Pig and Lazy Man", and the time is set for three days later.

Amber Xiu didn't know much about hell, but judging from the content of the invitation letter, this should be a very famous place. Because the other party only left a name, no specific coordinates, and no more description.

Obviously, the reputation of this "Pig and Slob" tavern is so great that everyone knows it, so there is no need to describe it in detail.

Fighting with the devil is fine, but be careful if the other party asks you to fight. When you arrive at the agreed place, there may be a hundred thousand troops rushing out to beat you up.

With the moral integrity of the devil, they can do anything.

But this forked horn butcher is suspected to have a deep relationship with Bayer, and Amberxiu cannot ignore the other party's invitation, otherwise the war will start sooner or later.

After thinking for a moment, Amberxiu replied to the forked horn butcher in the name of Melina.

The content is very brief, the meeting place remains unchanged, but the time is postponed for one month, and the reason is also very simple: "Prepare to meet with Grand Duke Zariel, and have no time to meet for the time being."

Melina has now obtained the authority of the lord of hell. If Zariel is interested, he can find out by just checking it casually.

So the concealment could not last long. Anyway, the power was already in hand, and Amberxiu had already negotiated with Zariel for the follow-up cooperation. This was a good opportunity for Melina to officially appear.

He even sent his daughter to hell to work for Zariel. I think this devil lord would be very satisfied with his "letter of surrender".

Amberxiu replied like this, and then ordered people to find out where the "Pig and Lazy Man" tavern was and what its origin was. At the same time, he had to inquire about Bayer's situation. This forked butcher might have come to Melina to communicate with him at the instruction of Grand Duke Bayer, so Amberxiu had to be prepared.

Hundreds of years of experience told Amberxiu that the results of negotiations were often determined before the formal meeting, and the actual meeting was just a formality.

After dealing with this matter, Amberxiu paid more attention to Melina's territory construction.

Because the lord authority exchanged by Melina was helpful to the territory construction, in a short time, the new fortress had built inner and outer walls.

Amber Xiu referred to the characteristics of the Underdark and transformed the territory into two areas above ground and underground, and then divided the functions according to the ordinary devil fortress.

On the surface, Melina's territory is slightly larger and seems a bit empty, but the real key part is underground. Only races that live underground all year round can adapt to the winding terrain.

With the rise of this new territory, the abundant soul fragments attracted many devils to join. Although most of them are weak individuals such as inferior demons and cowardly demons, Amber Xiu accepts all comers, which is completely inconsistent with the habits of other hell lords.

This is a world where the strong prey on the weak, especially these territories guarding the edge of the blood river, and they are also responsible for hunting lone demons.

Most of these weak demons are transformed from the souls of sinners, and any farmer can kill them with a dung fork. Such weak demons should become food for other demons. They are not even cannon fodder on the battlefield of the blood river, and are only rations for the demons.

Melina has such a rich territory, but she also accepted a group of little devils with no fighting power. What exactly does she want to do?

Kambien advised Melina more than once that the territory had just started operating and she couldn't accept so much waste of food. Even if the output of soul fragments was high, it couldn't stand the waste of these wastes.

But Melina ignored Kambien's advice and just said coldly: "This is my father's arrangement."

This sentence was enough, because Kambien already knew who the father of this lord was.

In the whole hell, if there is any devil who has not heard of that name, then he really deserves to die.

The famous fraudster, who even had to admit his guilt when the Grand Duke of Hell was cheated, is said to have become a guest of Grand Duke Zariel.

Such a big shot must have some deep meaning, which is not something that a small Cambion like Kambian can question. But Kambian is not stupid. He does not understand Amber's order, but it does not mean that he will not care about anything. He began to carefully observe the little cowards and inferior demons in the territory, trying to figure out what the fraudster wanted to do with these wastes?

Then Kambian discovered a pattern. Every once in a while, there will always be a few little cowards or inferior demons who will be received by Melina, and they will look like they have been reborn after they come out.

Obviously, these lucky ones have received a lot of soul coins. The devil cannot become stronger without souls, especially these newly converted sinners, who are at their weakest. With just a little bit of resources, they will upgrade quickly.

Cambion originally thought that the fraudster was selecting talented devils and then training them to become the real power of the territory. But in fact, this is not the case. These little devils will leave the territory after gaining a certain strength.

Every devil who leaves here will bring one or several magic mirrors that can communicate instantly, and a face full of vigor, as if leaving this place is to accomplish some great cause.

Seeing this, Cambion could not ask any more.

Being a subordinate must be measured. This kind of information that can be known at a glance can be inquired, but deeper things are not worth the risk to dig deep. Knowing it may not be of any benefit to oneself, but it may anger the fraudster.

But when Cambion dreams in the middle of the night, he always keeps thinking about this question. What is that adult doing?

Cambion was his butler in the territory with doubts until Melina took him to Zariel's mansion.

When Cambion heard this order, he was stunned for several minutes. He didn't expect that he would be qualified to step into the official residence of Grand Duke Zariel in this life.

That is the most noble place in the whole Avernus! Not long ago, he was just a wandering Cambion in the wilderness. How long has it been before he can set foot in such a place?

At this moment, Cambion became more determined to follow Melina.

This lord doesn't look very smart, but her father is really too powerful. No, it should be said that he has surpassed the limit of the word powerful.

Melina only took Cambion and Monica to Zariel's official residence, and the process was uneventful. It was Zariel who greeted Melina with a smile on his face, and then enthusiastically expressed that he would promote Melina to become the captain of his personal guard.

Melina agreed to be a member of the personal guard in name only, but she would stay in her own territory to continue to operate, and only come to the Grand Duke of Hell to serve him when Zariel summoned her.

This bargaining made Kambion and Monica sweat all over, especially when Melina said that she refused. Kambion and Monica thought they were going to die here. As a result, Grand Duke Zariel was unexpectedly easy to talk to and gave Melina a chance to choose.

In the end, Melina was given the name of a personal guard, but she was still free to act at ordinary times. Moreover, not only Melina, but also Kambion and Monica received rewards from Zariel.

The rewards that should have been given to those who had outstanding achievements in the Blood River battlefield were now listed in front of these two small characters, allowing them to choose.

Kambion did not hesitate and decisively chose a drop of Anzumo's blood. Although Kambion was not weak, the devil blood in Kambion was too mixed, and it was a garbage body that had no future at first glance. A devil like him who had no talent would become stronger slower than others even if he was given a lot of soul coins.

Anzumo's blood could help Kambion purify his body blood, and it would be much easier to become stronger in the future. In hell, fists are more useful than tongues.

Monica's bloodline is very high-level, with the blood of the devil and the elf. Both contain powerful magic, but it is difficult to use them normally. So Monica chose a very good staff, which can greatly enhance her spellcasting ability.

Even the subordinates brought by Melina were rewarded. In the eyes of others, Melina is Zariel's most favored rookie.

But in Amber's opinion, Zariel still doesn't believe him.

There is no need to check at all. The drop of Anzumo blood in Kambien must have been tampered by Zariel, and the same is true for Monica's staff. But Amber has to accept it. This is the art of mutual compromise.

Zariel can't interfere with the bank's business, so he uses this other way to monitor Melina.

Amber has no opinion on this. After all, Zariel is the Grand Duke of Hell, and he can't really not give him any face.

With this meeting, Melina's position in Hell is completely stable, and there are no longer any hidden dangers.

Therefore, after Melina returned to her own territory, Amber told Zariel frankly about the situation of the forked horn butcher looking for Melina.

"Forked horn butcher?" Zariel frowned and asked, "What is this?"

The status gap was too big, and Zariel probably had never heard of this little devil who was dozens of levels away from Bayer.

"It may be related to the Grand Duke Bayer. I don't know him, so I politely ask for your opinion." Amber Xiu organized his words carefully and said to Zariel: "I don't know what the situation is with this Grand Duke Bayer. What attitude should I take towards him?"

Zariel immediately showed an angry expression when he heard the name Bayer, but he quickly calmed down and said to Amber Xiu: "Don't worry, Bayer now has only one mission, which is to keep an eye on the Blood River Fortress for me. Fighting the devil forever is his mission. , and the only mission. "

"Is it that simple? Then Melina's meeting with the forked butcher..."

Zariel waved his hand impatiently and said, "Don't bother me with such trivial matters. The bank is about to open, and Mammon has already found the first batch of customers. Strictly speaking, your soul belongs to me. We can't be outdone by Mammon. Pay more attention to business matters and don't let Mammon take over all of it. "

The Hell Bank has been prepared almost, and the funds provided by Amberxiu have been successfully received, so it's time to open.

In order to boost momentum, Mammon has attracted hundreds of millions of dollars worth of business at once, and the service customers include the devil dukes of other layers of hell.

And Amberxiu is just a money printing machine that provides necessary guidance in the plan, and does not participate in specific work. Zariel is qualified to participate, but He does not have the ability and talent in this area. Now he looks like a person who only takes dividends. According to the development policy designed by Amberxiu, the bank's profitability in the early stage is very poor, and it must be harvested to make a lot of money.

Zariel felt that he was at a disadvantage, so he could only continue to ask Amber to help him with ideas.

Amber laughed and said, "I have been prepared for this."

The figure of Amber on the magic mirror gradually faded, replaced by a series of data. The complex and changing numbers made Zariel dizzy, but he still recognized what was displayed on it.

"This is... scattered savings? So much in total?"

Amber replied, "Yes, Mammon's resources in high-end customers are unmatched in the whole hell, but hell is so huge, and it is not only the hell lords who have money.

"Thirty or fifty soul fragments can be compressed into a soul coin of slightly lower quality, but this process is complicated, and ordinary devils do not have this ability. Only those hell lords can collect and compress coins on a small scale. Soul fragments are worthless and only have the meaning of food. But what if these soul fragments can also be considered wealth? "

Amber Xiu appeared on the magic mirror again. He waved his hand and said excitedly: "If each of the billions of demons in the nine layers of hell deposited one cent, how much wealth would this be?"

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