This lich needs more money

Chapter 541 Years and Memories

The soul of the withered rose was completely open to Ambersu, without any defense.

Ambersu could do something in her soul and make the queen of the dead completely his slave.

If it was before, Ambersu might not be able to resist the temptation, after all, there is endless gold in the dark region.

But now Ambersu... still hesitated for a long time.

There is no way, he has been a lich for too long, and the impression of money is too deep, and even when he was alive, Ambersu was not a good person with strong will.

But the best way to resist temptation is to ignore it.

Ambersu turned his attention to another thing, that is, how to weave a complete soul.

Even if he has the ability to simulate souls, it is not an easy task for Ambersu.

Although he seems to be able to play with souls in the palm of his hand by generating soul coins in batches, those incomplete souls who are determined and unyielding don’t even know why they are unyielding. They are just application software with set programs, not souls with independent thinking.

The only complete soul that Amberxiu has ever created in his life is Melina.

There is no way, he has been paid.

At the beginning, the Withered Rose spent a lot of money to create a perfect child of his own. Amberxiu can't let other people's children only kill, like a stupid machine. This kind of power, even with the power of legendary grace, will hardly play any role in the end.

So after ensuring Melina's combat effectiveness and her feelings for the Withered Rose, Amberxiu still needs to give Melina a real soul and a real self.

Before that, we need to make it clear what is the self?

Self-satisfaction is an "illusion" that every independent thinking individual cannot bypass, but this self-satisfaction needs to eliminate the instinct of life first. Biological instincts such as eating when hungry and sleeping when tired are not counted. Wanting to eat delicious food, wanting to sleep more comfortably, and even preferring to starve to death and fasting, these things that are higher than instinct are the difference between intelligent creatures and other creatures.

It's complicated to say, and it's even more complicated to do.

Amber needs to find these things about the self in the soul of the withered rose, and then reactivate them.

The undead are because of the lack of feelings, which leads to all the beautiful memories being forgotten and buried deep in the heart, leaving only the greatest obsession. And obsession is often cruel and torturous. After hundreds and thousands of years, the soul will be distorted by this torture.

Therefore, after the obsession dissipates, the undead will get unprecedented great satisfaction, and then quickly enter the state of extinction. The lich will be more obvious, because obsession is the key to binding the life box, and the current state of the withered rose is that the ability of the life box to regenerate has disappeared.

"Sorry, let me see your best memory."

The connection of the soul allows countless memory fragments to appear in front of Amber.

Resentment, curse, anger... These emotions continue to appear, which is the deepest feeling of the withered rose for Ryan.

Amber pushes away these negative emotions bit by bit, and explores deeper. He needs to find the memory before the withered rose is transformed into a undead.

As Ryan's princess, her youth should be happy, right?

In the synesthesia dream, the withered rose lay quietly in the clouds, and everything around her seemed so unreal and distorted.

The dream was vague, probably because she no longer had the ability to dream at this time. The withered rose didn't want anything, didn't know anything, just wanted to sleep completely, this life was too tiring.

Suddenly, a blue-eyed blonde girl appeared next to the withered rose. The two had 70% similar faces, but the blonde girl looked much more immature and her eyes were full of innocence.

The girl shook the withered rose's shoulders and whispered: "Wake up, wake up quickly, everything will be seen by others, including your childhood."

The withered rose opened her eyes, looked at the young self, and said puzzledly: "You... why are you here... you are dead."

After she escaped from Ryan and fell into the mercury lake underground, the Princess of Ryan should have died completely. The one who survived was the withered rose, an undead whose ideal was to destroy Ryan.

The blonde rose princess smiled and said, "I am you. Now that all the hatred has disappeared, what is the difference between you and me?"


The withered rose didn't know what to say for a moment. As she said, the hatred was over and everything should be over.

The blonde rose reminded again, "Now is not the time to think about this. Our memories and everything about us are being spied on by that man. Do you really not care? Including our most childish dreams when we were young, the most embarrassing memories, the little secrets we least want to tell others... Does it matter if he knows all this?"

When the withered rose heard this, her pale face suddenly turned a little red.

Why do I suddenly feel shy?

Those things are no longer important. She thought she had forgotten them all. After all, compared with when she was alive, the time as a lich was too long. The time gap of dozens of times compressed those trivial memories in the depths of her memory and they have not been opened for many years.

The withered rose thought that these so-called pasts had long been rotting in the closure, but she didn't expect to recall them at her most vulnerable moment.

The blond girl Qiangwei seemed to be connected to her soul. She knew what she was thinking without her opening her mouth. She continued: "That's not how it works. The length of time has nothing to do with whether the memory is deep or not. Remember what we have seen In a knight novel, the princess whom I met when I was a boy, even if I only saw her from a distance under the moonlight, is still unforgettable decades later. When he heard that the kingdom was in trouble, the knight mounted his old horse and rushed to the battlefield.

"Decades of life cannot overshadow the look the knight saw at that time. Hatred makes you live hundreds of years like a day. On the day when the Ryan royal family was destroyed, do you still remember how much effort you made for this? The torture day after day may not be comparable to the memories of those ten years.”

After hearing these words, Apoptotic Rose felt an indescribable feeling well up in her heart. She actually felt a little tight in her chest.

As a lich, how could she be upset?

She had long forgotten about breathing.

But the feeling of shortness of breath was so real, it was like a big stone was stuffed into her chest, which was constantly squeezing her bones.

Apoptotic Rose clutched her chest in pain, her body curled up, suffering pain she had not experienced in many years.

Finally, with violent coughs, she opened her mouth and took a breath of air into her body.

The fragrant smell made Apoptotic Rose's eyes widen in shock. She could smell it. How new was this?

The stone in her chest seemed to disappear, and Apoptotic Rose couldn't help but take a deep breath, as if she wanted to replace the dirty breath that had been buried in her body for many years.

"That's right."

The original blonde girl seemed to have grown a few years younger, turning into a little girl in her early teens. The little girl looked at the Apoptotic Rose and said in a childish voice: "We must eat carefully, sleep well, and concentrate on our studies. Only when we grow up can we..."

In the middle of speaking, the little girl suddenly stopped and said to Apoptotic Rose in a different tone: "Anyway, you have grown up and you can choose your own future."

Apoptotic Rose looked at herself like a doll in front of her, her eyes heated up, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

When the hot tears streaked down his cheeks, the dream in front of him was like a mirror shattered. His young self was shattered into pieces. His eyes once again turned into the dark underground palace, with only the ghostly fire shining all around.

Apoptotic Rose looked at Amber Xiu in the magic mirror and asked doubtfully: "What did you do?"

Amber Xiu smiled and said: "I am just unblocking all your past memories and reminding you of the good things you once had. Qiangwei, I will not force you to live. Only if you want to live can I help you." you."

Amber Xiu did not directly modify the soul of Apoptotic Rose and forcibly implanted some belief in her to survive.

What he had just done was to wake up all the beautiful memories of Apoptotic Rose when she fell into her dream, and turn them into real images that appeared in her dream.

The apoptotic rose in the dream can temporarily restore the consciousness of a living person, but only if she is willing.

After all, she has forgotten her feelings for many years, and Apoptotic Rose is now in a state where her soul is almost silent. She cannot recall these feelings on her own, and she cannot reproduce them in her dreams.

Amber Xiu didn't want to forcefully modify Apoptotic Rose's consciousness, because he didn't want an obedient puppet.

Therefore, it can only be guided.

Who would have thought that as a child, the queen of the undead loved reading chivalry novels the most?

There were dozens of stories of knights and princesses secretly hidden in her room. Even if her parents and teachers found out that she would be punished by copying the Prayer of Light hundreds of times, the princess still tried her best to hide these novels. good.

Under the pillow, under the mattress, in the closet, in the dressing table... there are even some hidden directly under the clothes.

Amberxiu was surprised when he saw this memory. It had no resemblance to the decisive and murderous Queen of the Undead.

It can only be said that the extreme ideas of the Ryan royal family are really damnable and can drive all normal people crazy. So much so that these good things in the past are like knives, and recalling them can cause heartbreaking pain.

Fortunately, everything went well. Apoptotic Rose finally remembered her childhood and was willing to think of that little bit of warmth.

Although it was just an attempt, at least Apoptotic Rose could already feel it in her dream.

Feelings are the pillars of survival for the undead, including joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, any emotion is acceptable, but the worst thing is nothing, complete nothingness.

Amber Xiu did not explain in detail, but Apoptotic Rose could also guess what he did.

"You don't have to go to so much trouble. Why don't you just modify my soul? I don't mind this."

It may not be difficult to read the memory, but it is extremely difficult to re-experience the memory without damaging the soul of the Apoptotic Rose. Apoptotic Rose understands this very well, so she is only grateful to Amber Xiu for everything he has done for her, but she also does not understand why he does this.

Amberxiu shook his head and said: "How is it different from directly modifying your soul and killing you? Ms. Qiangwei, I have only brought back a little of your feelings, but you are an undead after all, and this feeling will still change over time. It fades with time. If I want to completely solve this problem, I only have a preliminary idea and it will take a long time to realize it.

"So you can stop at any time and I will respect your choice."

Apoptotic Rose looked at Amber Xiu in the mirror and asked, "What are your thoughts? This sounds like treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

If you have to enter the dreamland every once in a while to "recharge your senses", then it would be too troublesome to live like this. Apoptotic Rose even doubts whether doing so counts as living.

"It is indeed necessary to temporarily suspend the lack of humanity in this way, but with Melina here, I am very sure that the undead do not necessarily need strong love and hate to maintain their thinking ability. Curiosity is also a driving force sometimes. , perhaps it should be said to be the most important inner driving force of all intelligent life.”

Amberxiu said jokingly: "Ms. Rose, don't you like knight novels very much? Maybe reading more novels can help you find the meaning of living?"

Apoptotic Rose's expression froze and she couldn't help but say, "I kind of regret letting you see my memories."

Ambrose smiled and said: "That's great, you need this emotion right now."

But after finishing the joke, Amberxiu said in a serious tone: "Don't worry, I'm studying the power of this mask. Ogma can use this mask to grant me rebirth. I guess the Lord of Knowledge doesn't mind me either." Learn this knowledge. When one day I can create my own mask, I will put it on for you."

Apoptotic Rose was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Do I need to enter dreams every day now?"

"The longer the better, if you have time, you might as well dream more. Even if you are really busy, my suggestion is to sleep for at least eight hours a day, and just treat yourself as a living person."

Apoptotic Rose showed a charming smile and said to Amber Xiu in a different tone: "The last question, can I see you in my dream?"

Amber Xiu was stunned for a moment. Looking at Apoptotic Rose's beautiful face, he couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster.

I have never felt this way before, but when Her Majesty the Queen invites me to dream together, even if she doesn't necessarily mean that, Amberxiu still feels like his heartbeat is speeding up.

Is this a "side effect" of becoming a living person? It was already difficult for Amber Xiu to stay calm 100%.

But looking at the expectant look in Apoptotic Rose's eyes, Amber Xiu nodded and said, "I'm not sure whether my current state can be affected by dreams, but I can try."

Synesthetic dreams can affect even the undead, and theoretically, weapon spirits can also sleep, not to mention that Amber Xiu has restored various human senses.

But the problem is that Amber Xiu's overall body is too "huge". Once Amber Xiu falls into a deep sleep, the Magic Mirror Network does not know how it will be affected, and synesthetic dreams may not be able to support Amber Xiu, a "behemoth", to sleep.

It’s always okay to give it a try.

"Then I have no problem." Apoptotic Rose stretched out her hand and touched the surface of the magic mirror, as if touching Amber Xiu's face.

"Thank you, my knight." Apoptotic Rose whispered.

Amberxiu also smiled and said to Apoptotic Rose: "This is my honor, Her Majesty the Queen."

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