This lich needs more money

Chapter 533: A request that is not a request

In the ruined palace, blood and magma mixed together, turning into burnt and foul-smelling smoke.

Mammon's body, as fat as a hill, lay on the ground, with long swords piercing his body. The poisonous blood kept flowing, and a lake was about to form under his body.

The fallen angel, who had broken his wings and an arm, leaned against the broken wall, and blood like lava flowed out of his shattered body.

The two archdukes fought fiercely, and finally both were injured. They have been lying in the ruins for several days.

But it only looks miserable, and in fact it is only a superficial injury.

Mammon groaned, and long swords squeezed out of the wound. His huge body began to shrink slowly, and finally turned back into a pot-bellied human form, looking like he had never been injured, but his hair was a little messy.

The same was true for Zariel. When he stood up again, his shattered body was restored to its original state.

In hell, the devil archduke was like being in his own kingdom of God.

If Zariel had used the power of the first layer of hell, Mammon would not have allowed him to be injured like this. Mammon would not really fight Zariel in the first layer of hell. If he had to fight, it would be in the third layer of hell that he controlled.

The two dukes of hell just wanted to vent their depression and anger, not to really force the sleeping lord of hell to wake up and slap them.

Zariel waved his hand, and the ruined palace began to recover. Everything that the two dukes of hell smashed when they were angry began to be repaired.

Zariel and Mammon looked at each other in silence, like two gamblers who had lost everything, and they were both sad.

At this time, Amber's voice sounded in the corner: "You two, you finally calmed down. I'm actually quite surprised. Why are you angry? I didn't say I would default on my debt."

Zariel and Mammon looked at the corner where the voice came from, and Amber's figure appeared on another magic mirror.

It was just slightly different from before. He had a white clown mask on his face. But even if he couldn't see his face clearly, the voice alone would let Zariel recognize this abominable lich!

"A liar who deserves to go to hell!"

Zariel cursed, but didn't do anything in the end. His anger had been vented almost completely, and smashing the magic mirror now would not help.

Mamon was more determined than Zariel. He walked to the front of the magic mirror and said to Amberxiu: "Tell me, you devil who deserves to be burned by hellfire forever, what are your conditions?!"

Amberxiu didn't care about this threat at all, just smiled and said to the two: "What conditions can I have? I just want to continue to cooperate with you in the bank's business. Let's continue working according to the previous ratio, and I will make up for the missing soul coins."

Zariel and Mamon were stunned when they heard it.

What kind of conditions are these?

Zariel asked excitedly: "What did you say? Are you going to continue the previous cooperation?"

"Of course, what reason do I have to regret it?"

Mammon also asked: "Everything remains the same, including the investment and the share ratio?!"

Amber Xiu still smiled and said: "Of course, how can I regret the agreed price? I have always been fair in doing business and never violate the contract."

Zariel and Mammon looked at each other. If this is the case, why are they fighting? Can't everything be the same? !

If you think about it this way, the two of them fighting before were just like idiots?

Mammon still said with a puzzled look on his face: "No, something is wrong, you might as well tell the truth directly. I don't believe you don't want anything!"

Amber Xiu still said calmly: "To be honest, I didn't plan to do anything at the beginning. It was Grand Duke Zariel who was bent on torturing me. Did I say anything about not continuing to cooperate?"

Zariel said excitedly: "You said you want to renegotiate the terms! What's the difference between this and defaulting on a debt? Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?"

"Misunderstood." Amber Xiu spread his hands and continued: "Dear Grand Dukes, I have never thought about modifying the contract on investment and profit sharing. I said that the terms should be renegotiated, actually I want to say that the bank's business direction needs to be adjusted. As a result, you didn't listen to me at all and just started to act."

Zariel clenched his fists. If he didn't know that he couldn't touch Amber Xiu, he would definitely catch this lich and beat him up.

Amber did not continue to provoke, and said to the two devil dukes calmly: "But a small misunderstanding will not affect our cooperation, right? The previous terms remain unchanged, and I will still provide the negotiated soul coins. However, I have encountered a small difficulty here and need the help of the two dukes."

Zariel wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mammon.

Although he knew that what Amber was going to say next must not be a "little trouble", Mammon was relieved now. As long as there was room for negotiation, he would not lose everything. At this point, since there was no way to catch the lich, he could only endure it temporarily.

But it doesn't matter, the devil also has eternal life, and he can slowly settle accounts with him after hundreds of years.

Therefore, Mammon said to Amber, "Tell me, what is your little trouble?"

"That is, I don't have enough materials to make soul coins. You two should also know that my main source of materials is purchased. I originally bought magic materials from the elves, but now my business in the main material plane has been seriously affected, so materials have become a problem..."

Mammon and Zariel frowned when they heard this. It's not that this matter is serious, but it's a bit troublesome.

Even though he is the Grand Duke of Hell, the most honorable existence among the devils, their influence on the main material plane is not enough, not to mention that the elves are protected by the elven gods, so they dare not mess around.

Zariel said suspiciously: "Is there anyone who dares to steal your business?"

"Tsk tsk, is this what the Grand Duke of Hell should say? Grand Duke Zariel, have you seen few greedy people? I am nominally dead and have fallen into hell. A dead hero cannot be feared at all. Although my enemies have not succeeded, my business has been seriously affected. If you don't believe it, you can ask around."

Amber Xiu said very confidently because these words are true.

The Alchemy Association is sniping at the industries left by Amber Xiu, but they are all using secret business methods that are difficult for ordinary people to find out. Even though the elves are still trading with the Withered Rose according to the contract, they have been slightly affected during this period.

This is a national-level business trade war. If you don't have a professional level, you really can't play it. You can't even calculate whether you have made a profit or a loss.

Ambersu was not afraid of the devils going to check. After all, only his own people knew how much was affected. He could tell others how much he had lost. If he was not convinced, he could check the accounts. Unless Mammon personally went to the main material plane to look up the account books, he could not guess the truth.

"What materials do you need?" Mammon asked.

Mammon did not intend to delve into the truth. In fact, he knew in his heart that Ambersu's so-called "difficulties" were just his way of taking advantage. Originally, Ambersu provided the materials for the soul coins, but now he let the devils provide them, so he could save the cost.

Mammon was not very clear about the specific difference. Only Ambersu himself could calculate the cost of the simulated soul. If the price is not too high, a small loss can be considered a profit.

Ambersu said: "Don't worry, I really don't want to cheat you out of money. The materials I need are very simple, some demon corpses and souls are enough. The Blood River Battlefield is in the first layer of hell. This kind of thing should not be worth much to you, right?"

Zariel and Mammon frowned again.

This thing is not a question of whether it is worth money, but it has almost no cost.

A large number of demons die in the Blood River battlefield anytime and anywhere, and those demons who have made meritorious deeds need to collect the remains of demons and send them to the Blood River Fortress to exchange for merits.

The corpses of these demons can be regarded as pollutants, because most of the corpses of demons are highly toxic, and they are highly toxic to demons.

The one who knows you best is your enemy. After so many years of fighting, demons have also understood the various characteristics of demons. They even specially cultivate self-destructing demons to play suicide charge on the Blood River battlefield.

The body parts of these demons are the most powerful weapons, pure pollutants.

Often only a small number of demon corpses can be made into weapons or artificial demons, but most can only be burned in hellfire for harmless treatment.

Occasionally, demons will collect these things and send them out as "rewards" when they accept the summons of those cultists, which is actually a scam.

Therefore, the corpses of demons are not very useful. Amber wants these things, and Zariel doesn't feel bad at all when giving them away.

But is it really that simple?

Will this damn greedy lich only want these things?

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