This lich needs more money

Chapter 514: The hero is gone, the world remains the same

The sky is thundering, and the ground is full of flowers.

The Storm Arena was built to please Talos. The giants would fight here until they died and eventually disappear from this plane.

Now, a huge tombstone is built in the center of the arena, suppressing the huge silver dragon. Flowers are everywhere, and as long as there are people coming to pay tribute, these magical flowers will never wither.

The great Saint King Arthur Ryan sacrificed himself, penetrated the body of the Time Dragon with divine power, and killed his soul.

But the body of the Time Dragon did not rot, but kept flashing, jumping repeatedly at different time nodes.

This is the power of the Time Dragon. Even if the soul has been annihilated, the body still retains a strong power of time. Every cell will instinctively control time and try to recover its injuries.

Arthur Ryan used the body of the Dragon Tyrant to make the artifact, a big part of the reason was that he was worried that the Dragon would be resurrected.

Even if you cut these flesh and blood into pieces and burn them into ashes, it is not safe, because this ashes may flash and recover in the next second.

But this time, the Ryans were not qualified to deal with the more powerful corpse of the Time Dragon.

The troubles caused by the Dragon Armed Forces had to be solved by their ancestors sacrificing themselves. After the news spread, the Ryans were ashamed and a large number of Ryans committed suicide out of shame.

Even if they had to go to hell to commit suicide, they would not hesitate.

The foolish behavior of later generations made the Holy King sacrifice himself again. This guilt needed the torture of hell to dispel.

Alan hurried back after the funeral. Now only he could replace the Royal Family of Ryan who had lost the support of the people to stabilize the domestic situation.

The orc army was ready to go, but the death of the orc king also affected the orcs. They had to consider whether to elect a new king first or take advantage of the civil strife in Ryan to invade first. As a result, no one in the kingdom was convinced by each other, and the discussion turned into a fight, and the final opportunity for attack was missed.

Food was in short supply and could no longer support the army's actions. This war between the two countries had to end hastily.

Finally, after many discussions, the other kingdoms decided not to dissect the dragon's body, but spent huge manpower and material resources to build a monument on the corpse. It clearly records the beginning and end of this dragon-slaying battle for future generations to pay tribute.

In addition, this monument is also a huge sealing magic circle.

Its core is another time dragon, and Naomi needs to stay here for a long time to absorb and neutralize the remaining time power on the dragon's body with her own power.

This process may be very long, but this method was proposed by Naomi on her own initiative. The druids only regarded this little girl as the most determined believer of Sylvanus, who was willing to sacrifice her life for the balance of the world.

Only Catherine understood that Naomi wanted to absorb the power of the dragon and then try to resurrect her master.

After the battle, it's not that no one has tried to use resurrection.

For some high-level priests, the complete body of a recently dead person can be brought back to the world through resurrection. As long as the soul has not fallen into the hands of the lord of hell, powerful spells such as perfect resurrection and wish can even snatch people from the lord of hell.

But unfortunately, the two heroes who died could not use these means.

Arthur Ryan was punished by Io, and his heroic body was completely shattered. There was no soul that could be resurrected, and there was not even a corpse. As for the other lich, he could have been resurrected through the life box, and he should have been able to be resurrected even if he went back in time and became a human.

However, the death of Amber was not simply due to aging or falling from a height. The real reason was the dragon blood curse imposed by the dragon before his death.

The last person who suffered the dragon blood curse was the real Arthur Ryan, and his soul eventually dissipated completely.

The same is true for Amber. His soul was shattered before his body fell to the ground. The dragon used the curse to turn Amber's tragic memories of hundreds of years into a herd of beasts, tearing and devouring Amber's soul. According to the investigation of countless professionals, it is believed that the soul of this hero has completely dissipated.

Perhaps, only Io can make a move, or reverse time, to make him resurrect.

No matter how many people hated the lich when he was alive, after this battle, they all bowed their heads in front of the monument and praised his great sacrifice.

Just turned around, these people began to discuss how to deal with the huge assets left by the lich.

Everyone has seen the business of Gold Coin Island and Silver Coin Island. It can no longer be described as "making money". It is simply to let gold coins learn to give birth.

In a short period of time, the lich built a business empire, and it was not destroyed much because of his demise. The only thing affected was his cheap and easy-to-use undead troops.

But now all countries will not fight in the short term, and this business is not easy to do.

The real big money is logistics and shipping, alchemy factories, and various local specialties monopolized by the lich.

Like the magic materials of the elves, the spices and high-end equipment of the unclean hymns, etc., these are all negotiated when the lich was alive.

If you can get these product channels, you will be a hen that lays golden eggs.

Some people are still concerned about the influence that the Lich has just sacrificed for the whole world, while others have already begun to blatantly embezzle.

On the Gold Coin Island that had been turned into an alchemy factory, Harvey was livid because in front of them was Gustavo Flynn, the president of the New Alchemy Association, and what he brought was not the distribution profits that should be delivered recently but A new share contract.

Harvey flipped through it and found that the share ratio above had completely changed. Their teachers were supposed to account for most of the profits, but in this new contract, all the profits went to the Alchemy Association.

Harvey grabbed the new contract and said in a serious tone: "Master Flynn, is this the latest decision of your Alchemy Association?"

Gustavo Flynn looked at Harvey expressionlessly. That unsmiling black face put a lot of pressure on the young man. Legend has it that the alchemist was scared to death by Gustavo Flynn's eyes. There is more than one.

Harvey was also a little panicked, but after the teacher left, Harvey, who used to be an accountant, became the main person in charge of many businesses. Now he can only bite the bullet and negotiate with the greedy alchemist.

"Master Flynn, you should know very well what this contract means. It means that you want to swallow up my teacher's business."

"While your teacher was still here, he swallowed up countless people's businesses, started wars, resold arms, forged counterfeit medicines, etc. The world is so cruel, and nothing will change just because your teacher became a hero. . Harvey, you’ve been following that lich for so long, haven’t you seen the rules of how the world works?”

Harvey sneered and said, "Tell me about the rules of the world to a prophetic mage, Master Flynn. What you see are just the so-called unspoken rules of the business world."

Gustavo Flynn said with a straight face: "What we are talking about now is just business. To put it bluntly, if you had the ability of your teacher, I would not come to your door. Harvey, get to know this jungle man again." For the sake of your teacher, I can leave you a little profit, but only if you understand your position."

Harvey stood up excitedly and said angrily: "The dragon alchemy business is a channel controlled by my teacher. Without raw materials, you can't do anything. What confidence do you have to change the contract?"

"Do you think the world will stop during the time your teacher passed away? We have sent people overseas to contact the Dragon Clan. You originally promised the Dragon Clan that they could enjoy food and luxuries from the mainland. But your teacher is not here Well, with your own abilities, can you satisfy those greedy dragons?"

Harvey didn't expect that the Alchemy Association would move so quickly and send people out to sea to contact the Dragon Clan? Why didn't I receive any message?

"You don't have to accept this new contract, but do you have a way to keep your teacher's business? Do you want to fight against our Alchemy Association? Do you think you are the lich who can make gods fall with just one mouth? ?”

Gustavo Flynn didn't look down on Harvey. This young man was also extremely talented. It was rumored that he was the most likely prophecy mage after the Lich to enter the legendary realm.

But a lot of things depend on who you compare with.

During that period of time when his teacher was making trouble, he almost trampled under his feet all the geniuses in the world. Compared to this, Harvey was so far behind that it was difficult for those ambitious people to restrain themselves.

Gustavo Flynn very much hopes that Harvey can see the reality clearly. If possible, he even hopes that Harvey can serve him, so that it will be much easier to take over the industry left by Umbersheu.

Gustavo Flynn could tell that Harvey had been shaken. This kid's heart was not strong enough and he was not qualified to inherit the lich's legacy.

Gustavo Flynn was also glad that this guy was a lich and not a human noble with a huge family, otherwise it would not be easy to get his things.

Just when Gustavo Flynn pressed forward step by step, thinking he could make Harvey surrender, the young man suddenly restrained all his emotions, grabbed the parchment with the new contract written on it, and tore it hard.

The fragments were scattered all over the floor, and Harvey calmly said to Gustavo Flynn: "You are right, there is a big gap between me and the teacher. I can't keep his business, but you can't take it away either. Flynn Master, I'm not good at business, but I have things I'm good at.

"If you insist on doing such a disgraceful thing, then I guarantee that everyone in your Alchemy Association will be in bad luck in the next ten years and a hundred years. You will accomplish nothing, you will have frequent accidents, and you will be ignored by this world. Scorn. This is what I can do, I will sacrifice everything I have to fate in exchange for the destruction of your Alchemy Association."

Gustavo Flynn frowned, but he didn't take the threat seriously.

The prophecy mage is very troublesome, but Harvey is just a young man who has just left his apprenticeship. Such threats are just bragging and have no practical significance.

However, just when Gustavo Flynn wanted to put more pressure on him, he felt a little stiff.

The surrounding air seemed to become colder, and Gustavo Flynn could even see his breath turning into white mist.

A dark red figure appeared in front of the two of them. She was graceful and graceful, but the appearance of this figure made Gustavo Flynn's soul tremble.

Why is she here? !

Harvey screamed in surprise!

"Ms. Rose, why are you here?!"

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