This lich needs more money

Chapter 507 The night before the meeting

The weather is getting colder and colder, and this year's winter is beginning to exert unimaginable power.

The departure of an entire kingdom took away not only the land, but also a lot of "energy".

This unusual winter not only froze most of the rivers on land, but also the sea.

A large amount of sea surface was frozen near the newly built island named Silver Coin Island by Amberxiu.

Although the weather was very bad, it did not stop Amberxiu's business from being hot.

Especially this year, everyone was short of food, and Amberxiu had just made a lot of money from the druids.

In order to successfully release those overseas animals and plants and return them to their original environment, the druids not only had to buy these animals and plants, but also had to buy the locations where they were collected from Amberxiu.

I've given you the map. Do you want to take the airship along the way? Do you want to pay for the fare?

In this way, the druids couldn't afford the gold coins and could only pay off their debts with food.

The whole world may be short of food, but druids will not. Their natural magic can instantly create dense forests, and they will never worry about food shortages.

So the druids owed Amberxiu a lot of food, and had to work for Amberxiu to pay off their debts in this cold weather.

Therefore, all those who were short of food came, even if the sea was frozen and the journey was long, but everyone still had to come to Silver Coin Island to make a trip for the most scarce food this winter.

The teleportation array can be used to send people, but large-scale food transactions cannot be done through the teleportation array. Not every country is as rich as Ryan, and can directly transport military food through the teleportation array.

Then, Amberxiu's drow air transport route began to advertise crazily, and even caused the Alchemy Association to start changing the production line and get a few airships to get this business.

Amberxiu accepted everyone who came, and even taught them how to transform the warehouse and isolate the influence of dark magic.

However, the Alchemy Association's airship business is still not as good as the drow route, after all, the drow route has additional services. Even though Catherine strictly forbade the drow elves to mess around on the ship, these dark-skinned elves did not mind providing extra services to earn a little extra money when unloading.

This is unique in the world, and the Alchemy Association cannot compete with it.

When the transportation industry began to gain momentum, Amberxiu was not idle either. He chiseled the ice layer and embedded the custom-made magic structures into the foundation of the island.

This large-scale project could not be concealed from anyone. People from all kingdoms sent people to ask what the function of this magic circle was, and Amberxiu responded uniformly - to prepare for Talos' wedding.

With this name, others could not ask further questions.

After all, mortals are not qualified to express their opinions on the wedding of the gods.

Moreover, most people do not think that Amberxiu is doing anything dangerous.

Amberxiu's deeds have long been spread, and this lich only has money in his eyes. He will not set up a plan to pull all the kings over and then kill them with a large magic. This will only make his business completely bankrupt, and then he will be hunted down by all the countries in this life.

According to normal logic, this magic circle probably has little to do with them.

In this way, Amber Xiu expanded the Silver Coin Island several times in front of everyone. Even a "Muggle" who has no sense of magic power can feel that something is wrong after entering the Silver Coin Island.

Because the magic power here has reached the level that can be seen with the naked eye, if someone casts magic here, the effect will be several times stronger.

However, this situation only lasted for a few days.

After Amber Xiu installed the last piece of the magic structure weighing tons, the whole island returned to peace, and even the traces of the magic circle disappeared.

At this time, there were only three days left before the meeting officially started.

The venue prepared for the wedding on Silver Coin Island has been built, and the accommodation for guests from various kingdoms has been arranged. This time, Amber Xiu was extravagant and spent a lot of money to invite the elves to be responsible for the reception of the entire venue.

Those beautiful and elegant elves are both magic and martial arts. In addition to being pleasing to the eye, they can also perform security work.

In the current situation of closed communication in Silvermoon High Court, only Amber Xiu has the connections to get so many elves to serve as maids.

The Ryan people are the closest, but they came the latest.

There are not many people who came with Emperor Ryan. If you don't count the servants, there are only eight people in total, but they are very valuable because all eight of them are legends.

Paladin and priest of light are standard for Ryan, and there is also a magician of legendary rank, which is a rare legendary powerhouse for Ryan.

Paladins like Anger Watson, who are not even legendary, are not qualified to come with him, and are still left by the emperor at the border to prevent the orcs from taking the opportunity to attack.

In the state of being surrounded by enemies on three sides, Ryan can still mobilize so many legends, worthy of being the strongest empire on the continent.

For example, on the orc side, there are only two legends who appeared with the orc king, which is incomparable to Ryan.

The young emperor was wrapped in a thick robe and surrounded by a group of tall paladins, looking quite thin.

In the eyes of others, Emperor Ryan is just a symbol, representing the afterglow of the great achievements of the Holy King. Others respect him because of his bloodline, not because of his own abilities.

The young emperor also hopes that others will see him this way, so even though he represents the strongest empire on the continent, he has always kept a low profile.

After entering Silver Coin Island, he took his entourage and hid in a small single-family villa prepared for the Lane people. He was completely unlike the dwarf king who visited everywhere and enthusiastically showed everyone that he had "recovered from a long illness." physical condition afterwards.

And because of Ryan's special relationship with other kingdoms, no one will disturb this small villa for the time being.

Emperor Ryan hid in his room reading a book, leaving the paladins guarding him outside.

In order to protect the emperor's safety, paladins need to guard the door in pairs, ready to deal with any trouble.

It's just that the relationship between the two people responsible for guarding in the first half of the night was a bit awkward.

Standing by the window is Allen Watson, the youngest legendary paladin in the Empire. No matter how mixed his reputation is, Allen is still the youngest legend in the history of the Empire, because after his battle with the Githyanki, Allen Watson Lun showed strong aerial combat capabilities, so he was nicknamed the "Angel Sword."

Of course, many people still think that Allen is a traitor and is plotting to split Ryan, so many people secretly call him the "Sword of the Fallen Angel" who will sooner or later degenerate into a devil like Zariel.

Standing next to Allen is the oldest legendary paladin in the empire, William Garrison, the Shield of the Empire.

The relationship between the two is quite awkward.

William Garrison was a big figure who became the mainstay of the empire after the death of the Silver Moon Knight. He was also the one who turned the tide during the battle between the Githyanki and brought back the emperor and the remaining defeated soldiers.

The two of them fought side by side in this battle, but they never met each other.

Later, William stood firmly on the emperor's side and helped him stabilize the situation, while Allen once openly opposed the emperor, which almost led to a split in Lane.

Facing this young man, William really didn't know what expression to make.

For other young people, as long as William puts on a serious expression, these juniors will wait tremblingly for his lecture. But Allen was different. This young man was filled with powerful holy light from the inside out.

Paladins practice their teachings in exchange for blessings from the Lord of the Morning. Does Allen being so powerful mean that he is more in line with the teachings of the Lord of the Morning?

Once this doubtful thought arises, William will no longer be able to rely on his old age in front of Allen.

After all, for the paladin, faith trumps all else.

The two of them had to stand like this for most of the night, and they couldn't say a word. Just when the old man was about to speak to break the awkward atmosphere, Allen spoke first: "Mr. Garrison, why do you think His Majesty let me accompany you?" ? And you want me to protect his safety?"

William was stunned for a moment, not expecting Allen to take the initiative to raise such a sensitive issue in advance.

Is it testing? Or does this guy have an ulterior motive?

However, Allen's eyes were very clear. He was just confused and asked, and there was no conspiracy in it.

William believed in his own judgment and said in a deep voice: "Alan, people will grow. You and His Majesty are both young people. You have changed a lot in the past year and so has His Majesty. Young people make mistakes. It does not mean that he will not change. During this period, every order of His Majesty has been correct, and he has even done it better than many emperors in history.

"I believe that His Majesty hopes that you can reintegrate into Ryan. You are an indispensable force for the empire and should not stand on the opposite side of the empire."

Allen couldn't help but ask: "What about the previous mistakes? Can we all pretend that they didn't happen? Mr. Garrison, Lane has killed tens of thousands of people over the years because of extremist ideas, and the damage caused to the outside world is also incalculable. Guess. We may choose to forget, but the orcs will rush towards us with shouts of blood and blood, and so will other races. Your Majesty has never mentioned how to solve this problem. "

William frowned. He didn't expect Allen to speak on the side of the orcs.

William could only remind: "Alan, you are thinking too much. This is not something we generals need to consider, let alone, they are orcs, not Lane people."

Allen looked at the white-haired senior and sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, it is difficult for the older generation to understand their own position.

When the Lord of the Dawn spreads his glory, he doesn't care about humans or orcs. The teacher of Holy King Arthur is an orc.

It's a pity that no one knows these secrets, and even if Allen tells them, no one will believe them.

I really hope to see His Majesty the Holy King again. Allen feels that he is still too young and needs the guidance of His Majesty the Holy King.

If the lich creates such a big battle, His Majesty the Holy King will definitely appear in public. I wonder how sensational it will be when he appears?

Allen couldn't help but look forward to it.

I hope the Holy King can lead Ryan back on track.

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