This lich needs more money

Chapter 45 Political Chips

When the administrator asked the name Allen, Amberxiu could more or less guess what happened.

The Lane Empire was tougher than he thought. It was clear that a matter that could be solved with some money was chosen as the most decisive method.

That editor-in-chief James Watson really didn't care about his son's life or death.

The orc bartender heard this question, and before he could answer, he couldn't help but look in the direction of Amber Xiu.

The young administrator was a very perceptive person. He noticed this immediately, turned to look at Amberxiu, and said: "It seems that you are also a party involved. Come on, you can drink too."

After saying this, the administrator took out two bottles of magic potion and placed them on the bar.

The political officer's words were completely command-line, leaving no room for negotiation.

In the Alchemy City, the Administrative Officer represents the absolute truth and cannot be refuted.

The headless brother chuckled and said to Amber Xiu: "Brother Diga, do you want to help?"

When the administrative officer heard what the headless brother said, he sneered and said: "Want to resist arrest? That will save me trouble. If you are locked up, I won't have to interrogate you. I can also go back and do my experiments."

With just one sentence, it was directly defined as an arrest. Without giving others a chance to explain, the administrator directly controlled the demon puppet behind him to walk towards the headless brother and Amber Xiu.

The huge robot spewed steam, walked towards him with every step, and reached out to grab the headless brother.

This kind of demon puppet is so powerful that it can crush even rocks.

Everyone in the bar stayed away, fearing that these demon puppets would harm them.

The administrator was very satisfied with the performance of others. In the Alchemy City, the words of the alchemists were the rules. If you want to live in this place, you must obey their orders unconditionally.

Ordinary people who don't even have the most basic knowledge of alchemy are just parasites in this city. Just as the Lion Empire discriminates against all heretics, Alchemy City also discriminates against these "lower people" who come to Alchemy City to seek a living.

In the eyes of the administrator, the headless brother is just a ragged adventurer who dares to speak rudely and will be put in jail.

However, the result was completely beyond his expectation.

The puppet stretched out its steel arm, pinched the headless brother's shoulders, and tried to take him down. However, it was like facing a majestic mountain. The mechanical core roared with overload, but the headless brother remained motionless.

The headless brother said disdainfully: "That's it? Even a massage is too weak."

The administrator's eyes widened. He didn't see any signs of the headless brother using magic, but the strength of this demon puppet was enough to twist steel. How could it not even be able to pull a person?

Amber Xiu also sighed. Originally, he didn't want to make the matter a big deal, but since he has already taken action against his guests, there is absolutely no possibility of compromise. Otherwise, how will he survive in the Mourning Poets Society in the future?

Two bolts of thunder shot out from Amber Xiu's hands, electrifying the two puppets so much that they trembled and emitted large amounts of black smoke.

The young administrator was shocked by the destruction of two golems at once.

This is an honorary product of the Alchemy City and has good magic resistance. How could it be easily electrocuted into scrap metal?

"You guys really dare to resist?! You are blatantly violating the laws of the Alchemy City. Stop your illegal behavior now, and I can consider lenient treatment, otherwise you will be severely punished. Are you going to fight with the entire city? The Alchemy City is our enemy?!”

Now only the powerful Alchemy City can give him some comfort, hoping that this name can scare the two of them.

But Amberxiu calmly took out a badge and placed it in front of the administrator.

"This... this is..." The administrator's eyes widened, and then he knelt down in front of Amberxiu in fear, and said in a panic: "I am very sorry, I have offended you so recklessly, please forgive me."

The headless brother said in surprise: "Hey, brother, are you still an official in the Alchemy City?"

Amberxiu shook his head and said: "No, this is the badge of an outstanding scholar. I have contributed several magic potion formulas to the Alchemy City. This is considered an honorary title."

The headless brother said strangely: "If he is not an official with real power, then what is he afraid of?"

"In the Alchemy City, knowledge is higher than race, belief and law. Except for the Alchemist Council, no one else has the right to judge outstanding scholars, and I only need a letter to prevent him from joining any alchemy laboratory. , directly ruining his future. Unfortunately, this badge has a symbolic meaning and is difficult to realize. "

After hearing Amber Xiu's explanation, the headless brother couldn't help but say: "This is more twisted than the values ​​​​of Ryan's group of religious lunatics."

Ambrose strongly agrees that religious discrimination or professional discrimination are equally distorted.

The female orc boss who was standing nervously walked to the headless brother excitedly and said with concern: "Gareth, is your hand okay?"

Amberxiu watched the female orc pinch the headless brother's arm, and he didn't know whether she was really worried or took the opportunity to touch it.

Amberxiu ignored the nonsense here, picked up the bottle of lie detector potion and said to the administrator: "Drink it, I have something to ask you."


The administrator looked at the potion bottle with a hesitant expression.

"You should know very well that if I kill you now, you can be exempted from the crime as long as you write two papers for Alchemy City." Amberxiu said.

This is a bit exaggerated. At least a paper that can be published in "Legendary Curse" can compensate for the crime of killing the administrator. Amber Xiu would definitely not do this unless it was absolutely necessary. The data required for the paper were all obtained through experiments, and the cost was high. Wouldn't it be a waste to give it to the Alchemy City for nothing?

But the governor didn't know that. He only knew that what Amberxiu said was right. The papers of outstanding scholars were indeed far more valuable than the life of a governor.

He was unable to resist, so he could only drink the bottle of polygraph, and the bitter taste made his whole face wrinkle up.

Amberxiu confirmed that the potion had taken effect, and then said to him: "What official document was issued by the Lion Empire to ask the administrator to come forward to investigate the whereabouts of the paladin?"

"I don't know much. I heard that this paladin named Alan Watson is the son of the Supreme Court of the Lion Empire. Therefore, the Lion Empire not only sent diplomatic documents in advance to let us assist in investigating the disappearance of Alan Watson, but also sent We have received the mission and are coming to the Alchemy City. Their goal is very clear, they must find this Alan Watson, and they must see him alive or dead."

"Envoy? Did the supreme judge come in person?" Amber Xiu asked.

"That's not true, but the status of the mission is also very high. It is the Condemnation Knights affiliated to the Privy Tribunal, second only to Emperor Ryan's Guards. Therefore, several councilors also attach great importance to it and have sent a large number of administrative officers to the mission. Looking around, I am just one of them.”

"The Knights of Conviction? Gareth, have you heard of it?" Amberxiu asked the headless brother.

The headless brother was enjoying the massage from the female orc. When he heard Amber Xiu's question, he shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it either. Back then... ahem, anyway, the only one I knew was the Emperor's Imperial Guard of the Lion Empire."

"Okay." Amberxiu turned to the administrator and said, "You don't need to investigate anymore. Tell the council that Alan Watson is in my hands. If you want to talk, let the council send someone to find me."

Amberxiu was not prepared to hide it. He cheated Alan Watson of five thousand gold coins. This paladin participated in the previous battle as a mercenary. It was impossible to hide these things. In this case, he simply followed Alchemy The city has negotiated directly.

The old guy James Watson is determined not to pay any more, but maybe he can sell Alan Watson to Alchemy City to recover a little loss.

The biological son of the highest judge of the Lion Empire is just an ordinary prisoner to Amber Xiu, but to the Alchemy City, he may be a good political bargaining chip.

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