This lich needs more money

Chapter 36 Practical Test

Amber Xiu has always been a very pure undead.

Whether it's taking in refugees, rescuing druids, making grudges with paladins or going to war with nearby lords.

The ultimate goal is simply to make money.

The same is true now. As a legendary lich with the technology to create souls, his demand for human souls is very low. This war is almost a complete loss for him. After all, the magic defense system of the castle is running every second. It's burning gold coins.

Just killing so many people is not cost-effective at all.

So Amber Xiu had to charge some interest no matter what.

The three people in front of him can be used as free experiments for him to test the combat effectiveness of this new zombie.


Harvey felt that it was time for him to give up the path of mage. What the hell prophecy school was, it was all a fucking trap. He obviously felt that it was right to follow the charge, but he fell into a trap.

He has seen pits before, but who would dig a pit tens of meters deep in front of his house? How much work is required, and what's the point of a pit being tens of meters deep? If you add some spears at the bottom, you can kill the enemy within a few meters. Okay, what's the use of being so high?

This question was quickly answered, because during the fall, the pit continued to narrow like a funnel, and eventually turned into a slide.

The three of them slid forward and backward into it, feeling like some kind of excrement being washed away. And just when Harvey thought he was about to fall into some unexplainable place, he suddenly felt something hooked on his back, and then slipped into another passage.

When his buttocks were all worn out, Harvey found himself in a metal cage, which automatically locked with a clang.

Harvey didn't have time to moan about his butt, because standing outside the cage was the terrifying lich—Ultraman Tiga.

Harvey looked at those eyes that were burning with soul fire, and could only say with a smile: "Ultraman Master... I said I was forced, do you believe it?"

Amberxiu chuckled and said to Harvey, "Does it matter to me whether you were forced to do it?"

Harvey was silent. The lich spoke too straightforwardly, leaving no room for discussion.

However, Harvey is also a mage with full intelligence, and he quickly thought of something: "Since I didn't fall directly into the sharp blade trap and was pierced to the core, it means that I still have value in living. Master Ultraman, how about You tell me why you want me to live, and maybe I can help you achieve your goal."

Amber Xiu didn't hide anything, and said very frankly: "It's very simple, just let you live to collect the ransom."

Harvey's mouth opened wide in surprise. He never expected this to be the reason. Thinking of how he used human refugees as bargaining chips to ask lords like Porcupine Rider for money, Harvey suddenly had a strange feeling. Why did this lich seem to be short of money?

" much are you going to ask for, Ultraman Master?"

"You should get 10,000 gold coins anyway. You are a mage after all." Amberxiu said.

Harvey smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. My employer can't afford that much money."

"That's not true. An army of thousands of people can't afford ten thousand gold coins?"

Amber Xiu didn't believe it. They might not be able to get the cash, but there must be something worth ten thousand gold coins. After all, he was a lord.

Harvey explained to Amber Xiu helplessly: "Ultraman Master, don't you know the current situation in Alchemy City? If they were not desperate, they would not unite to attack your castle."

"so serious?"

Amberxiu originally wanted to ask a few more questions, but there was another clang, and Pastor Guangming fell into another cage. Amber Xiu directly threw a body-holding spell at him, and then a bunch of skeletons swarmed up and stripped the light priest naked.

By the time the immobilization spell was lifted, the light priest had been fed several bottles of sleeping potion and immediately lost consciousness.

"Okay, let's talk about your matters later."

Amberxiu left Harvey these words, and then floated out of the cell.

Looking at the alien skeletons moving around outside the cage, Harvey put back the small wire in his sleeves. Even if he could open the cage, a mage apprentice like him couldn't defeat so many skeletons. To escape now would be to seek death.


Harvey sighed heavily. People in the Lane Empire were only bragging. The paladin was playing with the lich to control the undead.


Amberxiu came to another sealed cell. The paladin had successfully landed here and was now knocking all over the room to find an escape passage.

But this was in vain. The secret room was surrounded by thick rock and soil, with only the entrance to the slide above the head and a heavy iron door.

Probably because of the psychological shadow caused by the trap at the castle gate, this paladin did not dare to use Holy Slash on this iron gate.

Amberxiu brought the living mercury to the cell. Without even opening the door, he directly ordered: "There is a paladin inside. Give him a profound lesson."

After saying that, Amberxiu placed the living mercury in front of the iron door.

The newborn little guy understood Amber Xiu's order, his body squirmed, and he quickly penetrated through the gap in the iron door.

The paladin in the cell had very keen senses, and he was discovered as soon as the living mercury seeped into it.

It's just that he has never seen living mercury, and he thought that Amber Xiu was using some vicious method to deal with him.

He clenched the sword in his hand and looked at the iron gate warily.

But what happened next was far beyond the paladin's expectations.

The ball of mercury actually squirmed as if it were alive, and crawled towards him.

"Slime? No, what is this?!"

The paladin is also a well-informed adventurer, but he has never seen a strange creature like living mercury.

Could it be another special undead creation created by that weird lich?

But the problem is not big. No matter what kind of undead it is, it can be solved with one shot of Holy Slash. If it doesn't work, just try again.

The holy light condensed on the paladin's long sword, and the long sword containing the power of brilliance slashed towards the wriggling mercury.

Wherever the sword light touched, even the air was cut into ripples.

Amber Xiu saw this scene through the monitoring crystal and felt that the bones in his body were shaking. If this sword fell on him, most of his bones would be cut off.

The holy warrior's Holy Slash is so overbearing, and there are several legions of such holy warriors in the Lion Empire.

The Holy Slash was about to fall on the living Mercury, but at this moment, the living Mercury, which was originally cute and slow, expanded as if boiling.

Choking, the sound of metal clashing sounded.

The Holy Warrior's Holy Slash did not strike the living Mercury, but struck another long sword.

This description may be a little inaccurate, because it is just a silver-white sword blade, growing out of the living body of Mercury, which can steadily hold up the terrible blow of the paladin.

Although the silver sword transformed from living mercury was cut with a deep gap, the holy light contained in the Holy Slash also dissipated without causing much damage.

"How is it possible? Not only is this monster not undead, but it is also resistant to magic?!"

The paladin is also a knowledgeable person, and he understands the power of living mercury with just one sword strike.

Without waiting for him to calm down, the silver sword continued to extend. From the blade to the hilt, to the arm holding the hilt...a heavily armored warrior made entirely of mercury appeared in front of the paladin. A closer look revealed that the two were somewhat similar.

The living mercury used the transformation technique to transform into the appearance of the paladin. He imitated the opponent's previous posture and swung a sword towards the paladin. The silver light poured down, even more violent than the Holy Slash just now.

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