This lich needs more money

Chapter 354: kind drow elf

Chapter 354 The kind drow

 Ambrose sat naturally in Catherine's place, and Catherine stood aside naturally.

 Amberson is the master of the dungeon, so he should naturally sit in the master's position.

 Not long after, a drow named Constance came to Amberxiu.

 Constance is a very young drow, only sixteen years old in human terms.

She was one of the drow who followed the rebellion in Spider Web City, and she was a completely untamed drow.

  When she was first sent over, this little girl couldn't wait to duel with Catherine. In Constance's opinion, such a beautiful elf must be just a vase, why should he dictate to her.

Then, Constance understood what the gap was.

 Catherine pinned Constance, who was wielding two swords, to the ground with her bare hands.

 Constance thought she was careless, but the result was the same again.

 Catherine's reaction speed and combat skills are far superior to her own.

Constans then chose the most common approach of the drow, pretending to surrender and then looking for an opportunity to assassinate him.

 It’s a pity that Catherine is no longer the silly sweet girl she was before. Constance's move has been played many times by her predecessors.

 So Constance’s subsequent assassinations were easily resolved by Catherine.

 Constance was dumbfounded. Is this still a high elf? This method of assassination and counter-assassination is more powerful than that of the drow.

This woman named Catherine is so powerful. Not only is she beautiful, she also crushes her in all aspects.

But why did he still survive despite failed assassinations several times? Not even punished.

I have been worried about what kind of conspiracy I have fallen into, and now it seems that my punishment is finally coming.

The master of the dungeon sat in front of her, the legendary lich who could become a **** just by being cunning.

The white bones, the ghastly face, and the palpitating aura of negative energy.

The shape of this lich really perfectly fits the image of the extremely evil devil in Constance's mind.

Amberxiu looked at Constance for a moment, and then said to Catherine: "Is this this reckless little girl always breaking the rules?"

 Amberson's tone at this time was very serious, which startled Catherine.

 Catherine said obediently: "Yes, she carried out fifteen assassinations in total."

Constance thought to herself: Sure enough, it’s time for reckoning, and she’s afraid she’s going to die here.

 However, Catherine went on to say: "Perhaps, we can give her another chance. I believe she will change her ways."

 Constance looked at Catherine in surprise. It turned out that letting her go was not a conspiracy, but that Catherine really forgave her.

But, fifteen assassinations in total, can she forgive this?

Catherine originally thought that Amber was doing this drama to make Constance feel grateful to her. Now that things are going well, Constance's attitude towards her seems to have changed.

This lich is indeed still the same as before, and he is really good at reading people. Just when Catherine thought her cooperation was flawless this time, she heard Amber Xiu slap the table and roar: "What nonsense are you talking about?! Are you a pig? What are rules? If the rules can be broken at will, then what else? What a waste!"

 Catherine was frightened by Ambrose's vicious words. He is so cruel? I have known this lich for so long, and this was the first time he spoke to me in this tone.

 Catherine was startled by Amberxiu and didn't know how to answer at all.

Amberxiu didn't let her go, and stood up directly, cursing at Catherine: "Idiot, I asked you to train these drow elves, but in the end you will only indulge and create a traitor who will assassinate you fifteen times. .You are really a waste, leaving you here is just a waste of food."

Amberxiu stretched out a finger, and powerful dark magic was condensed on his fingertips. Even people who didn't understand magic could feel the power of this blow.

Constance watched Ambrose concentrating her magic power and was about to kill Catherine. She suddenly had an impulse in her heart and wanted to stop it.

  Yes, that’s right, only Catherine can save her life now. If she dies, she will die too.

"Stop, please spare Catherine. I will not break the rules again, and I will never do it again, I swear."

When Constance said this, Amberxiu turned to look at her with empty eye sockets: "Are you willing to abide by the rules for Catherine?"

 Constance felt cold all over, as if someone had grabbed her by the throat, and she was almost speechless.

But in the end she gritted her teeth and agreed: "Yes, for Catherine, I am willing to do what you asked and will never violate it. I swear to the Spider Queen..."

   "I will be exempted if I swear."

Amberxiu withdrew the dark magic and said to Catherine: "Now you know why I chose her."

Catherine then realized, was it all an act?

 Catherine clenched her fists and said, "You bastard, you scared me to death."

 Constance looked at the interaction between the two people and suddenly understood: "You teamed up to deceive me?"

Amberxiu shook his head and said: "I am the only one who lied to you. Catherine knows nothing. Just like you, the reactions of both of you are true. Catherine wants to save you, and you also want to save Catherine."

Constance seemed to have been stripped naked, and said with shame and annoyance: "I just, just..."

 Constance wanted to say that she only saved Catherine to protect herself, but she was so angry that she could not speak.

Amberxiu interrupted her and said: "Don't explain, why do you think I chose you to deceive? Fifteen assassinations, the first few were considered serious, but the latter few were purely perfunctory.

"Stab in front of a legendary ranger? Dig resistance traps in dungeons. Do you know how hard the ground is? There are also poisoning and honey traps in front of people. Honey traps, what's wrong with you, who is? Beauty, don't you have any idea? You didn't want to kill Catherine, you just wanted to attract her attention."

 Constance quickly retorted: "No, that's not the case, I just... I just didn't think of a new way."

"Okay, don't fool yourself. I don't want to waste my magic power on detecting lies. I know what you are thinking. Catherine has extraordinary charm, and she is good to you, and you have already felt that she is good to you. You’re just confused and don’t want to admit it.”

Amberxiu directly exposed Constance's lies. This girl has become a good person and has begun to think about others.

Amberxiu didn't give her time to think, and directly took out a plan and handed it to Catherine.

"This is the first phase of the airship transportation plan. The first route is from Silvermoon Highgarden to the Dwarf Kingdom. I have drawn up three routes. You choose one to build first. The first flying transport ship captain, let Kang Si Tansi will do it and let her choose her own people.

“I believe that more than one of the drow must have changed their personality.”

 (End of this chapter)

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