This lich needs more money

Chapter 337: Death of the Iron-Blooded General

Chapter 337 The Death of the Iron-Blooded General

Under the powerful holy light, Rachel Angelo was difficult to detect by Apoptotic Rose, but she still held the other person's hair in her hand.

 The auras were connected and due to mutual induction, Rachel Angelo was locked by the Apoptotic Rose.

Death Gaze, the legendary grace of the Apoptotic Rose, any living creature will turn into the undead under her "gaze".

 Ignore all defenses and cannot resist.

After being strengthened by Shar, the legendary grace of the Apoptotic Rose is more powerful than before, and it can also take effect quickly on the legendary paladins.

 Rachel Angelo only felt a pain in her fingers. When he raised his right hand, he saw that his fingertips were turning into ashes, just like those death knights.

It’s that Rachel Angelo’s fingers are constantly becoming undead, and he is being exposed to the holy light.

 The Holy Light will purify the undead, no matter who you are.

Being transformed into an undead is not very painful, but when purified by the holy light, the undead will also feel a sharp pain like Ling Chi.

 Rachel Angelo now truly felt what torture was, so much so that he, a veteran who had been fighting for many years, couldn't help but scream.

The other legendary powerhouses stayed in the city to avoid causing other troubles.

He did not leave the Holy Light Barrier because he knew very well that he would definitely die. If he stayed here, he would be completely reduced to ashes. If he left the Holy Light Barrier, he would be caught by those lichs. Maybe he would be caught by those lichs. will become undead controlled by others.

Apoptotic Rose said doubtfully: "You mean, he will hold on until he is completely dead and will not remove the barrier?"

 But this doesn’t make any sense, the transformation into undead is still going on, and his palm has completely disappeared.

“It’s just going with the flow. I didn’t want to predict Rachel Angelo’s death. What I wanted to see was another future, but it’s a pity...”

Rachel Angelo was just unlucky. He took a breath and brought a small number of confidants to confront his old friend to bring him back. Rachel Angelo didn't want to kill anyone, so she didn't want too many people to know the truth about Lorencos' defection. Only her own guards were tight-lipped.

 The newly grown palm is still undead, and then Rachel Angelo once again endures the effect of being purified by the holy light.

Sure enough, just as Ambrose said, Rachel Angelo wailed in pain and rolled crazily on the ground, but he just held on, and his two arms completely disappeared.

  Ambrose, Apoptotic Rose, and Melina, a family of three, stood in the distance, watching the iron-blooded general's death struggle.

The Holy Light will not let go of the undead, not only the body, but also the soul will be destroyed.

But after the ridicule was over, Apoptotic Rose smiled and said to Amber Xiu: "Thank you, I haven't caused Ryan such pain for many years. This loss will make the little emperor unable to sleep for several months."

Even though she was so painful that her teeth were broken and her mouth was full of blood, Rachel Angelo did not issue an order to cancel the Holy Light Barrier.

Amber Xiu shook his head and said, "No, this Holy Light Barrier will not be revoked."

Apoptotic Rose said to her daughter: "Melina, be prepared. Once the Holy Light Barrier is withdrawn, you will kill all the Ryan people."

Amberxiu nodded and explained: "Although Rachel Angelo is cruel and cruel, he can become a legendary paladin and he will not break his oath. We don't have much time to wait for Rachel Angelo." After its demise, Liuyan City’s reinforcements are almost here, and it’s time for us to retreat.”

  Amberxiu was also helpless, this time it was a complete accident. Even if Rachel Angelo dies, the war will not stop and Ryan will still invade the Unholy Canticle as predicted by the prophecy.

Lorencos, too, compromised countless times throughout his life, deceived himself and others for decades, and finally made a firm decision once, and then he died.

 This was probably the only time in Rachel Angelou's life that she relented, and then he died.

Those light priests wanted to save their general, but his divine curse was of no use.

Apoptotic Rose sensed that her curse had completely failed, and said with a sneer: "He does not live up to the title of Iron-Blooded General. I also thought that after he died, he would dig out the old guy Yin Yue and put him in." Now it seems that there is no way for him to be buried.”

For three full minutes, when Rachel Angelo's reinforcements from Flowing Flame City arrived, his head was completely undead, and then completely turned into ashes under the burning of the holy light, and even his soul was completely destroyed. Annihilation.

 Sometimes, Amberxiu also feels that the goddess of fate is too evil.

“Let’s go, Liuyan City’s reinforcements have arrived. They are mourning soldiers now, so it’s better not to fight with them.”

In order to complete this ambush, Amberxiu did not prepare too many troops. Although the illusion was good, it was impossible to cover up a large-scale undead army for an ambush.

There are only ten death knights and only thirty mercury zombies. They all rely on high-end combat power to solve the problem.

As a result, all the mercury zombies were gone, and all the death knights were gone. This account is still a bit distressing.

Now that the army from Lane City has come out, of course they have to run away.

Apoptotic Rose felt a little pity. She originally wanted to kill all the remaining guards of Rachel Angelo, but now she could only spare their lives.

"What about you, why don't you come back to the Underdark with me and let's celebrate." Apoptotic Rose asked.

Amberxiu shook his head and said: "I'm not done yet. Rachel Angelo is only in the first half, and Allen is in the second half." "Okay, come anytime, I'm always welcome."

 Apoptotic Rose felt a little regretful, but Amberxiu worked so hard to deal with Ryan, which is what she wanted to see.

Apoptotic Rose and Melina returned to the Underdark, while Amberxiu picked up the bodies of Lorenkos and Allen's followers and chased them in the direction where Allen escaped.

 After flying for more than ten kilometers, Amber Xiu found Allen with red and swollen eyes in a small mountain col.

Amberxiu placed the corpses in front of Allen and said to him: "Do you know the resurrection spell?"

Allen, whose eyes were red, shook his head and said: "I can't, but even if I can, I'm afraid it won't be of use. Their souls should have ascended to the Kingdom of God."

Amberxiu chuckled and said, "That's not necessarily true. I haven't heard that people who have an epiphany before they die will go to heaven."

Allen said firmly: "It must be, because their sins are not entirely due to themselves. The real problem is this empire. Over the years, we have distorted the original shape of faith. Lorenkos, Frodo, There are others, they are just misguided people.”

Amberxiu said unexpectedly: "Originally I wanted to comfort you, but now it seems I don't need to. You are not decadent."

"What right do I have to be decadent? It's my fault that they encountered an accident. Their death is my responsibility, and I have to bear their wishes during their lifetime. I have no time to blame myself now, nor do I have time to be depressed." Ai Lun said, staring at Amber Xiu with red eyes and said: "But, I still have a question. Did you design all of this?"

 Ambrose appeared next to him by coincidence, and Lorencos and the others were surrounded by coincidence. When he was rescuing people, Ambrose suddenly appeared and ambushed Rachel Angelo.

This looks like Amberxiu had prepared it a long time ago, and Allen suspects that Lorenkos' whereabouts were also deliberately leaked by Amberxiu.

 If this is the case, Allen will have to draw his sword against Amber.

"If I say yes, you will definitely fight to the death with me. Did you just say that the responsibility is heavy?" Amberxiu said.

Alan's eyes did not dodge, and he said in a calm tone: "I don't know, I don't know if I can stay calm when I see the mastermind behind the scenes, so you'd better give me the real answer!"

"Well, it's no fun to tease an angry person, and I don't like this kind of meaningless prank. To tell you the truth, I didn't want to predict anything related to you, and this future is not what I am looking for. Unfortunately, fate He didn't want me to see what was under His skirt, but gave me a sole.

"Alan, believe it or not, I never thought of using you as bait to say something ugly. You are not qualified yet. Think carefully about what you should do, and don't let their death be in vain."

Allan breathed a sigh of relief, and this time he was willing to believe Ambrose's words.

 It is indeed as he said, he is not qualified enough to be used.

“So, what are you trying to predict? Do you see the future of this war?” Allen asked.

“I don’t know, I only know that Ryan’s invasion will not be affected by anything, but I can’t see the outcome of the war, and He won’t let me see it. I know that one of my old friends may die.”

Hearing Amber Xiu's emotional tone, Allen asked: "Don't the undead... have no emotions?"

Amberxiu spread his hands and said helplessly: "Who knows? Maybe it's because I haven't been reincarnated as a lich long enough. A few decades is not enough to wash away the memories of hundreds of years. The more I see those closely related people, My old friend, I can’t calm down anymore. This business will definitely lose money.”

Alan looked back at Frodo, who was still in a daze. The young man seemed to have not recovered from the tragedy of his father's death. His eyes were dull, he was silent and motionless, as if he was dead.

“Ultraman Master, can you please send Frodo to a safe place?” Allen asked sincerely.

Amberxiu nodded. At worst, he could just freeze it in his private space, and there would be no need to spend food money.

 But just after hearing Alan's words, Frodo suddenly raised his head and said to Alan: "No, I'm not going anywhere."

Frodo stood up excitedly, grabbed Alan's collar with force, and roared and asked: "Alan, my father is dead. He could obviously survive. Why did he choose to die? Why do you think he died?" Want to die?"

"Because he wants to save more people. Not just you, not just the other people of Lane, but also the iron-blooded general. He wants to use his death to let more people understand the fall of the empire. Buddha Luo Duo, this is my understanding.”

 “Is this thing more important than my own life?! He even abandoned me!”

 Frodo finally cried, and the tears washed away the blood on his face, like a naughty child.

Alan allowed Frodo to grab his collar and cry bitterly. After he calmed down a little, he said to him: "Faith cannot be measured by value. Frodo, I don't know how your father weighs it in his heart, but he That’s how it was done. Now there’s only one question, do you want to follow the same path as him, or give up everything and leave on your own?”

Frodo was silent for a long time, until a divine light emanated from him.

 The lost power of the Holy Light returned to him at this moment.

Frodo raised his head and said to Alan with red eyes: "I'm going with you. I can't let my father's sacrifice be in vain. If it's the empire's fault, let's correct this mistake together!"

Amberson looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but think: "Both Alan and Frodo have abandoned the past. Senior brother, do you still want to stay in the past and be bound by those old years?"

 (End of this chapter)

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