This lich needs more money

Chapter 328: The role of Mr. Fortune

Chapter 328 The Role of Mr. Fortune

Amberxiu looked at Mr. Fortune in the mirror and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Why did Zariel exchange a contract with Mr. Fortune? This was an obvious loss-making business. Why did he do this because Mr. Fortune was a prophecy mage?

Although this profession is rare, it is not as good as the collapse of an entire kingdom.

Even Tiamat doesn’t just win the souls of millions of people. Once the Unholy Chant collapses, more tieflings will die in the war, and a large part of these tiefling souls will fall into hell.

Why don’t you want such a good thing?

Amberxiu thought for a while and asked, "Have you signed the contract yet?"

Mr. Fortune shook his head and said, "Not yet. I'll talk to Zarrell after I make a list of all the people who need to be rescued, but it's basically decided."

"Then don't sign the contract and leave here. I remember that your ancestors gave up their identity as unclean long ago. Your family is not within the scope of this transaction. As long as you leave the Unclean Ode, you can survive. "

 Although Mr. Fortune's family is prominent, as the earliest unclean people, they are considered to be small in number. The reason is that when the Injustice Council first gained power, Mr. Fortune's ancestors believed that doing so was a sacrilege to the heroes, so they withdrew from the Injustice Council.

At that time, Zariel had not yet signed a contract with the Injustice Council.

So Mr. Fortune is not on the list of going to hell. As long as he wants to, it is not easy for a prophecy mage to run away?

Mr. Fortune smiled bitterly and said: "I have worked hard for this kingdom all my life to wash away the shame of my ancestors. I ran away when the kingdom was in danger, so what is the meaning of my life?"

 Impossible, Tiamat and Zariel both belong to the controlling category and will never allow two loyal subjects under their command.

Mr. Fortune has devoted his whole life to the land beneath his feet. He may not know that Zarrell is lying to him, but he really has no other way.

But the chance is very small. Hell lords are all cunning people. Even if Tiamat can't defeat Zariel, she won't be bullied to the point of being speechless. Since these two **** lords cooperated, they must each have the ability to maintain their independence.

Amberxiu chuckled and said, "Isn't it true that Tiamat suffered a big loss and lost millions of souls in vain? If he doesn't agree, wouldn't it be more profitable to simply split the soul with Zariel?"

 Zariel and Tiamat can settle their scores soul by soul, and they can always be separated.

Ambrose told Mr. Fortune his doubts, and Mr. Fortune thought for a while: "Will they replace it with something else, such as all the other souls returning to Tiamat, and me becoming Zariel's subordinate. "

Amberxiu shook his head and said: "That's not the case. The devil will not tamper with something you know, otherwise the contract will not be established. For example, if you ask the devil for one million gold coins, the devil will not compromise. The earth will give you one million, because this is something you know, but the devil will play a role in how to deal with it. It can be a pension, compensation, or stolen money to frame you.

 But this new deal is different. The focus is on Mr. Fortune’s allegiance. This thing cannot be divided. Mr. Fortune cannot be allowed to serve two **** lords at the same time.

Even if they are not undead, they still have their own obsessions.

This time the contract of the Unholy Ode is divided into two parts. The Gate of Hell was successfully opened to stop Ryan's army. The entire territory of the Unholy Ode fell into hell. The gate of Hell was destroyed, and all the thirteen families of the Unclean One fell into hell.

Seeing Ambrose's silence, Mr. Fortune smiled and said: "Don't be like this, you are a lich, why are you so sentimental?"

Amberxiu rubbed his chin and thought: "So, half of the answer has been found now. What Zarrell wants is not you as a person, but what you can do for him. I think this thing should also make him Tiamat earns enough benefits, more than those millions of souls, but the question is, what can you do for the Lord of Hell?"

"Not a single gold coin will be missing, because this is a fact known to the contractor. Since Zariel said that Tiamat will completely leave this matter to Him, it cannot be false, Tia Matt agreed to Zarrell’s deal with you. This is what I don’t understand the most. Why did he agree?”

Amberxiu replied calmly: "I just think this business is too loss-making. I want to do a business that I know is a loss. How can I bear it?"

Mr. Fortune said helplessly: "Then what else can you do? To be honest, if you can help me solve this problem, I can give you my life. It is better than falling into hell."

In the new contract, the original number of millions of souls has become hundreds of thousands, shrunk to one-tenth. Tiamat is in trouble, how can he agree to it, unless Zariel pins him to the ground and hammers him to pieces.

It is also impossible to cut Mr. Fortune in two sides. The most valuable thing about Mr. Fortune is his identity as a legendary prophecy mage, and everything about his soul will be ruined.

 These two bets may seem different, but they have one thing in common—they can be split equally.

Mr. Fortune explained: "Zariel said that Tiamat fully authorized him to negotiate with me. Do you think he is lying to me?"

 It is beyond his ability to modify the fate of a kingdom.

Amberxiu touched his chin and said: "Let me think about it. What I'm surprised about is that the nobles of Unholy Song should belong to Tiamat. Why is Zariel negotiating the deal with you?"

Mr. Fortune smiled bitterly and said: "I don't have as much knowledge as you. I just know the power of destiny better. This is the only power that can be used by others. But does the Lord of Hell also need to predict the future?"

Mr. Fortune feels that there is something wrong with Ambrose's guess. After all, he is only a mortal. How useful can his power be to the lord of hell?

Amberxiu shook his head and said: "It is definitely wrong to predict the future, but it must be related to your ability. As for what it is specifically, it is impossible for us to guess it. There are no clues and just relying on imagination, 99% of the time we will guess wrong. Senior brother , You really don’t have any ability to keep things under control and didn’t you tell me?”

Mr. Fortune rolled his eyes at Amber. "If I have any hidden skills, why don't I show it now? I'm going to hell. If you can't guess, don't make blind guesses. It won't help the current situation."

Mr. Fortune had a little hope, but it was immediately extinguished. No wonder he couldn't predict the future of the kingdom. Now it seemed that the goddess of fate was kind to him and didn't want him to despair for too long.

As a result, the two disobedient children, myself and Amber Xiu, had to uncover the **** truth, and the final result was naturally tragic.

Mr. Fortune wanted to persuade Amberxiu to stop bothering him and not to get himself involved when the time comes.

"Alsace, I have never begged you in my life. This time is the request of my life. Even if I reach an agreement with Zariel and save most of the tieflings, I will not do anything in the face of Ryan's invasion. Determine how long they can last and help them if you can.”

Amber Xiu chuckled and said, "You don't need to tell me, I just set fire to Liuyan City."


Mr. Fortune was frightened and burned down Liuyan City? How did this lich do it?

Lian's cities all have powerful holy light magic circles, which may not be very powerful against other races, but the attribute suppression effect is doubled against the undead. They will be burned to ashes by the holy light as soon as they get close, right?

Mr. Fortune said excitedly: "Don't joke about this!"

"Who are you kidding? Not only did I burn down Liuyan City, I'm also going to ask Zariel to see what he wants you to do."

Amberxiu said this so seriously that Mr. Fortune was a little confused. This guy couldn't be serious.

 “Why is Zariel telling you?” Mr. Fortune asked.

 “Let’s try it, what if He tells me?”

Mr. Fortune didn't know where Amberxiu's confidence came from. He had been able to find out about Tiamat's contract before, because this contract would only bring despair and there was no chance of breaking it.

Now Amberxiu wants to ask again, and it is such a crucial thing. Why should Zarrell tell him?

 When doing business, you hide your trump card. If you reveal your trump card from the beginning, how can you negotiate the price?

However, Mr. Fortune was quite moved, because Amberxiu could have just left, but for his own sake, he was still willing to take risks again.

Thinking of this, Mr. Fortune said sincerely to Amber Xiu: "Alsace, I was too impulsive and idealistic back then. We have not been in contact with each other for so many years. The main responsibility is mine. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry is not as real as gold coins. If I save you this time, you will owe me tens of billions."

Mr. Fortune chuckled.

 “Whatever tens of billions, ten times more is fine.”

Looking at Mr. Fortune with a bitter face in the mirror, Amberxiu silently disconnected the communication and then teleported to the Underdark.

Zariel was 90% not going to tell Amber the truth, but it was still worth a try.

When he came to the Dark Hell, Amberxiu also gave the hair he collected to Apoptotic Rose and said to her: "The curse is very effective, don't let them idle."

Apoptotic Rose was extremely welcoming to Ryan when he caused trouble. He took those hairs and started casting spells. I thought it would be impossible to stop coming to Liuyan City in the past few days.

 “Melina, you will stand here later.”

Amberson placed the ignorant Melina on the altar, and then began to recite the language of the devil.

Each devil has its own summoning ritual. What Amber Xiu is currently reciting is the summoning word that is unique to Zariel. However, after reciting it, a fierce fight is usually required as a summoning sacrifice.

The Archduke of Hell has different habits from other devils. She has no interest in killing the weak. If you let two powerful warriors have a life-and-death battle, it is possible that the Archduke of Hell will come to watch the battle.

But Amberxiu didn't have time to find two warriors to fight here, so he asked Melina to stand for a while, thinking that she should be able to attract Zariel's attention.

Sure enough, halfway through Umbershoe's summons, Zariel's body made of flames appeared above the altar.

Zarrell stared at Amberxiu indifferently and said: "Lich, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, this blasphemous summons will be enough for me to punish you severely."

 (End of this chapter)

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