This lich needs more money

Chapter 325: The senior with the most experience in rebellion

Chapter 325 The senior with the most experience in rebellion

 When Allen saw Amber Xiu, he was completely confused.

  Why did you come here and still meet that lich? Didn't he go to harm the elves in Silvermoon Highgarden?

 Could it be that the elves have been tricked into bankruptcy by him, so they are eyeing Ryan's warehouse? This is not cheating, but stealing instead?

Amber Xiu was also quite shocked. How did this kid break in from the outside? The defensive magic circle of this city is not only aimed at lichs. Ryan's enemies are not only the undead, but sometimes even some humans are theirs. enemy.

The two were silent for a moment. Amberxiu opened his private space and said to Allen: "Someone will patrol here soon. Let's go in and chat!"

Allen hesitated for a moment, and then followed Amberxiu into the space crack.

When entering Amberxiu's private space, Allen himself felt a little funny. Why did he trust this lich so much, but he needed to be sneaky when entering Ryan's city, for fear of being discovered.

 This world is really changing too fast.

Amberxiu was not polite to Allen and didn't even pour him a cup of tea. He asked straight to the point: "What did you do to sneak into Liuyan City? You are no different from Ryan's wanted criminal now. You are not afraid of being caught and proven to be treason." "

Allen said helplessly: "I heard that Lane is going to send troops against the Unclean Ode. Once those gates of **** are detonated, it will not be the Lane people who are injured, but the entire continent will be polluted by the breath of hell. I can't sit idly by and ignore it. So. , I want to stop Ryan from sending troops."

 Amberxiu really doesn't underestimate Allen. Ryan is such a terrifying behemoth that Amberson himself doesn't even dare to say that he can handle this matter. Maybe the Mourning Poets Society can tear down Flowing Flame City once it gathers again. Allen seems to have made great progress, but he doesn't have the ability to turn the tide.

"There is no doubt that the wars launched by Ryan in the past five hundred years were unjust wars. My teacher has long seen this fact clearly, but he didn't know why, and he didn't resist until his death."

 This is also the reason why Amberxiu didn't bother to set a fire. It was basically a waste of effort.

Lane has reaped the dividends of faith for more than a thousand years, regardless of whether they are becoming more and more extreme, but because Arthur Lane has made a good start, both nobles and commoners are proud of their dedication. Outsiders rarely hear about any Lane nobles committing crimes because of greed, but they often hear that they treat their descendants too harshly and force children who are born weak to join the army, leading to various human tragedies.

 “Just you?”

 “Then what’s your plan?” Amberxiu asked curiously.

Amberson knew that Allen was talking about the Silver Moon Knight, the most famous paladin after Arthur Lane.

Not to mention missing this one warehouse, burning ten of them won’t have much impact, because a steady stream of supplies will be sent from the rear through the teleportation array, regardless of cost.

Eren can leave Lane and see the real world. This is the key to his ability to change Lane in the future.

 It’s just that he is still too young now.

"So, you have decided to stop this war? Are you not afraid of any sacrifice?" Amberxiu asked.

 Furthermore, Ambrose has already seen the scene of Ryan’s attack, so

 It is for this reason that Ambrose has always believed that the key to change lies with Alan, not his father. The older generation has merged with the rigid empire and cannot move at all.

"That's because the Silver Moon Knights are just like your father. They don't know how to change the empire. They are all high-ranking people. Once they have a fierce conflict with the empire, it will lead to the division of the country. At that time, no Knowing how many people would die, they didn't dare, or couldn't bear to make this decision, so they could only be tinkerers, filling any holes in the empire with their own lives.

Allen knew this very well, but he couldn't think of any way to stop the war except setting fires.

Allen nodded and said firmly: "This is an unjust war. We have no reason to invade Unclean Ode. When I was still in Ryan, I found that there was a layer of fog in front of me that made it difficult for me to see clearly. Traveling After so long, I can finally look at the issue from a truly impartial standpoint.

Allen didn't care about Amberxiu's ridicule, and just said calmly: "I know that I am useless alone, but I can't do nothing just because I am useless."

 Lian is very fanatical about military affairs. As a result, he has been invincible for so many years and has extremely sufficient preparations for war supplies.

"Alan, you are different. You originally had lighter responsibilities than them, so your departure from Ryan will not cause too much turmoil. But because of this, your reputation cannot be compared with the Silver Moon Knight and the Supreme Judgment. "If you want to change Ryan, you're going to face greater resistance."

“It’s really a simple and crude method. It can’t be said to be ineffective, but you know Ryan’s logistics capabilities. Anything missing can be made up in a few days.”

“Burning their granaries and destroying their equipment can at least delay the attack for a while,” Allen said.

 Allen was thoughtful after listening to Amber Xiu's words. Unexpectedly, what this lich said made sense. I used to think that he was a terrible liar, but I didn’t expect that this lich was quite insightful. He had only vaguely sensed these truths before, but he could not summarize them so accurately. come out.

Allen's perception of Amber Xiu changed slightly, and he couldn't help but ask: "Then why are you here?"

Amberxiu said: "I am just like you. I want to stop Ryan from invading Unholy Song, but it seems there is no other way."


Alan never expected that Brother Amber would give him this answer. It didn't look right for a lich to stop the war. It simply deviated from the lich's position.

"Ah what? I've done this before, and you, Ryan, gave me a commendation order."

At this moment, Alan remembered that Amberxiu had indeed prevented the war between the elves and the dwarves, although until now, outsiders still don’t know how he did it. Allen couldn't help but ask: "Ultraman Master, I'd like to ask, are you just pretending to be greedy for money? World peace is your undead obsession, right?"


This misunderstanding is really a bit outrageous.

But when Allen mentioned this matter, Amberxiu simply invited another senior who loved saving the world to come out.

 “Alan, come with me, I’ll show you something exciting.”

Alan frowned, feeling that these words sounded strange. He couldn't help but think of the first time he met Amber Xiu, and he cheated him of five thousand gold coins in just three sentences. Are you planning to cheat yourself out of money again later?

However, Allen quickly relaxed. He didn't have a penny now, so why was he afraid of losing money?

After confirming this, Allen boldly followed Amberxiu.

 After a while, Alan was brought to an hourglass emitting holy light by Amber Xiu.

 “Is artifact?”

Eren can sense the powerful holy light emanating from the hourglass, just like the artifact he saw in the Lion Capital.

Amberxiu chuckled and said to Allen very solemnly: "You'd better be mentally prepared and don't be scared."

Allen said confidently: "I am no longer the naive boy I was before. During this period of time, I have traveled across the mainland and I have never seen anything. A magical weapon cannot scare me."

"Okay, I like your confidence." Amberxiu rubbed his fingers, and the soul breath was crushed between his fingers, turning into threads and sinking into the hourglass. "Your Majesty the Holy King, this young man is in confusion and needs your guidance."

 A silver-white heroic spirit slowly emerged from the hourglass.

Alan was stunned when Amberxiu said the words "His Majesty the Holy King". Until he saw Arthur Lane's heroic spirit, he was already dumbfounded.

 After a few seconds, Allen screamed like a child: "Ahhhh! His Majesty the Holy King!"

Every Lane person has an idol in his heart, and that is Arthur Lane. Allen was so excited that he was incoherent and didn't even know where to put his hands.

Allan never doubted that the heroic spirit in front of him was fake, because the holy light he controlled was so pure. Allen recognized it at a glance. It was a holy light that was as powerful as his teacher Silver Moon Knight. This could never be faked.

Arthur Lane was as unassuming as ever, greeting Allen in a friendly manner and comforting the frightened child.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not the real Arthur Lane, I’m just a heroic spirit who inherited some of his memories. You don’t have to think of me as that great emperor.”

Amberxiu said quickly: "Your Majesty, this Alan Watson is a young man who just defected from Lane. He is disappointed with the empire and now wants to rebel, so I ask you to give him some advice."

Amberson has always forgotten this great god. When it comes to rebellion, no one knows it better than Arthur Lane. Although the heroic spirit only has early memories, at that time Arthur Lane was already a hero who raised the flag of rebellion against the tyrant. He had at least a little experience in governing the country, but his experience in rebellion was enough.

When Allen heard this, he was so frightened that he almost drew his sword and chopped down Amber Xiu. He quickly explained: "Your Majesty, that's not the case. Don't listen to this lich's nonsense. I never thought of rebelling. I really No!"

Alan didn’t even bother to ask about the origin of the heroic spirit, he just wanted to try to explain it.

Arthur Lane smiled and said: "Alan, I told you not to be nervous. I don't mean to blame you. Your surname is Watson, and James Watson is your father?"

Allen quickly said: "Yes, he is the supreme judge of Ryan now. I was taught by my father since I was a child, and it is impossible to do such a thing that betrays the empire."

Amberxiu added lightly: "Just now you wanted to burn down the Lane people's armory and granary."

"This...I...that..." Allen said to Amberxiu angrily: "Damnable lich, I will fight you!"

Allen couldn't accept being slandered in front of his idol, but he really didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Arthur Lane said to Ambrose: "Okay, you are hundreds of years older than him, do you have the nerve to keep bullying children?"

Amber Xiu chuckled and said, "Aren't I testing him? If he doesn't even dare to admit his own heart, what can you teach him? Back then, the dragon tyrant was the orthodoxy and the ruler of the world, and you were He wanted to resist the orthodoxy, so he gathered everyone's strength to rebel. Now that Ryan is the orthodox, if Allen loses his original position because of seeing you, he will not be qualified to inherit your legacy."

Arthur Lane couldn't refute it. Although Amberxiu's words were a bit cruel, they were indeed true.

 A warrior who resists a tyrant cannot let his position sway just because he meets a senior.

 Arthur Lane said to Allen: "Young man, tell me sincerely, do you think Lane is still worthy of your loyalty?"

 (End of this chapter)

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