This lich needs more money

Chapter 316 The future where dots and lines intertwine

Amberxiu's power of destiny is to combine countless possibilities into one, artificially locking one possibility into fate.

Mr. Fortune's ability is to block one of countless possibilities so that this goal can never be achieved.

Therefore, Amberxiu likes to give several options when doing divination and let fate make the choice for him. When Mr. Fortune performs divination, he turns countless possibilities into threads and lets fate cut out the last one for him.

The results seem to be the same, but the essence is completely different.

Although they have been separated for hundreds of years, the two people's cooperation is as tacit as if they have cooperated tens of millions of times. The threads of fate are being annihilated one by one, and the dice of fate are also stopping turning one by one. All possibilities come together, and countless pictures come and go until they are finally frozen.

It was a shocking and terrifying picture.

An incredibly huge silver-white dragon soars in the sky, and on the ground are boundless legions of paladin.

Mr. Fortune said in surprise: "Ryan invasion? Isn't this something we already knew?"

Amber Xiu was also a little confused, how could the two of them work together to create such a scene, something that they had known for a long time... But this huge time dragon is a bit scary, it should be what it looks like when the magic dragon is armed.

No wonder it's Ryan's artifact to rule the country. This posture is really majestic. With a breath of time dragon breath, the whole city will be destroyed.

But what does this picture represent?

Both Ambrose and Mr. Fortune began to fall into deep thought, and this came to the most important part of the prophecy - interpretation.

Countless prophecy mages have fallen into this link. Once the interpretation is wrong, the results will be very tragic.

After pondering on the picture for a long time, Mr. Fortune spoke first: "There is something wrong with this picture. I recognize this mountain peak. It is already within the territory of Unclean Ode, which means that the Lane people have already reached our doorstep."

Amber Xiu immediately reacted: "The Gate of Hell! The Gate of Hell is missing!"

The border of Unclean Ode is full of the gates of hell. If Ryan were to fight here, there should be an overwhelming army of demons here. How could it be empty and empty?

In other words, by the time of Ryan's invasion, the problem of Hell's Gate had been completely resolved.

"Did we solve the problem of the Gate of Hell?" Amberxiu said doubtfully.

Mr. Doom rolled his eyes and retorted: "How do you solve the seventy-eight gates of hell? They were built with the efforts of a whole country. What can we do to solve them?"

This is a very large plan related to the national destiny. It has been in operation for so many years. How can one or two legends solve it?

The Gate of Hell is in a virtual state after it is built. It is almost immune to all attacks and will not be affected by the outside world until it is actively opened. Once it is opened, a large number of hell monsters will pour out in a short time, leaving no time to destroy it.

If there are only one or two, it's okay. If you think of a way, open it and dismantle it, there is still a chance for the two of them to join forces.

But the seventy-eight seats... just thinking about it is terrifying enough, and even exhausting the two of them to death can't solve it.

Amber Xiu was also a little surprised. Seventy-eight Gates of Hell, these tieflings really dared to play with fire. If they were not careful, they would be completely ruined.

However, Amberxiu was not discouraged, because the prophecy had proven that the Gate to Hell would disappear, which meant that it would definitely succeed. He just had to figure out how to do it and who did it.

Amberxiu thought for a moment and said to Mr. Fortune: "Since the two of us can't do it, it can't be solved by us. We should think in this direction and find the person who has the ability to solve these gates to hell. Then the whole story It should be okay. Is there any way for the Injustice Council to dismantle these gates of hell at once?”

Mr. Doom shook his head and said, "No, we never thought about demolishing it from the beginning. Either Ryan comes and we fight him to the death, or we use these gates of hell to guard it until Ryan declines or our Unclean Ode collapses."

Amberxiu sighed and said, "It wasn't the Injustice Council, and it wasn't you and me... Remove all the impossibilities, and I'm afraid there's only one answer left."

Mr. Fortune frowned and said, "Lane Empire?"

Amberxiu nodded and said: "Yes, Ryan found a way to eliminate these gates to hell, so he organized an army to attack. Although I don't know how to do it, this is the only possibility. It can't be the gods. "

Mr. Fortune also felt that Ambrose's speculation was reasonable, but that was not what he was worried about.

"Arthas, what we were looking for at the beginning was the contract signed by Zariel and Domino Lawley. Now what's the use of knowing that Ryan can solve the Gate of Hell? We should infer the contents of the contract from this picture. "

Amberxiu shook his head and said, "No need to do that. There is no point in pursuing details. We already know that Domino Law used the entire Unholy Ode Kingdom as a bargaining chip to deceive the Unjust Parliament into signing this contract. Then all their subsequent actions are for To implement the contract, there is no doubt that the gate to hell is part of the contract.

"Building the Hell Gate may be a request made by Zarrell to Domino Lawley. The number is not enough now, so Domino Lawley is recommending more Hell Gate construction plans. Therefore, before the number of Hell Gate is met, , this contract will not take effect, and if Ryan can eliminate these gates of hell, Zarrell’s plan will most likely fail.”

Mr. Fortune is not as calm as Amber Sue. This is his motherland, the place where he was born and lived for hundreds of years. Care leads to chaos. Mr. Fortune really can't be as relaxed as Amber Xiu said.

Mr. Fortune asked, "If you can't confirm their plan, how do you know that the disappearance of the Hell Gates is not part of the plan? What if the contract requires them to protect these Hell Gates?"

"Haha, you don't understand this. Although the devil's contract is very cheating, it also depends on the stakes? What Zarrell wants is the entire Kingdom of Unholy Ode. With such a big harvest, if you still play that kind of cheating contract, , Ai Ou would not agree. The bigger the bet, the more fair the devil's contract must be.

"To make a mortal fall, all it takes is for him to get drunk and press his fingerprints. To make an entire kingdom fall into hell, it requires equal efforts. Regardless of whether the thirteen people in the council were forced to sign the contract or were tempted to sign the contract, at least the efforts of both parties must be paid. It must be equal to a certain extent, otherwise Io will slap Zariel to death. The importance of building and protecting the Gate of Hell is not comparable to that of an entire kingdom. It is impossible to think about it. "

Mr. Fortune has not studied the behavior and habits of the devil, and cannot tell whether what Ambrose said is true or false, but he can only temporarily trust Ambrose's judgment, and he should not lie to himself on this issue.

Mr. Doom frowned and thought, and muttered to himself: "The price of an entire kingdom... The Gate of Hell... Ryan..."

After chanting for a while, Mr. Fortune suddenly widened his eyes and said to Amber Xiu: "Could the price proposed by Zariel be the protection of the Unclean Ode?"

Ambrose was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood what Mr. Fortune meant.

"What you mean is that Zarrell used these Hell Gates to resist Ryan's attack, which is equivalent to helping the Kingdom of Unclean Ode avoid the crisis of annihilation. Saving a kingdom, and then winning this kingdom...a very reasonable guess, Senior brother, you are still awesome, you have thought of all this."

Mr. Fortune didn't have any proud expression, and said to Amber Xiu: "Because in my heart, this kingdom is more important than anything else, but in your eyes, this kingdom has no weight at all."

Only by understanding the value of this kingdom can we guess what price Zariel is willing to pay. After all, Amberxiu is an outsider and is naturally not as sensitive as Mr. Fortune.

Amberxiu followed Mr. Doom's words and deduced: "That is to say, Ryan has solved the Gate of Hell, Zariel cannot protect the Unholy Ode, and the contract will automatically expire. But now the problem is coming, the Gate of Hell is gone , How can the tieflings resist Ryan's army of paladins?"

Zariel helps block Ryan, and Unclean Ode will fall into hell; if Zariel cannot stop Ryan, the tieflings will definitely destroy the country, and most of the dead tieflings will still fall into hell... No matter how you calculate it, Zarrell made a profit.

As expected of the Lord of Hell, this business is as good as picking it up for free.

Mr. Doom suddenly said confidently: "I understand, as long as the Ryan people solve the Gate of Hell, then stop Ryan's attack."

Amber Xiu asked: "Don't just repeat what I said. Is there anything you can do?"

"Not yet, but... at least we can work hard. The war between kingdoms is not so easy to determine the winner. Even if Ryan attacks with all his strength, how many years will it take to completely defeat this kingdom? It took them so many years to defeat the dwarves. To determine the outcome, as long as we persist, there will be a turn for the better!”

This is a way, sacrificing some border cities, using the tactic of solid walls and clearing the field, defending city by city, which can always wear down the strength of the paladins.

Lane is surrounded by enemies on all sides. As long as the battle is not one-sided, other kingdoms may not sit idly by.

If the dwarves and orcs take the opportunity to counterattack, Ryan may not be able to stop them.

It has to be said that Mr. Fortune’s method has a certain chance of winning.

"Stop talking, I'm going to prepare for war. The disappearance of the Gate of Hell will definitely frighten the people of the kingdom. If we don't prepare in advance, our army will collapse at a stroke."

Mr. Fortune hurriedly left Ambrose's personal space.

Amberxiu did not stop him. Mr. Fortune was already in a state of confusion and was not suitable to discuss the second issue.

They figured out Zariel's contract, but what about the contract of the other hell lord?

When Amberxiu entered the Kingdom of Unholy Ode, the tiefling guarding the teleportation circle asked him to sign a devil's contract. On it was not only the inscription of Zariel, but also the inscription of the evil dragon goddess Tiamat.

What role does Tiamat play in this business, and what backhand does Tiamat have?

This problem can only be solved by Amber Xiu himself. Fate gave him a discount and allowed him to see a fragment of the future. But he can't foolishly divine for a second time, otherwise he will really be slapped by the goddess of fate.

But now there is no clue. Regarding the questions about the gods, we can only consult the gods.

Amber Xiu rubbed his chin and thought, and came up with a very risky method.

How about asking Shar? "

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