This lich needs more money

Chapter 31 Gods and Prophecy

In a dark and dirty sewer, an evil lich demanded information about becoming a god from an ugly and twisted hag.

No matter how you look at this scene, it is a precursor to the evil villain causing trouble.

But in fact, Amber Xiu didn't ask anything useful from the hag's mouth.

Hags hear prophecies from other hags.

"The blasphemous experiment was finally successful, but it was hidden in the sewers of the Alchemy City. It is a treasure that embodies the power of the gods. As long as you can get it, you can become a real god."

The hag said something very serious, but after listening to it, Amber Xiu felt that people in the world were just too stupid.

If Alchemy City really found a treasure that could become a god, would it still wait until now? Still hiding in the sewer?

If it is used directly by the mysterious Speaker, wouldn't the Alchemy City directly solve the economic crisis? Isn't it necessary for it to be so difficult now?

Moreover, how can gods be so easy to act as? It is purely a mortal’s delusion.

To say who is closest to the gods on this continent, they must be legends.

The so-called legends are actually those powerful individuals who have transcended the mortal world but failed to become gods. Therefore, legends are also called demigods. They have mastered weak divine power and can ignore mortal rules to a certain extent.

The legendary favor that Amber Xiu has mastered is the ability to break the rules and directly create blank souls. This is the power of rules that only gods can master.

But even if it is a legend, it is still very far away from the real god.

This thing is a bit like a civil servant's professional title. It's a carrot and a pitfall. It's not something you can get by being good at it.

Generally speaking, there are only two possibilities for mortals to become gods.

The first type is that you are lucky enough to get the favor of the original creator. This god can appoint any living being to become a god, and even inanimate objects can be given godhood. There are no preconditions and no side effects. As long as he nods and agrees, he will reach the sky in one step.

It's just that Amber Xiu has never heard of anyone who is such a lucky person.

The second path is naturally to become a legend first, which is equivalent to passing the first round of written tests to become a god, and then just wait with peace of mind. With luck, there will be gods willing to help you become a new god, for example, by sacrificing yourself and giving your godhead to you.

That's right, if you want to become a god, there are generally only two ways.

Unless the older generation steps down, the new gods will not be able to take over.

Otherwise, how could there be hundreds of legends on this continent? Wouldn’t they all have ascended to the throne of gods long ago?

Of course, there is also the most outrageous possibility in the legend, which is to open up a new path by yourself, adding another pit to the gods who were originally a carrot and a pit.

It is rumored that the God of Alchemy is the real new god, who developed a new godhead, and then was recognized by the original creation god, making him a new god.

Have you discovered that even if you are so good that you can open up a new path on your own, you still have to get the nod from the original god to become a god.

If this person doesn't nod, no matter how powerful you are, you will only be a legend.

Mortals have many unrealistic imaginations about gods, so they believe in rumors that they can become gods by acquiring any treasure.

But when he thought about it carefully, Amberxiu felt that something was wrong.

It’s just that the druids and hags of small tribes don’t understand things like this. There are many legendary and powerful people in the Lion Empire, so they shouldn’t believe such rumors. But the paladins of the Lane Empire did appear in the Alchemy City and were preparing to explore the sewers. There must be something in this broken place.

Seeing Amberxiu's silence, the ghost woman thought that he was also thinking about this prophecy, and quickly said: "The prophecy has many details, such as time, location, and many signs. You swear in the name of the gods, as long as you let me go , I can tell you all these details."

After hearing this, Amber Xiu said coldly: "Prophecy? Prophecy is bullshit."

The ghost woman looked at Amber Xiu in surprise, wondering how he could say such a thing. He was a mage from the prophecy school! If Amberxiu himself doesn't believe in the power of prophecy, what's the difference between blaspheming the gods he believes in.

Amberxiu really didn't believe in prophecies. To be precise, he should have given up on the prophecy school.

The reason is simple, because his soul is not that noble and cannot combine knowledge and action.

When you master the power of prophecy, you can only believe everything the prophecy shows, instead of shouting that it is God's will if it is good for you, and saying that your destiny is not up to you if it is not good for you.

The laws of the world will not tolerate people with double standards like you.

And if people cannot completely accept the arrangement of fate, when they know that misfortune is coming, they will become restless and worried about gains and losses, and then try every means to avoid the unfortunate future, and eventually die more because of seeking death. quick.

The fear of death is not as great as the fear of waiting for it to come, which can drive one crazy.

Amberxiu is not the kind of character who accepts his fate calmly, otherwise he would not insist on eternal life. Perhaps because of this double standard in his heart, when he was promoted to legend, the legendary favor he received had nothing to do with the prophecy school.

Because of this, Amber Xiu accepted his fragility and decided to change his path.

In addition to the economic pressure caused by the reincarnated lich, there are also reasons for this. But after all, it is hundreds of years of hard work. The power of the prophecy school has not completely disappeared, but it will always stay at the moment when it is about to be promoted to legend, and can no longer progress.

This is also the main reason why Amber Xiu became a parallel import legend. What he was best at was abandoned by his own hands. If he wanted to stand on the same starting line as other legends, he would need to spend a lot of time making up for it.

But there was no need to explain these details to the hag. Amberxiu just slowly raised his hand, with a skinning knife between his fingers, and then said to the hag: "It seems that your use value ends here."

"No, wait!"

Seeing the skinning knife in Amber Xiu's hand, the hag suddenly turned pale with fright and quickly begged for mercy.

But Amberxiu didn't care what the hag said. He raised the knife and lowered it, peeling off the hag's scalp with only a few hairs.

Putrid blood splashed out, and all the skin on the top of the hag's head was peeled off, revealing her pale skull.

The hag's scalp on Amber Xiu's hand was constantly beating as if alive, and the dense lines were like countless worms squirming.

It's a disgusting thing, but this is the most valuable thing about the hag.

If the hag's scalp is peeled off alive, most of the hag's power will be condensed on the scalp. As long as you add a few ingredients, you can refine an alchemical potion that permanently increases attributes. It may be to strengthen strength, enhance wisdom, or make people agile, it all depends on the ingredients added.

Although this potion is only effective for people under legend, it is enough to sell tens of thousands of gold coins. Now that the prices of various materials in the Alchemy City have soared, Amber Xiu is confident that he can sell this bottle of potion for 40,000 to 50,000 gold coins.

When the hag only offered 20,000 gold coins, Amber Xiu had already sentenced her to death. If he couldn't offer a higher price than the hag's scalp, how could he agree to let her go?

The hag who was scalped suddenly succumbed to the ground and lost all her strength. The hag is now even more fragile than ordinary people. She doesn't even need Amberxiu to do anything. The poisonous stench that permeates the air quickly invades the hag's body, making her She convulsed and died.

Without the protection of magical power, the sewer environment would be fatal.

Amberxiu carefully took out the hag's soul, made her corpse into a skeleton puppet, and then walked in the other direction of the sewer.

Although it was a great harvest for him to go out this time, Amberxiu did not forget his true purpose.

He was here to catch the slime, and he just hoped that there would be no mistakes in the location marked by Naomi.

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