This lich needs more money

Chapter 298 Letter from the Lich

In the Ryan Imperial City, James Watson has been busy in his tribunal.

His work has become much more arduous in recent times, but it's not because Ryan's problems have increased.

On the contrary, after the emperor used the magic dragon weapon to make the people of Lane who were watching the ceremony younger, the people of Lane could be said to be united as one, and the turmoil caused by the death of the Silver Moon Knight was also eliminated.

In the hearts of the people of Lane, the magic dragon weapon is the real weapon for ruling the country, and it will not lose its effectiveness just because anyone gets older.

James Watson's work has become busier because many people in the referee's office have resigned. These were the backbones that James Watson had trained for many years.

When Allen was accused of treason, they believed the rumors, expressed indignation at his supreme judge, and chose to leave their jobs.

Among the newly recruited people, not many are really capable, so they can only make do with it.

As a result, James Watson has more work.

If that's all, James Watson can still hold on, but the bigger trouble comes from Ryan's little emperor.

Ever since he put on the magic dragon armor and flew around, his reputation has been unprecedentedly high.

Originally, everyone thought that the newly appointed little emperor would be the same as before, just busy giving birth to children. Now that they saw that he could "take on important responsibilities", they naturally gave the emperor considerable support.

With this support, the Emperor can put pressure on James Watson.

The little emperor had long disliked the old man. From the moment he ascended the throne, the Supreme Judgment had been criticizing him, showing no respect at all.

The young emperor originally had the right to replace the Supreme Judgment, but according to Ryan's tradition, the Supreme Judgment requires a legendary level priest of light to serve. Of course there is more than one legendary light priest within the empire, but the problem is that most of them are students of James Watson.

The rest also respect this supreme judge.

In other words, the little emperor wanted to replace him before, but no one was willing to take over.

The Supreme Judgment has not made any mistakes. He has worked hard for so many years and his achievements are obvious to all. If the emperor wants to change someone, isn't that a mess? If I took over the position of Supreme Judgment, wouldn't I be stabbed in the spine by the Lane people and scolded to death?

It was like this before, but it's different now.

The first is Allen's "treason", which caused many people in Lane to criticize James Watson verbally. In particular, James Watson insisted on using Ryan's Law as the standard, did not apologize to the public, and firmly believed that Allen did not make any mistakes in retiring.

As a result, James Watson's reputation was seriously damaged.

Now that the emperor has gained prestige, if he asks for a replacement, I believe many people will be willing to accept the position of supreme judge.

Precisely because of such a complicated background, the staff in the tribunal became even more uneasy and did not want to work hard.

James Watson worked alone in the tribunal until late at night before finishing the last document.

He rubbed his shoulders that were so sore that they were numb, and gave himself a magic spell. James Watson discovered that if too much magical healing magic was used in a short period of time, the effect would be greatly reduced. He had only heard of it before, but had never experienced it personally.

After finally relaxing his muscles, James Watson had time to pick up those personal letters and read them.

The first one was an official greeting from the Great Druid of Emerald Dream Forest. The druids were also very concerned about the appearance of the Demonic Dragon Arms, so they sent the inquiry in a private name.

James Watson organized his words and responded with some polite words without revealing too much information.

The second letter came from James Watson's eldest son, who is now stationed at the border. He has served in the army for more than twenty years, but his talent is average and he has not yet been promoted to legend.

This son was once the pride of James Watson, but this letter is full of blame for his younger brother Allen. Because of Allen, he also suffered discrimination in the military, which even forced him to express his clear line with Allen in public. He knew that James Watson did not blame Allen, so he wrote back to his father to explain the situation, saying that he had no choice but to express that his father had indulged Allen too much, which led to the current situation.

James Watson closed his eyes in pain, this was the last thing he wanted to see.

It's not that he couldn't bear to see his eldest son being implicated. What he couldn't bear to see was his eldest son's depravity. It was because his education had failed too much.

James Watson knew that if he raised a flag of rebellion, his eldest son would definitely stand against him.

But Ryan has really fallen.

James Watson was not prepared to reply to the letter, because whether it was him or his son, the concepts established since childhood had been deeply ingrained in the bone marrow, and it was useless no matter what he said. Let him choose his own path in the future.

On the third letter, James Watson felt an unknown fire as soon as he saw the signature.

Endless One Trazyn, what the hell is this? Although I don’t know the name, I can tell who it is by looking at the font. It’s the lich who wants money.

What does this abominable lich want to do? !

The anger diluted the previous sadness, James Watson opened the letter and found two pieces of parchment inside. The first one turned out to be a magic contract with Allen's handprint on it.

"Two hundred thousand gold coins?! This lich!"

James Watson was so angry that he gritted his teeth, even if he didn't want to give money this time.

When Allen was kidnapped before, he could refuse to pay the ransom, but this time it was a debt, and he had no evidence to prove that Allen was forced. The magic-breaking sword was indeed worth the price, so there was no way to find a problem.

As for the matter of a son repaying his debt to his father, every kingdom in the continent does this, and it is a convention that does not need to be written down. The reason is simple. Every noble in the kingdom today acts in the name of the family.

If something happens to Allen, James Watson will be affected, and his other son who is far away on the border will also be affected. This is the prosperity and loss of a nobleman. It was only natural that Allen owed money and asked James Watson for money, and no one could find fault with it.

Even if James Watson knew that this must be the lich's plan, he could only admit it.

He has abided by the law all his life, and even if the other party was a lich, he could not let James Watson violate his principles.

It’s only two hundred thousand, he can still afford it!

After reading the first IOU, James Watson looked at the second piece of parchment, which contained a piece of news that shocked him.

Was Rose Spider Queen harmed by that lich? Also stripped of four priesthoods?

James Watson wanted to say that Amberxiu was bragging, but James Watson also knew Amberxiu's habits very well.

He can lie to people, but he will never make it up in such a way that it will be revealed at the first glance.

Regardless of the process, Queen Rose Spider must have really taken away her priesthood by him.

How could a mere lich do this?

James Watson was puzzled. The contrast between the two was too strong. Queen Rose Spider was not one of those weak gods who were killed by mortals casually.

James Watson quickly gave up thinking because he had no time to waste. Amberxiu mentioned in the letter that the elven gods are likely to go to war with the gods of the Rose Spider Queen because of this. The war between the gods will definitely be the trigger for the subsequent chaos in the world. James Watson must be prepared in advance. be prepared.

After mentioning so many things, Amberxiu asked about the dragon weapon. James Watson thought for a while, finally sighed, picked up the pen and wrote him a reply.

This was an exchange of interests. Amberxiu gave him so much important information, and James Watson could only reciprocate and tell him what he wanted to know, otherwise there would be no next exchange of information.

The Lich was very careful not to mention who the four priesthoods ended up in. This was clearly telling James Watson that he still had a lot of exciting information.

James Watson really wants to know, so he can only tell him the information about the dragon's weapons first.

But James Watson actually didn't know much. He only knew that the royal family suddenly agreed to display the magic dragon weapons, and then the little emperor put them on and started flying around the city, spreading grace to the Lane people in the imperial capital.

However, James Watson mentioned in his letter that before the little emperor put on the magic dragon armor, an old member of the royal family appeared in the palace, and the two of them stayed in the secret room for a long time.

The use of the magic dragon weapon must have something to do with this old man, but James Watson couldn't figure out the truth. After all, everything about the royal family is kept secret from the outside world. Only they know it. Even the replacement of the emperor is decided by the royal family, and they ministers have no say at all.

After writing this, James Watson added another sentence: "Because of the dragon's armament, the empire's morale has greatly increased, and it will send troops to tieflings in the short term."

James Watson didn’t know why he wrote this sentence. Is this considered exposing state secrets?

Strictly speaking, it doesn't count, because James Watson guessed it himself. The empire set up defenses for him everywhere, especially the newly appointed military minister, who was nakedly hostile to him.

I heard that it was because when the Silver Moon Knight passed away, only Allen was with him. As the Silver Moon Knight's grandson, the Minister of Military Affairs was not able to see him for the last time.

After Allen left, the military minister became even more furious. He cursed James Watson in the palace more than once. The conflict between the two sides can be said to be very deep.

Even if there are so many reasons, providing Amberxiu with such information seems to be treason.

James Watson's pen tip stopped on the letter paper, and he didn't react until the ink blackened a large area.

Finally, he picked up the pen and blotted out the last sentence before sealing the parchment into the envelope.

No matter what the excuse is, you cannot violate your own principles.

Even though James Watson has determined that Lane has fallen, he is still Lane's supreme judge. He cannot break the law, otherwise it will only push the empire deeper into the abyss.

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