This lich needs more money

Chapter 285 Trouble is coming

For the first time, a mortal broke the sound barrier, and for the first time, a mortal maintained supersonic speeds for a long-distance flight.

Amber Xiu felt quite comfortable flying in the sky. He could feel the air being torn into turbulences passing by him.

It feels good, but there are still many problems.

This armor is still not very aerodynamic. If it were changed to the streamlined shape of a fighter jet, the speed would probably be much higher.

Moreover, the outer layer of the Hell Knight armor is controlled by the flame wraith. At supersonic speed, the wraith seems to become unstable. Amber Xiu estimates that the continuous vibration of the body makes the wraith a little "fainted" .

Then the main body of the Mithril Mecha was not suitable for supersonic flight. Amber Xiu could feel that many parts of his body could not bear the vibration caused by such supersonic flight and were damaged.

"No wonder no one studies flight. Space teleportation is so convenient. There is no need to consider these issues at all."

After flying for about an hour, Amberxiu had to land on the ground for maintenance, otherwise he was afraid that he would disintegrate in the air.

"Where is this? It must have just left the desert area... Alas, I have always used teleportation formations before, and I have never tried to fly across the entire country like this."

Although Amber Xiu has been to many places, the world is too big and he has never been to this area.

"The repair will take about ten minutes...Why do I have a bad feeling?"

Under normal circumstances, Amber would hide in her own private space for repairs, where she could adjust the flow of time and isolate herself from many dangers.

But it didn't work now. The four priest boxes couldn't be put into the private space, so he hid the four priest boxes inside the mecha.

The God of Alchemy specially reminded you not to use the power of time and space to affect these four boxes. It is very likely that the boxes will break and the priests sealed inside will fly out automatically.

This will have two results, either these priests will automatically return to the Rose Spider Queen, or there will be a lucky person nearby who will be integrated into the body by the priests and become a god.

In other words, Amber Xiu had to repair the machine body in this wilderness.

According to common sense, just repairing the mecha would not cause any problems, but Amber Xiu had a bad feeling.

It wasn't a fatal danger, but he had a feeling he was going to get into trouble, really bad trouble.

The prophecy mage's premonition was unmistakable. This trouble was probably unavoidable. Amberxiu thought for a moment, first put himself in a skeleton body, and then cast an illusion to look like an old man.

You can't avoid it by hiding, but pretending to be a passing alchemist might help.

After Amberxiu transformed, he began to move out parts as quickly as possible to repair the mecha.

More than a dozen mages helped together, like a professional maintenance team. They disassembled the entire mecha in a few minutes and took out the damaged parts.

Amber Xiu has lost count of how many times he has disassembled and assembled this mecha. The operation was smooth and smooth. If any other alchemist saw it, they would have to express their admiration for Amber Xiu's skills.

But just as Amber Xiu dismantled the mecha, a convoy walked out of the nearby woods and arrived right in front of Amber Xiu.

There were five people in a cart pulled by two old donkeys. They were all wearing dirty linen clothes and their skin was dark and wrinkled. They looked like they were farmers from nearby villages.

Just civilians?

It is impossible for civilians to have any influence on Amber Xiu.

As Amber pondered where the trouble was coming from, the group of farmers began to whisper.

"He's an alchemist. I've seen this kind of thing before. It seems to be called a puppet!"

"Is that thing broken?"

"It looks like it's broken. Why is this old man repairing the machine in this remote place?"

"How about going and taking a look?"

When the donkey cart stopped, these people put on honest smiles and said to Amber Xiu: "Master alchemist, do you need any help? This machine is broken, we can help you deliver it to the city."

Ambrose refused and said, "No, I can fix it soon."

Although Amberxiu refused, the group of old farmers still got off the donkey cart and surrounded him with laughter.

"Master, don't worry. It only costs a few coppers for shipping. We can help you move this thing up."

"Yes, yes, it only costs a few copper coins. We have moved this kind of machine to the alchemist before, and it will not be damaged."

These people stretched out their hands to grab Amber Xiu's mecha, as if they were trying to forcefully sell services.

Amberxiu didn't look at the two people grabbing the mecha. Instead, he turned around and looked at the three old farmers behind him.

The three people were stunned for a moment and quickly hid their hands behind their backs.

But this makes no sense, because Amber Xiu has long sensed the daggers in their hands.

The first two who grabbed the mecha only attracted Amber Xiu's attention, while the three behind were ready to rush forward and kill him.

If it were an ordinary alchemist, it would really be possible for him to be killed by such a sneak attack.

Not everyone can afford the kind of defensive magic equipment that automatically activates. Most spellcasters are unprepared and don't even have time to open the mage shield, and can stab them to the core with one knife.

Judging from the skilled appearance of this group of people, this is definitely not the first time.

Amberxiu swiped his finger, and five dark red magic missiles accurately hit the five old farmers, turning them all into corpses.

Ordinary people can sneak attack and stab a mage to death, but after the mage reacts, ordinary people will only end up being massacred.

Amber Xiu is a survivor who climbed out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. If someone wants to kill him, he will kill them without hesitation. He will not be merciful at all unless he can't beat them.

After killing these five ordinary people, Amberxiu's inner doubts have not been resolved.

I have been robbed countless times in my life. Is this a small thing considered troublesome?

Forget it, Amber Xiu was not going to delve into this issue and began to continue repairing his mecha.

Without wasting much time, An Boxiu repaired the mecha and flew high into the sky again, heading towards the Silver Moon High Court.

When the body was cool, a young man and woman rode a horse together and arrived at the scene of the murder.

Although the girl is young, the heavy work has left a lot of wind and frost on her face, making her look like a flower covered in dust, and she is really not beautiful.

But the young man was so handsome that he looked like a god descending to earth, and his body seemed to have a faint halo.

"It's Father Carter and the others!"

As soon as the girl saw the fallen body, she quickly jumped off the horse and ran to the body.

Soon, the cry came, and the girl was already in tears.

The young man walked over to the corpse and examined it carefully, and quickly came to the conclusion: "It was a magic missile, and they were killed by magic. The smell of dark magic and undead remained in the air, and it was very likely that they were killed. It's a necromancer."

"Necromancer? What is a necromancer?" The girl was confused after hearing this. To her, the mage master was the noble master, and she didn't know what other classifications these people had.

"It's a kind of spellcaster who is good at manipulating corpses, but it's strange. Since this necromancer killed someone, why didn't he take the corpse away?"

The girl said excitedly: "Brother Allen, you must find that person, and we must help them take revenge!"

Alan Watson is the name of this young man.

If you are from Lane, you should be very familiar with this name.

The youngest legendary paladin in the history of Lane, he once followed the Silver Moon Knight and accepted his teachings. His father was also the supreme judge of the empire. Regardless of personal ability or background, this is the undisputed number one among the younger generation of Ryan.

But this promising young man has been branded a traitor and is just shy of being put on a wanted list.

Allen could also guess the consequences of his departure, so he left Ryan directly, transformed into an ordinary adventurer and crossed the desert to the territory of the new dwarf kingdom.

Allen left Lane because he couldn't agree with Lane's current extreme thoughts, but he didn't know where he should go. He came to this small rural village without water for a long time and was dressed in rags. It was this girl who enthusiastically provided him with food.

Then, Allen temporarily stayed in this poor and remote village.

There are not many people in the village, and they all know each other well.

The old farmers in front of me are quite prestigious in the village, because they are usually very generous and will give things to any house that is short of food and clothing. This time they went out to transport food and didn't return for a long time. Allen went out to look for them, but he didn't expect that they had all been killed.

Is this the life of ordinary people? He could die at any time.

Allen felt like he knew a little more about the world, but it was a pity that it was in this sad way.

Allen sighed and comforted the girl and said, "Don't worry, you go back first and notify others to take their bodies back. Leave the murderer to me."

The young man felt the remaining breath of dark magic and drew the long sword from his waist.

It was not a magic weapon, it was just a piece of iron with rough workmanship, and even the blade was crooked.

But after Allen pulled out the long sword, his whole person's temperament changed accordingly. He disappeared with a wave of the long sword. The next time he appeared, he had passed hundreds of meters and came to the girl's sight. the end of.

With another swing of the sword, Allen flashed hundreds of meters away again.

This is Allen's legendary grace. As long as he is locked by his perception, no matter how far away the target is, he can directly reach it in a flash and make a sure-hit sword.

When encountering this kind of swordsmanship for the first time, even the veteran legendary strongman of the orcs was forced to panic by Allen. After leaving Ryan, Allen hadn't used a sword for a long time, but this time after the long sword was unsheathed, Allen clearly felt that he was stronger than before.

Allen believes that this means that he made the right choice to leave Ryan. His understanding of the Holy Light is deeper than before.

"Damn Necromancer, you will definitely pay the price for letting me find you!"

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