This lich needs more money

Chapter 268: This secret will last a lifetime

The young elf king calmed down quickly. When Catherine reappeared, he had returned to his smiling face, and it was not at all possible to tell that he had just wanted to kill Amber Xiu.

Catherine said strangely: "Your Majesty, what happened just now?"

Aldarion said calmly: "It's nothing. I recognized the wrong person. I thought that Master Sargeras was an old friend of mine. Now the misunderstanding has been solved."

Catherine said strangely: "Master Sargeras? But, his name is Ultraman Tiga."

Aldarion's expression froze. Even the name of this lich was fake.

"Haha, so I made a mistake."

Aldarion's acting skills were quite good, but he couldn't bear the blow he suffered today, so his performance now is really embarrassing.

Fortunately, Catherine was easier to fool, so Ardalian changed the subject in a few words.

Ambrose also urged: "Well, now it's time to talk about business. What's the attitude of the old guy James Watson?"

This question can only be answered by Aldarian, who spent the entire day chatting with James Watson.

"If it can be confirmed that the heroic spirit in your hand is real, the Lion Empire will get it at all costs." Aldarion replied.

Amberxiu chuckled, and then said: "At all costs? This old guy James Watson really dares to say anything, but does he represent Ryan or himself?"

Catherine said doubtfully: "He is Ryan's supreme judge. Isn't he here to negotiate on behalf of Ryan?"

Aldalian shook his head and said: "Sister Catherine, if this supreme judge represents Ryan, then he will not come alone. Instead, he should formally submit a letter of visit and then come with Ryan's honor guard. Ryan's rules It will be no less than our Highgarden of Silvermoon, but this time James Watson’s visit is silent.”

Amberxiu nodded and said: "Yes, Ryan and Silvermoon Highgarden are allies. There is no need for James Watson to come so secretly. There are only two explanations for this, or James Watson did not tell others about the heroic spirit. , or Emperor Ryan is unwilling to welcome the heroic spirits back."

Catherine couldn't understand again and asked quickly: "How is this possible? Arthur Lane is Lane's Holy King, and his heroic spirit is so important."

Amber Xiu asked, "If you were the Elf Queen, and the old Elf King was pointing fingers in front of you every day, would you be able to bear it?"

Catherine said strangely: "What's so unbearable?"

Amber Xiu:......

Aldarion couldn't help but laugh out loud. Seeing this lich crippled was his greatest enjoyment. After laughing, he didn't forget to hit him again: "The nobility of the elves is beyond the imagination of a despicable and cunning lich like you."

Amber Xiu admitted his defeat and gave an inappropriate example. The elves were really powerful in this regard.

Especially for a pure and kind person like Catherine, who probably doesn't have any jealousy or desire for power in her heart, she naturally won't find anything wrong with having an overlord pointing fingers.

"I admit that I am a despicable and cunning lich and do not understand you elves very well. But Emperor Ryan is a human being, not an elf, so he also has human bad qualities. No human emperor wants to be criticized by others. Once Asia If Ser Lane’s heroic spirit returns to Lane, then the current emperor will most likely be driven out.”

In fact, Ambrose guessed most of them right.

James Watson came to Silvermoon Highgarden himself because he was worried that the news about the heroic spirit would be known to the emperor. This old man was completely disappointed with the Ryan royal family, but he didn't know that this group of people could accept the return of the Holy King.

Aldarian also said proudly: "James Watson represents himself. He doesn't even dare to say anything, so how much money can he spend to buy this heroic spirit? I heard that this supreme judge is very clean, and the family is afraid It’s hard to get even one million gold coins.”

This lich will definitely die this time!

Amberxiu glanced at Aldarian, and then said to Catherine: "Yes, Catherine, we are going to suffer a big loss this time."

Catherine said with confusion on her face: "We? What does this have to do with me?"

"Of course it's us. We found Arthur Lane's heroic spirit together on our adventure. No matter how much it sells for, you will definitely have a share of it. I didn't expect that the loot from your first adventure in life would be sold at a low price. Now It seems that the loss is huge, not only for me, but also for the elves.”

After hearing this, Catherine immediately felt that it made sense and couldn't help but said: "That's not possible. It's the trophy I got from my first adventure in my life. I can't sell it at a low price! Your Majesty, we have to think of a way."

Aldarion remained calm on the surface, but he couldn't help but roar in his heart! The abominable lich actually seduced the pure sister Catherine. She was indeed shameless and cunning, just like she was four hundred years ago!

Aldarian did not expect that Amberxiu would change Catherine's position with just one sentence. He could not let Catherine stand on Amberxiu's side. He quickly said: "Sister Catherine, things are not that simple. We elves have never been short of money. Ah, I think this Ultraman master also knows that what we elves lack now is just time to recover our strength."

Catherine said strangely: "What does this have to do with Arthur Lane's heroic spirit?"

"Lane is our biggest ally and our biggest threat. Stabilizing Lane means stabilizing the situation on the entire continent, so we should aim for this. The return of Arthur Lane's heroic spirit will definitely lead to chaos in Lane. When the time comes, who will I can’t tell what will happen.”

"Ah, but that's not what you said before."

Catherine still remembered that Aldarion used a different set of words when he rebutted the old elf king.

Amberxiu didn't say anything and looked at the young elf king quietly to see how he was going to make it up.

Aldarion was really quick-witted. After hearing Catherine's rebuttal, he immediately said: "Sister Catherine, this actually means the same thing. Arthur Lane's heroic spirit is a bomb that affects Lane's stability, but there is no need to throw it out now. Sister, if Ryan is always at peace with us, we will keep this bomb. Once Ryan wants to do something to Silvermoon Highgarden, we will throw this bomb out. No matter what the effect is, at least it is possible for Ryan to Falling into chaos. The trump card will be revealed at the critical moment, are you right?”

Catherine felt like this was true, and it was indeed a trump card.

If the Ryan royal family really had a conflict with the Holy King, the power of the explosion would be unimaginable, and it would be possible for Ryan to split directly.

Aldarian turned his head and looked at Amberxiu, with a little pride in his eyes, as if he was saying to Amberxiu: "If you want to take advantage of my sister Catherine, that is absolutely impossible!"

Bang bang bang!

Amber Xiu applauded directly, this guy is making up things well, it makes sense.

It must be said that this young elf king is very quick-witted and can tell lies one after another without finding any flaws.

Aldarion expressed his opinions from the grand perspective of the elves. Although Catherine was stupid, she still focused on the elves in her heart. Aldarian's move completely drew Catherine to his side.

But this guy thinks this is enough? too naive.

Amberxiu directly expressed his agreement after applauding.

"Catherine, His Majesty the Elf King is right. This is a very important trump card and should be thrown out at the right time. However, if this thing is left in my hand, can it be regarded as the trump card of the elves? Isn't this thing? Is it more suitable to hold it in the hand of an elf?"

Catherine nodded and said: "What you said makes sense, but will you give me Arthur Lane's heroic spirit?"

Amber Xiu chuckled, and then said indifferently: "What are you thinking about? Giving it away for free? It's not like you don't know my character. It's impossible to give it away for free, but you can buy it. It doesn't matter if Ryan doesn't give me money, it's so important. If you want to hold the trump card of the elves, then pay for it.”

Catherine thought for a while and then said to Aldarian: "He seems to be right. Should we hold such an important thing in our hands?"

Aldarian's face darkened uncontrollably.

This lich is so difficult to deal with, but he can still play like this. Ryan doesn't pay, so he forces the elves to pay, right?

But Aldarian has no way to refute now. Amberxiu completely followed his words, and now he can't find a reason to refuse.

Damn it, after four hundred years of growth, is it still not as good as this lich? !

Aldarian's silence made Catherine feel strange, and Amberxiu showed an expression of watching a good show.

Catherine frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "You two, are you talking sarcastically? You were hiding in there before. Could it be that you had a quarrel?"

Aldarion said quickly: "Sister, you misunderstood. I said before that I just recognized the wrong person. This is Master Ultraman, not the Sargeras I know."

Amberxiu sighed and said: "Now that Catherine has discovered it, let's tell the truth. Your Majesty Aldarian, in Red River Town four hundred years ago..."

"No, shut up!"

Aldarian became excited. How could he let Catherine know that he had been severely cheated by Amber Xiu? He wanted to take this dark history into the coffin and not let anyone know!

Especially his most beloved sister Catherine, he must not let her know!

Amberxiu did not close his mouth, but continued: "At that time, I had just started to become an adventurer, and I was miserable. I met His Majesty Aldarian in Red River Town, and I borrowed thirty yuan from him because I was poor. gold coin.

"It's just that I couldn't get enough at that time, so I ran away. I didn't expect His Majesty to recognize me, so there was a little conflict. Your Majesty didn't care about me, so I didn't want to mention it."

Aldarion's surprised expression flashed away. He didn't understand why the lich wanted to help him hide it, but as long as it wasn't exposed, it would be fine. Aldarian said quickly: "Yes, it's just a trivial matter of thirty gold coins."

Catherine looked at Aldarian and said strangely: "Thirty gold coins, do you still remember it after more than four hundred years?"

Aldarion: ...

Amber Xiu's face was expressionless, but actually he was laughing inside.

It seems that he can keep this secret of the Elf King for the rest of his life.

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