This lich needs more money

Chapter 244 Powerful Legendary Favor

Gustavo Flynn left with a straight face.

In the end, he was tricked by Amber Xiu for five million. Although it cost a little less than expected, the thought of five million gold coins for a ticket still made him very heartbroken. This did not necessarily lead to him being elected.

But Amber Xiu also said that if he was not selected in the end, he could withdraw half of the offer.

As for other aspects of cooperation, Amberxiu asked Gustavo Flynn to help him find the most advanced magic essence refining furnace, including installation, and Amberxiu could give priority to part of the agency rights for the youth potion. he.

It seems like a win-win situation, but no matter how you look at it, Amberxiu makes a lot of money.

Gustavo Flynn can't argue with him too much. He still needs to prepare for tomorrow's election. Although Isabel's support can help him win the votes of many young people, it is not 100% guaranteed.

His opponents should not be underestimated either.

After seeing off his old friend, Amberxiu hurried back to the laboratory.

Apoptotic Rose was carefully examining the soul that was constantly emitting colorful light. When she saw Amber's repair, she praised: "It's perfect, better than I imagined."

Amberxiu said quickly: "Of course, I will do my best to meet your request. I have given this soul an order to be absolutely loyal to you, and will not betray it under normal circumstances."

"Under normal circumstances? What counts as a special situation?" Apoptotic Rose asked.

Amberxiu explained: "I have retained a certain degree of self-awareness for this soul, and also given it the ability to grow. In other words, this little guy has his own character. If you, as the master, treat this little guy too harshly, Then this soul may be resentful. But according to my previous experience, as long as it is fed like a pet, absolute loyalty can be guaranteed."

Apoptotic Rose asked: "Can't you sign an inviolable soul contract?"

Apoptotic Rose does not like the kind of subordinates who may cause problems, so her subordinates are all slaves who have been indentured by her, and no one can resist her orders. If this soul was not 100% safe, then she would have to seriously consider the possibility of an accident.

"I cannot forcibly sign this kind of contract while maintaining the growth of my soul. I believe Ms. Qiangwei also understands that this kind of contract can only be effective by erasing all self-awareness. In this case, it will be a waste. After all, this is the use of The undead made from the corpses of three legends."

No matter what type of undead it is, the core is the soul.

A soul that has erased its self-consciousness will never be qualified to become a legend, and there will be no room for growth. Even if it is a legend in the first place, the legendary favor may dissipate on its own after its self-awareness is erased.

Because that's not you anymore.

There is no way to get the best of both worlds. Amberxiu can only try his best to ensure this loyalty. Just like a chick regards the first creature it sees as its mother, Amberxiu makes this soul think that the Apoptotic Rose is its closest relative. Of course, Amber Xiu and Apoptotic Rose also have the same level of control. He doesn't want this little guy to stab a sword into his skull one day.

Apoptotic Rose hesitated for a while before saying: "I understand, let's start the transplant. I will treat this little guy well."

The soul glowing with colorful light was carefully picked up by Amber Xiu and placed into the huge flesh egg.

The colorful rays of light submerged into it, and the huge fleshy egg suddenly vibrated.

Those bloody lights twitched continuously, and the drow elves whose bodies were pierced by blood vessels also trembled, and then they were completely drained.

The blood poured into the flesh and eggs, causing them to vibrate more violently.

Suddenly, a pale arm pierced the outer wall of the egg, bringing out a large amount of fishy blood.

Then a second hand, also sticking out of the crack. Using both hands together, he tore the huge egg in half.

A figure covered in blood appeared among the fleshy eggs. Looking around with curious eyes, he could see a very special rune on his right eye, extending from the eyelid to the cheek. Even Amber Xiu couldn't see the function of this rune. He thought it was intentionally left by the Apoptotic Rose.

Ambrose asked strangely: "Why the female body shape?"

The body was created by the Apoptotic Rose. Generally, death knights are mostly male.

Apoptotic Rose said: "I like my daughter."

Well, Party A has the final say.

The ignorant undead girl was just born. She seemed to be interested in everything, but she was as cautious as a kitten. She carefully moved to the side of Apoptotic Rose and tried to hold her hand.

The Apoptotic Rose stroked her long bloody hair, and the dark aura surged out from the palm of the undead queen, covering the undead girl's body. The blood quickly turned black and hard, and then turned into ashes and fell from the girl's body. The dark atmosphere also condensed into a set of close-fitting soft armor, covering her body.

Tiao Qiangwei grabbed the girl's hands, pulled her up, and said: "From today on, you are my daughter."

The girl showed an excited expression and called her mother in a hoarse voice.

Amber Xiu didn't expect that Apoptotic Rose would really be raised as a daughter, so it seemed that she didn't need to worry about this issue of loyalty.

Unexpectedly, Apoptotic Rose suddenly said to Amber Xiu: "Please give her a name."

"I come?"

"You created the soul, and I created the body. This is our two children. As a father, it is natural for you to give your child a name."

Amber Xiu felt that this sounded strange, but it was the gods who gave the money. Apoptotic Rose only needed to give enough money and say that this girl was his long-lost biological daughter.

"I don't have much talent for naming. If I wanted to, how about calling her Melina?"

Amber Xiu's first reaction was to call a girl with strange runes in her eyes this name.

"It doesn't sound very nice, but forget it, this is the name given by my father." Apoptotic Rose said to the girl: "From today on, your name is Melina Lane."

Apoptotic Rose asked Amber Xiu again: "Do you have any objection to the child having my last name?"

"Uh, no, it's up to you."

This sounds more and more weird. I suddenly have an extra child with this Ms. Rose? Are you asking for child support from yourself?

Apoptotic Rose looked at her "daughter" and said softly: "Come on, Melina, let me see your power. The moment you were born, the legendary power was already condensed in your body. Is it right?"

Although Melina was just born, Amberxiu had already given her a certain amount of intelligence when weaving her soul. Basic things such as language and writing had already been written in, so Melina could fully understand what Apoptotic Rose said. .

Melina walked to the center of the laboratory, closed her eyes, and began to use her legendary power.

I saw blue light emerging from the floor of the laboratory, and a mysterious magic circle appeared at Melina's feet.

"Is this a magic circle for summoning mounts?"

Although Amber Xiu has never created a death knight, he is still quite familiar with this ability. It is the death knight's exclusive ability to summon a nightmare mount.

However, what Melina summoned was not a nightmare, but... a sapling.

For a moment, the branches are pale, but the leaves are like crystal blue strange saplings.

"Whispering tree!?"

Amber Xiu was really frightened this time.

This is the Whispering Tree that grows in the Underdark. It is a very special plant and is known as the nightmare of all spellcasters. Where the Whispering Flower blooms, all spells cannot be used.

Including but not limited to the wizard's spells, the warlock's bloodline power, the bard's encouragement, the priest's divine magic... Legend has it that those who want to attack weak gods will be affected by the Whispering Flower.

But the Whispering Tree will quickly wither once it leaves the Dark Territory, and this process will not take more than three seconds.

Under the infusion of Melina's magic power, the sapling of the Whispering Tree not only did not wither, but grew crazily. In a short time, it grew to three meters high, and then began to thicken and deform.

In Amber Xiu's shocked eyes, a war horse completely grown from the Whispering Tree appeared.

The body and limbs are made of wood, and the body is covered with a layer of armor composed of whispering flower petals. The moment the Whispering Horse took shape, Amber Xiu felt a huge barrier unfold, enveloping him.

The dark magic in his body was completely suppressed, and he couldn't even summon the Golden Throne.

This is the power of the Whispering Tree, the power of rules, the nemesis of all spellcasters. Anti-magic force fields can also ban demons, but not to mention their small range and short duration, they cannot completely ban demons. Amber Xiu's Golden Throne can break through this limitation.

But the power of the Whispering Tree is not good enough. Absolutely all magic power within the barrier is blocked, and it is useless no matter how hard you struggle.

What's even more outrageous is that Melina herself seems to be completely unaffected. She can also use dark magic to condense a dark spear for herself. This is the traditional ability of the death knight, nothing special.

The problem is, she cast the spell within the Whispering Tree barrier.

She can cast spells, but others can't, which is terrifying just thinking about it.

Apoptotic Rose also said in shock: "It's amazing, Melina, you are more powerful than I imagined."

Melina excitedly rode on her horse and said to Apoptotic Rose: "Mom, I want to go for a run."

But Apoptotic Rose said: "Don't worry, Melina, you can run as long as you want when we get home."

Although Melina was a little disappointed, she still took back her mount and followed the Apoptotic Rose obediently.

"I'm very satisfied. The balance will be sent directly to you. Melina and I will go back first. If you want to see your daughter, you can come to me in the Dark Region at any time."

Amber Xiu quickly said: "Definitely."

What I was thinking about was that the enemy of Apoptotic Rose was in trouble. Who could stop a death knight with an absolute magic barrier?

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