This lich needs more money

Chapter 227 We won!

Four huge meteorites broke through the thick dark clouds and fell from the sky.

Seeing this desperate scene, even the Silver Moon Knight's eyes widened.

This is a real nine-ring spell, Meteor Explosion. It is indeed a legendary mage of the plasticity system. The enhanced version of Ice Storm just now is also a spell of the plasticity system.

The Evocation School specializes in all powerful offensive spells. Fireball is their specialty, and Meteor Explosion is their signature spell.

The mages of this department also have a particularly outrageous ability - allies are not injured.

Mages of the evocation school can create a special magical space to protect their companions from their own magic.

In other words, no matter what large-scale spells they cast, they can throw them at will without fear of accidentally injuring friendly forces.

Four meteors fell, and even the Silver Moon Knight couldn't stop them. His sword might be able to cut the meteors open, but it couldn't stop them from falling. The effect of exploding into a meteor shower was even more terrifying.

After four muffled bang bang bang bang sounds, the three meteors missed the target and hit the desert far away. The shock wave knocked hundreds of people away. This, but the last meteor hit the center of Lane's army.

After the violent explosion, hundreds of Lane soldiers died on the spot and countless others were injured.

The power of the meteor explosion is so terrifying that ordinary soldiers cannot resist it. No matter how many defensive spells you apply, they will only be crushed into mud by the huge meteorite and then exploded into fly ash.

The casualties caused by this meteor explosion were more than the number of people killed by Ryan in the past year.

Amberxiu, who was hanging in the air, was not very satisfied with the result. Without the guidance of the dice of fate, only one of the four meteors hit. No wonder Meteor Explosion is called the Shame of the Nine Rings. The hit rate of this thing is really low. If you are fighting against others, this spell will be completely useless.

But it didn't matter, Amber Xiu wasn't going to stop. He patted the armrest of the golden throne, and another large dark cloud gathered, and a heavy rain fell, giving the people of Lane a chill.

The Silver Moon Knight ignored the rain on his body and said loudly: "Open the defensive barrier!"

The light priests who were busy rescuing the injured immediately put down their work, connected the power of the Holy Light together, and opened a huge Holy Light defensive barrier on the position.

As soon as the barrier was opened, large thunderbolts fell from the sky, but these thunders were all blocked by the barrier, and the violent energy was conducted into the sand sea by the barrier, without causing any harm.

Amberxiu looked at it and couldn't help but say it was awesome.

This kind of battlefield group spellcasting is not something that ordinary armies can do. It not only requires the same source of power, but also requires long-term cooperation.

Only a thousand people in the entire Raging Tide Kingdom can jointly cast spells, and they must prepare in advance.

And there are several legions of such elite Lane people, so the barrier is easy to come by.

Amber Xiu sighed: "This Silver Moon Knight has a good eye. He knows that this barrier cannot stop the meteor explosion, so it was useless just now, but now it is just right."

Pure energy thunder and burning meteors cause damage in completely different ways. This Silver Moon Knight is quite familiar with spells and has a very precise way of dealing with them.

"But let's see how long you can last!"

Just when Amberxiu was about to continue casting spells, the Ryan Legion finally flew out four rays of light and rushed towards Amberxiu.

Ryan's legendary paladins finally couldn't bear it and wanted to take action against Amber Xiu.

Faced with this situation, Amber Xiu only made one choice - to run away decisively.

Before these paladins broke through the clouds, he put away the golden throne, moved a huge cannon barrel from his private space, and carried it behind him.

"Come on, see what jet flight can do."

Amberxiu pressed a switch, and the gun barrel behind him began to make a buzzing sound. Violent wind spurted out from the mouth of the barrel, and Amberxiu felt a strong pulling force, which quickly brought him into the sky.

According to the blueprints obtained from the Alchemy City, the magic cannon uses strong wind pressure to accelerate the cannonballs. With a few modifications, the magic circle that creates the wind field can continuously emit strong winds.

The effect of the flying spell can only maintain a speed of fifty or sixty kilometers per hour. This is a limitation of the spell, and it is difficult for ordinary people to break through it. As for jet flight... Amber Xiu has not tested it, but it is now estimated to be at least 300 kilometers per hour.

It's not that the alchemists couldn't think of this, but that no one could fly in the sky carrying such a thing. Flying naked at hundreds of kilometers per hour, even a barbarian would be blown off a layer of his skin in just a few minutes.

Even if a metal shell is added, this way of flying is still too dangerous, and the mortality rate is probably more than 70%. With something as convenient as the teleportation array, alchemists have no incentive to study such a dangerous method of flight.

Amber Xiu's whole body is made of mithril, and his body is strong enough. In addition, the Lich has a phylactery insurance, so he dares to play with such a dangerous thing.

Those paladins also used flying skills to fly into the sky. In order to prevent Amber Xiu from escaping, they also specially surrounded Amber Xiu from all angles.

Who would have thought that Amberxiu would run away before the encirclement was closed, and run so fast?

"What it is?!"

The Silver Moon Knight looked at the white turbulence in the night sky and was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

As a paladin who knew so much about magic, he was really well-informed, but Amber Xiu's jet flight was still far beyond his imagination.

What the hell is this? !

The Silver Moon Knight could only watch helplessly as Amberxiu continued to distance himself, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not keep up.

Yuehua's sword is ready, but the problem is that even the sword's light may not be able to catch up with this weird thing.

Another legendary paladin couldn't help but ask the Silver Moon Knight: "General, what should we do now?"

"This... we are chasing it from a distance. That thing may not be able to fly very far."

The purpose of the Silver Moon Knight is just to prevent Amberxiu from continuing to cast large-scale spells, so as not to cause greater losses to Ryan's army. It doesn't matter if Amberxiu wants to run away, the result will be the same.

When the Silver Moon Knight heard the words, he heard a violent explosion, and the turbulence in the distance suddenly exploded like fireworks.

Silver Moon Knight's eyes widened, right? This makes him right?

Silver Moon Knight did not hesitate and said loudly: "Chase!"

This is a good opportunity. It is safer to kill this mage than to expel him. He must be killed while he is unlucky.

The paladins hurriedly caught up, but the effect of the flying spell could not be changed manually, so they had to use the teleportation scroll multiple times as a luxury.

These magic scrolls are all gold coins, and they are usually used to save lives. I didn't expect that one day they would be used for hunting.

As for Amber Xiu, he was unfortunately floating in the air.

Because of the explosion just now, his soul was buzzing.

Although he knew that the magic jet engine he had modified was not that safe, he never expected that it would be scrapped in just over a minute. Fortunately, this body of mithril was strong enough. It only loosened a few parts, and a living person would have been shattered to pieces.

After finally recovering, Amberxiu saw those rays of holy light chasing him in a flash.

Amber Xiu recognized the effect of the teleportation scroll at a glance and couldn't help but said: "Is it so luxurious? Ryan is really rich."

After saying that, he opened his private space again, took out the second magic jet engine again, and buckled it on his back again.

"Come on, I don't believe I can't last two minutes this time!"

Amberxiu pressed the switch and once again turned into turbulence and disappeared in front of the group of paladins.

Several of Ryan's legends stopped immediately and looked at each other in utter embarrassment.

The Silver Moon Knight was so angry that he gripped the hilt of his sword so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He extremely suspected that the explosion just now was intentional, just to trick them into using the teleportation scroll.

"Don't worry about him. This man knows us too well. Every step we take is planned by him."

The Silver Moon Knight really had no choice but to pursue him any further, as the battlefield below was more important.

Anyway, this guy had flown far enough, and when he swung his second sword, he couldn't make it back.

The Silver Moon Knight dived directly towards the ground, targeting the brightly lit Manna City.

Just like what the Silver Moon Knight said, Amber Xiu flew too far, and this thing was not flexible enough to turn, so it was impossible to rush back to block the sword.

The Silver Moon Knight looked down at the city below, took a deep breath, and drew out the long sword from his waist.

A brilliant light that cannot be described in words condensed on the edge of his sword.

The holy sword was raised high, and then dropped decisively.

The holy light swung out from the sword's edge was like moonlight. It was initially no bigger than a person, but the moonlight quickly expanded all the way down, and finally became larger than Manna City.

The terrifying sword light split through the shattered city front position, leaving a deeper ravine than the previous Heavenly Realm warrior, and then cut into the city wall of Ganlu City without losing any force.

With one stroke of the sword, the entire Manna City was split into two halves.

The intense holy light not only left a sword mark, but also penetrated deep into the city and emitted a violent explosion.

This sword blasted out a passage through the entire city.

The Silver Moon Knight is very satisfied with his record. With this passage, who can stop the attack of Ryan's army?

However, just when the Silver Moon Knight wanted to command his troops to rush into Manna City, the magnificent city in front of him shattered like glass, eventually turning into countless shining fragments and sinking into the yellow sand.

What kind of city is that? It's just a barren desert.


The Silver Moon Knight felt a breath in his chest. The sword he finally swung with all his strength actually struck an illusion? !

How could Manna City become an illusion? How did they create such a large-scale illusion?

No illusion can do this, not even the legendary mage!

The Silver Moon Knight felt his eyes go dark, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell towards the ground.

The other paladins were startled, and regardless of the outcome of the war, they quickly picked up the Silver Moon Knight and flew away.

It's just a city of nectar. It doesn't matter whether it can be conquered or not. The Silver Moon Knight is the key. If anything happens to the pillar of the empire, that will be the biggest loss.

Seeing all the evacuated Ryan troops, Amberxiu, who arrived belatedly, said excitedly: "We won!"

Under the threat of the Silver Moon Knights, they successfully defended the city!

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