This lich needs more money

Chapter 201 Rising to a political issue

Fighting with his own father over a woman... doesn't seem strange.

Whether before or after time travel, this kind of thing seems to be not uncommon. Bankrupting everything for a woman, ruining one's own family; turning against one's parents for a man, treating someone else to a steamed bun is more than the kindness of one's parents in raising them for more than ten years... there are countless such things.

The two dragons were fighting fiercely in the sky, but it was obvious that the silver dragon was a little scrupulous and did not dare to use any force, but the green dragon was not polite at all and bit the silver dragon all over his body.

Not long after, the silver dragon fell and fell heavily in front of the castle. The bloody body was severely injured, and the dragon's blood surged as if for free. The intestines and beating heart could still be seen in the cut-open dragon's belly.

The druid's transformation technique is a complete transformation, not much different from a real dragon.

But before the silver dragon could experience the pain of being disemboweled, the dragon's body was like mud exploding, flying in all directions.

Brandir Sander stood up from the large piece of mud, seemingly unscathed.

This is the advantage of Druid. When transforming, it is equivalent to having a second life. No matter how serious the injury is, nothing will happen after the transformation is released.

A powerful druid can transform repeatedly to resist fatal damage.

The green dragon in the sky flapped its wings and roared at Brandir Sanda: "Brandir, are you awake now?!"

Brandier sighed and said: "Father, I know you are angry, but I have made my decision and I will not regret it."

"Idiot! How could I raise a son like you!"

The green dragon roared and was about to slap Brandir with its tail, but Brandir stopped being beaten and refused to fight back.

A bright green light lit up from Brandir's body, and countless thick vines grew out of the air, tying up the huge green dragon.

The green dragon roared and struggled, but was completely unable to break free.

The green dragon quickly turned into a human form. An old druid was tied up in the vines, but the restoration of the human form meant that the ability to cast spells was restored. The vines twisted and deformed in the hands of the old father, and soon turned into woven vines. The accomplished warrior rushed towards Brandir.

Brandir sighed, reached out and grabbed a long oak stick.

The golden light condensed on the long stick and destroyed these vine warriors one by one.

This is the "oak stick technique" that every druid can learn. It can enchant a wooden stick for a short period of time and enhance its power. Since it is called a trick, it means that the effect of this spell is very ordinary.

But in Brandir's hands, the stick was like a divine weapon.

The vine warriors, the two-meter-tall tree men, the jungle elves and elemental creatures, etc., could not hold up under Brandir's long stick. This thing was more powerful than the Holy Slash.

But Brandir was also very measured and only hit the creatures summoned by his old father without touching him.

Amber Xiu was a little impressed when he saw it. This love brain is a bit stupid, but it is really amazing.

His father can transform into a dragon and should be of legendary rank, but he was still easily suppressed by Brandir in a furious state, which shows how powerful this young druid is.

Brandir destroyed all the summons of his old father, and then said to him: "Father, in fact, I was able to defeat you easily ten years ago. I gave in to you just now."

Amber Xiu was speechless. This fool still dared to talk like this. Wasn't he seeking death?

Sure enough, Brandier's old father's eyes turned red after hearing these words. He transformed again into a giant bear and swung his casserole-sized bear paws at his unfilial son.

Brandir did not dare to hurt his father, so he could only keep summoning vines to resist the giant bear's slaps.

Either Brandir's magic power ran out first, or his father was too tired to move first.

Amberxiu was happy to watch the fun. It was rare for druids to fight, and it was even rarer for two legendary druids to fight.

But Catherine couldn't stand it any longer and said to Amber Xiu, "Can you think of a solution quickly?"

"What are you thinking of? Do you think they can't kill anyone so I can add fuel to the fire?" Amber Xiu asked strangely.

"Of course not. I asked you to find a way to make them stop. Because I made two druids fight. If this matter spreads, it will damage the reputation of our elves. It will also affect Silvermoon Highgarden and Emerald Dream Forest. Cooperation."

Catherine is no longer an ignorant fool, and begins to consider the issue of political influence.

Catherine said to Amber Xiu: "You asked me to come to Emerald Dream Forest to help you. You must solve this matter for me."

"Well, you have a point. The key to this conflict is you. It was you who made that Druid obsessed. No one can solve it except you." Amberxiu said.

Catherine said in a panic: "I don't know what to do. I have already refused. You can't let me kill him."

"Can't you just marry him? This druid isn't that bad, right?" Amberxiu said.

Catherine said categorically: "Absolutely impossible. I don't like such a childish man. Besides, he is not an elf."

When Brandier first showed his love, Catherine refused without hesitation.

Although this druid had status, status and strength, his behavior was as childish as a child's, and Catherine didn't have much affection for him. Because of Brandier's reckless display of love, Catherine was in a dilemma and felt extremely annoyed.

Moreover, most high elves have racial mysophobia and are only willing to combine with people of their own tribe. Otherwise, based on the appearance of the elves, the number of half-elves on the mainland would increase ten times.

Amber Xiu said helplessly: "If you are so decisive, then change the direction and make him give up."

"What should I do?" Catherine asked curiously: "I refused very seriously before, but he didn't listen at all."

"That's because your method is wrong, let me do it." When Amberxiu said this, his voice had become exactly like Catherine's.

Lady Mist's illusion is a magical skill. Not only can she create visual illusions, but the details in other aspects are also perfect.

Ambrose explained: "You stand on the terrace later, you don't have to do anything, just let me do the talking."

It's a pity that Catherine's charm is a special ability. Amber Xiu can use illusion to imitate her appearance, but he can't imitate this outrageous charm, so he can only let her stand in front and act it out.

"Then it's up to you."

After hearing Amber Xiu's words, Catherine immediately felt at ease. Although the lich was cunning, there seemed to be nothing he could not accomplish.

Catherine walked out of the castle and appeared on the terrace.

Amberxiu disappeared and stood behind Catherine. In order to ensure that there would be no mistakes in the position of the sound, Amberxiu almost pressed close to Catherine's back.

This girl's ass is quite upturned, making it inconvenient for Amber Xiu to get close to her.

Catherine didn't know what Amber Xiu was thinking, so she looked nervously at the two druids in the fierce battle. The little mouth opened slightly, and Amberxiu opened the mouth for her.

"Both of you, please stop. I have seen enough of this welcoming performance in Emerald Dream Forest."

These words were extremely sarcastic, causing Catherine's expression to change. Wouldn't it offend someone by speaking like this? This lich is really not afraid of a falling out between Silver Moon High Court and Emerald Dream Forest!

Although she felt uncomfortable, the deception had already begun, and Catherine could only continue to act.

As soon as Amber Xiu said these words, the two men in the fierce battle stopped.

Brandir immediately stopped, his face suddenly swollen after being slapped twice by his father. The father slapped his son twice, returned to his human form, and said to Catherine: "Your Majesty Catherine, my son is too rude. I will take him back and discipline him."

They are all guests, but the druids treat Catherine with much more respect than they treat Amber.

This is the gap in national power. Catherine is not only a guest, but also the queen of the elves.

Although Brandier's cheeks were swollen from being slapped, he didn't care at all what his father said. He knelt down on one knee in front of Catherine and said loudly: "Catherine, my love for you is unstoppable by anything, no matter what I do." Whether your father agrees or not, I will dedicate everything to you."

Catherine frowned. This guy was here again. It was this shameless attitude that made Catherine really unable to do anything to him.

But this time, it was Amberxiu who dealt with Brandir.

"Brandir, I didn't want to waste my time. This is something I have clearly refused. But now it seems that my politeness and politeness have misunderstood you and made you touch my bottom line again and again. You should know very well. , as the queen of the elves, my marriage is related to the future of Silvermoon Highgarden. As a member of the Council of Emerald Dream Forest, are you prepared to interfere in the internal affairs of Silvermoon Highgarden on behalf of Emerald Dream Forest?"

Brandir opened his mouth, but no words came out. Why did it suddenly become so serious?

Brandir's father was even more nervous. He didn't expect that the elf queen would suddenly speak so mercilessly. She was quite easy to talk to when we got along before. Why did she suddenly start playing political cards?

Amberxiu continued to speak for Catherine: "You don't think I'm joking, do you? I am visiting Emerald Dream Forest as the Elf Queen, and my words and deeds represent the entire elves, and you should also understand This point. Brandir, don't you know it well? The union of high elves with foreign races would be an insult to all elves, and your so-called show of love is a provocation to the entire elves!"

These words sound very racist, but it also depends on who said it. If it is a high elf, it is more like stating a fact.

In terms of a series of conditions such as appearance, temperament, wisdom, and lifespan, the average value of high elves is undoubtedly higher than that of other races. Even the Laine people have to admit that except for the difficulty in giving birth to children, the elves are superior to humans in all other aspects.

In the past, Catherine would not refuse in a racially charged way. That was because she was too kind and did not want to communicate in such a way that hurt one's self-esteem.

But when Amberxiu came up with this reason, Brandier had to admit it.

Even though he was the youngest legendary druid, he still had to climb high to marry Catherine.

"I didn't want to affect the exchanges between the two countries because of such a trivial matter, but I guess I didn't make it clear enough before. Brandir, let me tell you clearly now that I will not accept your love. If you continue to pester , I will regard it as a provocation to Silvermoon Highgarden. The next time I come to Emerald Dream Forest, I will bring all the Twilight Guards with me to let you understand that the dignity of the elves cannot be provoked."

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