This lich needs more money

Chapter 20 How much is morality worth?

Harvey looked away.

Several mages before were so angry at this sentence that they almost fell out.

Evil Detection is a spell unique to holy professions. It can detect evil people hidden among humans, such as followers of evil gods, criminals, etc.

But this spell can only detect evil, but it cannot distinguish what kind of evil it is. Sometimes the presence of evil in the heart is also detected.

Who can guarantee that he has no evil thoughts?

Among the top ten unpleasant behaviors of paladins circulated in the mainland, littering with evil detection definitely ranks at the top.

Let me tell you before throwing Evil Detection. It seems polite, but in fact it is putting people on the moral judgement.

If you agree, your evil thoughts are likely to be detected. If you don't agree, it will be obvious to everyone that you have evil thoughts in your heart.

Several mages were furious before, thinking this was a humiliation, and one was so hot-tempered that he almost started a fight. If Harvey hadn't stopped the fight, someone would have almost died on the spot.

I thought that after several similar incidents, this stubborn paladin would be able to restrain himself a little, but he didn't expect to make such a rude request.

Amber Xiu didn't say anything. He also felt that this request was outrageous.

It is not unreasonable for this group of paladins to be disliked by others, especially the paladins of the Lion Empire, who are almost like fanatics.

Harvey was also worried that Amberxiu would fall out on the spot, but Amberxiu's reaction was unexpectedly calm.

The moment he saw the paladin appear, he knew that evil detection was definitely going to happen. Even if Amber Xiu's transformation technique was perfect, the paladin's ability to sense the undead was not fake and there was no flaw in it. There will also be doubts.

When the other party made this request, Amberxiu was silent for a moment and said to the paladin: "As a paladin, you should be very aware that this kind of request is offensive to others."

The paladin said in a skillful tone: "Evil detection is harmless to people, it just detects evil thoughts. If there is no evil in your heart, not only will it not be affected, but it can prove your integrity."

Amberxiu said without hesitation: "The vast majority of people do not need to prove their integrity. Their survival has nothing to do with their integrity. On the contrary, the word integrity has become the added value of you noble knights, your beliefs, your Your honor is just a burden to others, do you admit this?"

The paladin nodded and said: "For unbelievers and pagans, they really don't understand the meaning of integrity. Are you prepared to refuse by saying so?"

The paladin was not surprised. It was normal to refuse evil detection, but very few were willing to accept it. But that doesn't mean he will lower his standards.

Amberxiu said: "It's not a rejection, but a reasonable discussion of the problem. Since evil detection is only to meet your personal belief needs, for me, I have to bear additional risks. So, is this test... a matter of course? Add money?"

The paladin fell silent, and Harvey was stunned.

This was the first time he saw someone charging money to do evil detection. What kind of bargaining genius is this? How could he say it so reasonably?

Although the paladin didn't show any expression, his fingers couldn't help but tremble, as if he was hesitating. There seems to be something wrong here, but I can't find a reason to refute it.

Amber Xiuyun added calmly: "Don't want to? It seems that your faith is nothing more than this."

This was too much. After hearing this, the war priest on the other side had already touched the hammer on his waist, ready to throw a holy fire spell at any time.

"Why, am I wrong? Practicing your faith requires sacrifice. You are all more familiar with the oath of the paladin than I am. As a result, you are not even willing to pay, but just impose the risk on others. The Lord of the Dawn that you believe in I understand, I’m afraid the fire of judgment will fall on your heads.”

After saying this, a burst of applause erupted in the tavern.

"well said!"

"Yes, sacrificing oneself is called faith, but sacrificing others is nothing, is it a cult?!"

"I've long been dissatisfied with the way this group of holy warriors look like dogs!"

"Ryan's lackey only talks!"

There were many non-human races in the tavern, and Amber Xiu's words directly spoke to their hearts, and some people were shouting to invite Amber Xiu to drink.

Listening to the cheers of the drinkers around him, the paladin held down the angry war priest and asked, "How much do you want?"

Amber Xiu smiled slightly and said, "Then it depends on how much your faith is worth."

"This kind of rhetoric is meaningless. My faith cannot be measured by money. But you are right. You should pay a price for questioning others' morals. So how much is your morality worth?"

Harvey, who was watching the show on the sidelines, couldn't help but want to praise him. He was indeed a paladin who was regarded as the mainstay of the Lion Empire.

The price quoted changed from the value of the paladin's faith to the value of Ambrose's moral value. No matter how much the price was, it proved that Ambrose's morality could be sold, and he became an immoral person.

In addition to mastering powerful combat skills, each paladin also needs to be tested in literature, history, and art. They are believers of the Lord of the Dawn and people who practice the teachings of the gods. They are definitely not brainless idiots, otherwise it will damage the majesty of the Lord of the Dawn.

Amberxiu was a little surprised when he was defeated. The paladin reacted a bit quickly. He underestimated the opponent.

How much is morality worth?

Faced with this question, Amberxiu smiled slightly and responded: "You asked me to make a moral quotation for myself. I could have made up a number that you absolutely couldn't afford. But it would be too ugly. I am not sacred. The pure will of professionals and casual quotations are nothing but lies and prevarication, and neither of us will gain anything from this.

"So, you don't have to worry, my price will be very fair."

The paladin said unexpectedly: "I have never heard of using money to measure morality and standards. Master Ultraman, I am really interested in your offer."

Amber Xiu said confidently: "According to the laws of Alchemy City, if both parties to the transaction commit fraud or deception, the party that violates the contract needs to pay a penalty of ten for every fake transaction. In Alchemy City, the moral standard is ten for every fake transaction. According to the commission you posted, the hire fee for this adventure is five hundred gold coins. Since it is a commission that takes place in the Alchemy City, it should follow the standards of the Alchemy City.

"If you want to torture my morality, then give me five thousand gold coins and I will accept your evil detection. Do you think this deal is reasonable?"

Five thousand gold coins sounds like a huge amount of money, but that's for ordinary people. The paladin of the Lane Empire was also a member of the Royal Paladin Legion, a powerful noble with a fiefdom. This small amount of money made him a little heartbroken at most, but he didn't need to take it too seriously.

What's more, Amberxiu's statement sounded reasonable. The guests in the tavern were making noises while watching the show, and now they were just mocking the two of them. But if he continues, he may even be scolded by the Lord of the Dawn.

The paladin cannot accept the damage to the reputation of the gods.

"Okay, it's just five thousand gold coins, I'm willing to accept it."

The paladin took out a small leather bag, opened it and poured out many gold coins.

A magic pocket that can store a large number of items. This thing alone is worth tens of thousands of gold coins. He is indeed a rich man.

Amberxiu counted the gold coins in a leisurely manner, with a confident look that made Harvey wonder if he really had a clear conscience. Could it be that this Ultraman master could really guarantee that his soul was pure and flawless? Don't you have any evil thoughts?

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