This lich needs more money

Chapter 192 Druid Habits

In the eyes of many people, holy light is the energy that is extremely opposite to dark magic. The power of nature is more tolerant, because death is also a part of nature, and there should be no obvious conflict between the two.

This statement cannot be wrong, but it is not entirely correct.

Because many people think that the death in the concept of undead is the same thing as the death understood by druids.

In fact, this is not the case. Death in the eyes of the undead is eternal, while death in the eyes of the druid is a cycle.

Undead: Ah, I am dead, but I am also immortal. I want to exist forever.

Druid: No, you can't, you have to become nutrients for other lives, and be more dead to me!

The contradiction between the two lies here.

Therefore, the power of nature can tolerate death, as long as you are willing to be part of the cycle, but it cannot tolerate dark magic, because the existence of this thing destroys the cycle.

Of course, this refers to the more common Druid views, not all.

There are also some druids who choose an alternative path. The druids of the Spore Society are better at playing with corpses than many lichs.

Moreover, this dark aura is unusual, not like the handiwork of the undead, but more like some kind of evil god.

How could an evil god dare to show up in Father Oak's territory?

He couldn't figure it out, but Amberxiu didn't want to worry about it for the time being. He was still thinking about how to let Mongo Gray River die in a reasonable way.

As you follow the druid all the way, you will never lack of crawling vines under your feet. These vines perfectly fit people's footsteps, sending people forward like an automatic elevator.

In this way, walking speed is very fast, almost like running at full speed.

The entire forest is like a huge living body that can produce unexpected effects.

Amber Xiu felt this ubiquitous "harmony", but felt a little strange.

Sure enough, every kingdom has its own geographical advantages. A poor kingdom like Raging Tide also has the sea as a barrier, and the desert has a line of death to stop Ryan's army. For the druids, this forest is probably more terrifying than the line of death, and an invasion by a foreign enemy is the same. To be an enemy of the entire forest is to risk death.

But you already have such a huge advantage, why do you still need to open the dream barrier?

The maintenance cost of a huge magic barrier that can cover a kingdom is not unusually high. Even if it is blessed by the gods, it will consume a lot of manpower. Just like building a wonder, it is a pure waste in most cases.

Although Ryan is powerful, the druid is not afraid of being like this, right?

Based on the dark magic that he sensed before, Amber Xiu estimated that something had changed in Cuimeng Forest, which made them afraid to place their safety in this forest.

If this is the case, can this be used?

While Amberxiu was thinking about the problem, a small town hidden in the dense forest appeared in front of him.

Druids don't like to change the natural environment too much, so the town is built in a natural mountain col. It simply builds houses with stones and plants vines and flowers as decorations. It looks primitive, but in fact it is all natural magic. Miracles created. Various animals walk around freely in the town, and you can't tell which one is the druid and which one is the real beast.

The druid arranged several rooms for Amber Xiu and the others. Although they were all rough stone houses, they were quite spacious.

Elder Sares asked them to wait here, and the archdruids would soon send representatives to meet them.

After the druids left, Ariel approached Amberxiu and said, "This place is very weird. It seems like there are eyes staring at me from everywhere."

Although Ariel is not very smart, she is still quite sensitive in this regard.

Amberxiu teased the little squirrel on the table, which was not afraid of people at all, and said nonchalantly: "In the Druid's territory, everything alive can be their spy. Look at this little guy, who knows whether it's a real squirrel or a German?" Druid? All the snakes, insects, rats, and ants in this place are either druids or their pets. Just get used to it."

"If we can't tell the difference at all, wouldn't we be in danger?" Ariel said nervously.

Amber Xiu comforted him and said, "Don't think so much. There are some dangers in this world that cannot be avoided."

Animals of all sizes are an indispensable part of the jungle. These things may jump out at any time to give you a fatal blow.

Therefore, in the Emerald Dream Forest, being overly vigilant is useless and will only make you nervous.

Seeing that Ariel still couldn't let go, Amberxiu could only say: "If you insist on distinguishing which ones are druids, I have a way, but I can only distinguish male druids."

Ariel said with great interest: "What method?"

Amberxiu said: "If you want to, just go back to your room and take off your clothes. Because druids can transform into animals at will, so transforming and peeping is a very serious crime for druids. As soon as you take off your clothes, , those male druids will definitely turn around and run away, they don’t dare to commit such a crime under the watchful eyes of the Oak Father.”

Ariel immediately blushed and said through gritted teeth, "How do you know this method? Have you ever been to Emerald Dream Forest?"

Amberxiu shook his head and said, "Read more books. There is everything in the books."

However, this is a lie. Amberxiu did not read it from the book.

When Amberxiu was young, he had a not-so-pure friendship with a female Druid. At that time, he inquired a lot about the customs and habits of the Druid.

Although Ariel was a little shy after hearing this, she was not the kind of woman to be coy. She quickly regained her composure and started a serious discussion with Amber Xiu.

"But what's the use of just driving away men? Aren't there still female druids?" Ariel asked.

Amber Xiu smiled and said: "It's so simple. First let a man go in, take off his clothes and scare the women away, and then you go in and scare the men away. That's fine, isn't it?"

Ariel felt something was wrong and asked, "Then they won't replace someone and come back to monitor?"

Amberxiu shook his head and said: "No, they don't dare to risk being punished and come back to check whether the people inside are wearing clothes and whether they have changed. Druid doesn't even get a salary. Who will risk their lives for you if you have nothing to do? Of course. This is not 100%, if you meet someone who is really brave and not afraid of being accused, then you can only admit yourself to be unlucky."

Ariel's eyes widened, how could she still play like this? This guy has a terrible grasp on people's hearts.

After Amber Xiu said these words, the squirrel whose head he had just touched spoke: "When did the Son of the Storm have such a smart big shot?"

Ariel was startled and jumped up from her chair. When she regained her balance, she had already grabbed her hammer, but she activated the power of thunder in her excitement.

The thin layer of natural power outside her body was shattered by the power of thunder almost instantly, and Ariel immediately felt a sense of sleepiness, as if she hadn't slept for several days, and her eyelids could not be opened.

However, she immediately gave herself a set of electrotherapy. Under the lightning, she was able to maintain her consciousness, but it was obvious that she was struggling to hold on.

The little squirrel jumped out of the table with a slight leap, and turned into an old woman with a cane and a painted face.

The old woman took out a bracelet woven from vines from her pocket, handed it to Ariel and said, "Little girl, don't be nervous, just wear this. Trying to rely on pain to resist the effect of the dream barrier will not work. It will only hurt you." yourself."

Amber Xiu also said calmly: "Your Highness, please put on the bracelet, don't hold on."

Ariel could hardly open her eyes. She could only listen to Amber Xiu's words, restrained the thunderous light, and quickly put on the new bracelet.

Natural energy once again covered her body, and the drowsy feeling just now disappeared.

Amberxiu said to the old woman: "What is the name of this elder?"

The old woman looked at Amberxiu doubtfully and said to him: "My name is Teresa, and Sares is my husband. You don't look like someone from the Kingdom of Rage. One of the Sons of Storm can stay calm." There are not many, and I have never heard of any Storm Son who knows us druids so well.”

"Elder Teresa, your words are somewhat discriminatory. The great Lord of Storms only taught us to be brave and to pursue power, but he did not tell us to throw away our brains."

Teresa smiled and said: "Haha, this sounds more like a silver-tongued robin than a child of the storm. But there is no need to use such boring methods, I will let them withdraw."

"By the Father of the Oak?" said Umbershoe.

Teresa glanced at Amberxiu, and then said: "Yes, I swear to the Father of Oak in the name of the Pine Needle Tribe that as long as you don't leave this tribe, no one will monitor you anymore."

It's okay to not be discovered when it comes to surveillance. Amber Xiu has already pointed it out to his face. If he continues to persist, it will be very embarrassing. Although the relationship with the Rage Kingdom is not good, the other party is a princess and an important minister. If you don't want to fall out immediately, you have to give in.

Anyway, just don't let them leave this place.

Teresa tapped the ground with her crutch, and there were many rustling sounds in the room, and she didn't know how many animals ran out of the house.

"Thank you very much." Amberxiu said sincerely.

Teresa thought Amberxiu was mocking her and could only leave the room with a serious face.

After the druids ran away, Amberxiu said to Ariel: "You can rest assured now and go back and have a rest. It is estimated that we will meet with the envoys of the great druids soon."

Ariel said doubtfully: "Is it really safe?"

"If you don't believe it, you can try the method I just mentioned." After saying this, Amberxiu sent Ariel out.

After closing the door, Amber Xiu sat alone in the room, spreading his perception all the way.

After more than 500 meters, it is difficult for Amber Xiu to accurately perceive anything. At most, it is only a vague outline. After another 1,000 meters, he cannot even perceive the outline, and can only roughly sense the obvious ups and downs. .

But Amberxiu did not give up and continued to spread his perception until nothing could be sensed. Amberxiu could not confirm the specific distance and could only squeeze his energy as much as possible.

And that's when he finally found what he wanted - his beast companion.

Deep in the Green Dream Forest, Naomi, who was lying next to Catherine, raised her head in surprise and said to Catherine: "He is back."

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