This lich needs more money

Chapter 174 Finally meet

Deep under the sea, there is darkness.

The ghost ship, covered with seaweed and barnacles, travels across the seafloor, rolling over the sand and gravel on the seafloor, leaving behind large turbid currents.

There are ghosts everywhere on the ship, and a pale light illuminates everything nearby.

Amber Xiu stood on the plywood and admired the rare underwater scenery.

After traveling through so many years, Amber Xiu entered the bottom of the sea for the first time. As expected, he had to live until death and learn to die. Who knew that after dying and becoming an undead, he would be able to see more scenery.

However, at this time, Amber Xiu had replaced his own bone body. The feeling of seawater flowing through the gaps in the bones was very good, but this bone body was too weak.

Mithril is very strong, but the golems made of Mithril are not waterproof.

Seawater contains salt, which will corrode the surface of parts, and pitted gears are fatal to machinery.

The information on Alchemy City does include a diving type of demon puppet, but it’s a pity that the model on Amber Xiu’s body is wrong.

In desperation, Amber Xiu could only replace himself with a bone body.

After this change, Amber Xiu felt a little uncomfortable. The power gap between the two bodies was too big. It wouldn't matter if he was just a mage. But after gaining the power of the legendary ranger, Amber Xiu had no idea about the strength and flexibility of his body. There is a request.

Speaking of which, this skeleton was made with the help of Apoptotic Rose, but it was a bit hasty and can only be regarded as a bargain.

When the fishman Phil saw Amber Xiu's changed appearance, he was very surprised and said: "The body can still be changed. I really envy you lichs."

Not all undead can change bodies at will. The soul of Phil, a zombie, is very closely integrated with the body. Under normal circumstances, the soul will only be destroyed along with the body and cannot survive alone.

"Traveling on the bottom of the sea will be much slower. How long will it take to get there?" Amberxiu asked.

"Don't worry, I told the leader about the attack, and she will join us. She will arrive in a day at most."

Upon hearing the news, Amber Xiu felt relieved.

After seeing too many underwater wonders, it was nothing special. Amberxiu simply ran into the cabin of the ghost ship.

Now that I have some free time, I can train the Kuo Tao fishmen I captured earlier to see if they can recharge the Golden Throne.

The Kuo Tao fish people still looked stupid. They were all locked in the bottom cabin of the ghost ship. When they saw Amber Xiu appear, they all huddled together in panic.

Amber Xiu learned a lesson this time and caught a bunch of fish and shrimp from the bottom of the sea and threw them in front of these Kuo Tao fishmen.

"Eat, then work for me when you're full!"

The lich's aura of fear spread out, making these Kuo-Tao murlocs tremble, but they still had to eat the fish and shrimp brought to their mouths.

Just like this, while trembling all over and eating meat, these stupid kuo-toa people changed their attitude towards Amber Xiu, and some kuo-toa people began to kneel down to Amber Xiu.

Kuo Tao fish people have similar personalities to those of sheep. With a leader, others will naturally follow.

A dozen Kuo Toa people knelt down and worshiped Amber Xiu together, and the power of faith appeared again and began to converge on Amber Xiu.

"so much?!"

Amber Xiu felt very surprised. He had just killed the red hat and snatched the faith away. These Kuo Tao fish people really had no resistance at all to the change of gods. Their piety was no different from before.

This also shows that the faith of the Kuo Tao fish is not actually a real faith, but just an instinct to find spiritual sustenance. For many gods, this belief is impure and absorbing divine power will only pollute themselves.

It doesn't matter to Amber Xiu, because he is not a god, and the power of faith is not poured directly into his soul, but will be transformed into the power of the Golden Throne by his legendary favor.

It doesn't really matter to Amber Xiu whether this chair will be distorted into the aesthetics of the Kuo-Toa people. The chair is a chair. It doesn't matter if it's ugly, as long as the ability is not compromised.

But what surprised Amberxiu was that the Golden Throne did not seem to be distorted by pollution.

He could feel that the power of the Golden Throne was increasing, and the power of faith was efficiently converted into gold, and then turned into the relief patterns on the Golden Throne. The originally vague patterns gradually emerged, but the content inside was very strange. It was not the structure of any magic circle, but more like some kind of religious relief.

Many figures knelt on the ground, worshiping a huge individual and offering countless precious sacrifices.

"Ah, this...can't be a reflection of my inner self, right?"

Isn't Amberxiu's favorite thing just to sit at home and wait for others to send money?

It is very possible that after all, it is his legendary favor that has engraved his greatest desires, which makes perfect sense.

It's just a bit shameful to expose him like this. If others see it, will they misunderstand his character?

Forget it, this is not important, let’s take advantage of this little time to convert more gold.

Amber Xiu was hiding in the cabin to cultivate his faith, but the fishman Phil was not so free. After a battle, the ghost ship was still somewhat damaged and needed to be repaired while sailing, which was enough for him to keep busy.

The ghost ship traveled all the way on the bottom of the sea. After sailing for about twenty hours, it finally arrived at an extremely deep trench.

Phil ran to the bottom cabin and said to Amber Xiu: "Dear guest, we are here. In front of us is a stronghold of our pirate group. The leader is waiting for you in front. Uh, this is..."

In the bottom cabin, the kuo-tao fishmen were all floating on their bellies in the water.

Amberxiu said to Phil: "It's okay, it's just that the energy is too much. Please help me release them later."

These Kuo Tao fish people were forced to worship by Amber Xiu for twenty hours, and their spirits have long been drained. At the same time, Amber repaired spiritual spells. It is estimated that they will automatically worship Amber Xiu for a long time. , the effect may last for one or two years.

The effect of Kuo Tao fish man's prayer is really good, a hundred times better than Erha Dahei's.

It's a pity that Amber Xiu's current home is under the desert. That place is really not suitable for fish farmers. If they dig a large lake and raise some fish and shrimps for them, the cost will be too high. The underground world wants to maintain this lake. The cost is not generally high.

When he has time to enclose a territory on the sea, Amber Xiu will consider breeding a large number of Kuo Tao fishmen to replenish his faith.

"Well, after all, the krypton gold from belief is not as fast as the money from business."

Amberxiu followed the fishman Phil back to the deck. He saw a narrow passage between two underwater mountains covered with corals. Amberxiu's perception could not spread into it. It must have been blessed with special powers. Magic enchantment.

"This is one of our strongholds, and the leader is already waiting inside."

Amberxiu nodded and adjusted his magic robe. This mute senior has an unusual status and should pay attention to his manners.

The ghost ship slowly entered the trench and passed through a thick curtain of water. The deep trench suddenly changed its appearance.

Jellyfish emitting colorful light were floating around, illuminating the vast space inside. The dazzling colorful light made the trench look like a fairyland. It was completely unexpected that it would be the stronghold of an undead pirate group.

The coral reefs on both sides were dug into intricate caves, and many undead in the form of fishmen poked their heads out of them. After seeing Phil's Swordfish, these undead murlocs roared as if to welcome his return.

The Swordfish continued beyond these coral caves and soon came to a huge port.

More than a dozen ghost ships are docked here, and together they look like a small island sunk into the sea. The largest one is at least a hundred meters long and is a real giant on the sea.

The shape of this ghost ship is very strange. Other ghost ships are in tatters and covered with moss and barnacles. Only this giant ship is not damaged at all. It looks like a new ship that has just been launched.

If the ship's sails weren't burning with blazing netherworld fire, Amberxiu would have thought it was a trophy captured by the undead pirates.

Phil said excitedly: "That is the flagship of our pirate group, and the leader is right there."

Amberxiu let go of his senses and wanted to find the mute senior, but he felt a huge pressure before he even got close.

This feeling doesn't feel right.

On the flagship, a cold voice passed through a hundred meters and was clearly conveyed: "No need to look for it, I'm right here, come on my ship and talk in detail."

Amber Xiu quickly withdrew his perception. This mute senior didn't sound like a mute.

The fishman Phil stopped the Swordfish a long way away, and then said to Amber Xiu: "Dear guest, please go there in person, my ship can't get any closer."

Amber Xiu looked around the flagship, and sure enough, the other ghost ships kept a distance of forty or fifty meters from this giant ship.

Amberxiu said to Phil politely: "I'm sorry to trouble you along the way."

After saying goodbye to the fishman Phil, Amberxiu directly used the Lost Tracking Step and teleported to the flagship.

As soon as he stepped onto the deck of this giant ship, the pressure that was so huge that it shocked his soul became even more obvious. Amberxiu had to open a shield to walk freely on the ship.

There was not a single figure visible on the huge battleship. There were no zombie murlocs, no skeletons, and no ghosts floating around. There was only a slim figure standing on the bow of the ship, seemingly waiting for Amber Xiu to arrive.

Amberxiu slowly approached. She was a woman with a slender back. She had flowing blond hair that floated up and down under the waves. She was wearing a robe that looked like mist, which also kept changing its shape in the waves. .

As Amberxiu approached, the leader of the undead pirate group turned around.

There are some traces of scales on her delicate facial features, and she looks a bit like a siren, but upon closer inspection, it seems different. She does not have the pointed ears of a siren, and her appearance looks more like a human.

The long mist skirt wrapped her body, making it difficult to see the features of other races.

She smiled at Amberxiu, and then said: "It came faster than I expected. It seems that that thing is very important to you. Should I call you Little Brother Diga or that Endless One Trazin?"

"You already know the pseudonym I just took out?" Amberxiu said in surprise.

"There are very few things in this sea that I don't know. By the way, you can call me Ai Ge. Mute is just my previous name."

Amberxiu was silent for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "Ms. Ai Ge, I would like to take the liberty to ask, are you a god?"

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