This lich needs more money

Chapter 17 Are you an undead?

The economic crisis in the Alchemy City is more severe than Amberxiu imagined. Even the little lords below have begun to take precautions and prepare for the collapse of the Alchemy City.

However, Amber Xiu had no time to care whether the Alchemy City collapsed or not. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the experiment of creating zombies.

Master Morgan pointed out the direction for Amberxiu. Through the optimization of the artificial soul technology, Amberxiu quickly created the "bionic" soul at a cost of about two hundred gold coins.

Based on the value of the soul, two hundred gold coins is undoubtedly very luxurious. After all, the soul of a human slave is not worth even one gold coin. However, the cost of the magic ritual created by Master Morgan was 50,000 gold coins, while Amberxiu only spent 200, which undoubtedly greatly reduced the cost.

Moreover, there is still room for further cost reduction.

The first step of making the zombies was completed, but after the soul problem was solved, the body design of the zombies encountered a little trouble.

Living mercury is the most suitable body for the soul. The problem is that when it was created, living mercury lacked many internal organs.

I don’t know what the original plan of the madmen in the Alchemy City was. In addition to showing extremely high magic resistance, the living mercury is a completely deformed life.

The lack of necessary internal organs makes living mercury very fragile, with no ability to act except for the instinct of swallowing metal. In this case, even if a soul is forced into it, it is just a waste of materials, so Amber Xiu needs to help the living mercury to complete the missing internal organs.

The best way is to refer to the body structure of slime. After all, living mercury is a modified mercury slime.

"Oh, I will regret it when I use the book. I really don't know anything about slimes."

Even a lich with eternal life will seem very small in the face of the vast sea of ​​magical knowledge. Every year, new magic theories are published in "Legendary Curse", and there are countless results that have not been published.

Even if Ambrose is a diligent scholar, he cannot be proficient in all fields.

At this time, you need to seek expert help.

However, Amber Xiu asked around in the chat group of the Dead Poets Society, and these legendary undead all said that they had not done any research on slimes at all.

This is normal. Low-level monsters like slime are not only weak and ugly, but also have almost no use value. They are an extremely unpopular research direction. The undead have a lot of time, but no one is interested in this thing.

Amberxiu could only move out the "Legendary Curse" journals from previous years and start searching for slime-related content locally.

The results are disappointing. Even in a famous magic journal like "Legendary Curse", there is very little content about slimes.

All I can say is that Slime is really weak.

After thinking about it, if I want to find an expert on slime, the only thing left is the alchemy city that has researched living mercury.

But now the Alchemy City is in a financial crisis, and prices are rising like crazy from top to bottom. If you ask for relevant information at this time, you will be severely punished.

For things like adding money, Amber Xiu could only tell others that if it happened to him, it would become a painful torture comparable to taking a bath in holy water.

After thinking about it, Amberxiu couldn't find a shortcut, so he could only follow the most traditional method of the Lich - catching a few slimes and bringing them back for experiments. As long as you dissect one or two hundred slimes, you can become an expert in slime research.

Amberxiu used the transformation technique again and returned to human form.

This is a world with extremely serious racial discrimination. Liches always have a lot of inconveniences when walking outside. Only by turning into humans can they reduce many unnecessary troubles.

Putting on the appearance of a black-haired boy, Amberxiu walked out of his laboratory again and walked out of the castle.

Passing by Isabel's workshop, Amberxiu took another capitalist look inside.

Fortunately, this little girl was quite honest and didn't steal any of his experimental materials.

Amberxiu had previously created a wise ghoul as an experimental assistant, but he had eaten away a third of the inventory within a few days. At that time, he was so angry that the fire of his soul was smoking, so he could only use this ghoul. The ghoul, who had gained only two laps of weight, was able to recover some losses by dismantling it.

The sensitive Isabel discovered Amberxiu's presence, showed a surprised expression, and then walked over quickly to say hello: "Teacher, I finally see you again."


Amber Xiu was stunned for a moment and asked, "You called me teacher?"

Isabel nodded and said: "Thanks to you for teaching me alchemy last time, I found that I have made a lot of progress. Maybe it is a bit presumptuous to call it this, but I am really grateful to Teacher You for your guidance."

Amberxiu did not refuse the title. He was indeed worthy of being called a teacher.

Since you are a teacher, you must care about the situation of your students. Amberxiu asked Isabel: "Do you have any questions recently?"

Isabel's eyes lit up and she said, "Yes, teacher, please wait."

Isabel took out her notebook, opened one page and said: "When extracting belladonna, I can't control the heat..."

"Pay attention to the time when the bubbles come out. When the first bubble appears, it will stop heating within thirty seconds at most."

"The animal conversation potion was made according to the proportions recorded in the book, but the quality is very low."

"Affected by temperature, the room temperature of the castle is relatively low. You need to increase the proportion of suspension appropriately, about five percent."

No matter what question Isabel asked, Ambrose could give the answer almost without thinking.

The more Isabel asked, the more she felt that the black-haired boy in front of her was unfathomable. There were many questions that the previous teacher could not answer, or was unwilling to answer. She did not expect that the boy in front of her would give the answer casually.

These are very basic alchemy knowledge, not too simple for a research scholar like him, but for Isabel, it is a precious experience that no one reminds me and it takes many years to figure it out.

Isabel knew the value of knowledge, and she admired and even worshiped the young teacher in front of her.

Quickly opening the back pages of the notebook, Isabel continued to ask: "Also, the Hill Giant Strength Potion..."

"Wait, is this the potion you can make now?"

"This...I saw the formula, and there are ingredients here..."

"To be too ambitious will only waste materials. Even if I teach you step by step about this kind of advanced potion, you still won't be able to understand it."

Amberxiu's tone became stern. Those basic potions were okay, but they consumed a lot of money. Isabel had to work hard every day to prepare them. But the Hill Giant Strength Potion is different. This thing is very valuable, and it is a high-grade potion. The material lost after one failure can make Amber Xiu feel heartbroken and break his bones.

After being delayed like this for more than half an hour, Amber Xiu quickly stopped and said to Isabel: "Alchemy is a very profound knowledge. You don't want to become an alchemy master in one day, do you? First, teach you everything I have taught you. Get it under control before asking anything else!”

After being taught a lesson, Isabel was not dissatisfied at all.

Compared with the previous teacher, Amberxiu was almost as kind as an angel. He didn't even use insulting words like idiot and idiot to curse her, let alone hide his knowledge of alchemy. Many of the questions recorded in this small book have troubled Isabel for a long time, but every time she asked her previous teacher, she only got extremely perfunctory answers.

Amberxiu carefully asked Isabel not to waste materials, and was about to leave when he was suddenly stopped by Isabel again.

"Teacher, please wait a moment, I have one last question."

Amberxiu turned around in confusion and asked, "What's the problem?"

Isabel asked cautiously: "Teacher, you...should be the undead, the undead of this castle? Right?"

Amber Xiu:......

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