This lich needs more money

Chapter 169 The best believer

Inside the cannonball, Amber Xiu only felt a strong thrust, and in his ears was the sharp noise made when the air rubbed against the mithril shell.

Supersonic speed was certain, but Amberxiu couldn't confirm how fast it was.

Fortunately, he had replaced himself with a body made of mithril, otherwise his bones would have turned into bone powder the moment the cannon was ejected.

The cannonball flew at high speed, drew a perfect arc, and landed hundreds of kilometers away.

Amber Xiu climbed out of the silver cannonball and checked his body.

There were some minor glitches. After all, it was shot, and some parts inside the body were loose and deformed.

But the problem is not big. Amberxiu is now dual-core powered, and the dark magic can drive even a few missing bones. The deformation of small parts is not a big problem.

Amberxiu flew to the sky to look at the terrain, reconfirmed the direction, and then lifted out the second magic cannon.

This thing is a castrated version of a beggar, which will fall apart after one shot, so the cost is not high.

In the past, Amber Xiu might have been reluctant to part with it, but now that he has money, he can throw it away casually.

Reload the mithril cannonball. This thing is expensive and not disposable. Amberxiu is going to sit in this cannonball and fly to the destination again and again.

The second magic cannon was fired, and Amberxiu spiraled into the sky again.

The cannonball fell within the expected range again, and then Amberxiu calculated the angle again, moved out a new disposable magic cannon, and repeated the previous operation.

In this way, Amber Xiu's inventory of low-level materials was almost consumed, and he couldn't remember how many times he was launched. Finally, he saw the vast sea when the sun went down.

The setting sun reflects on the sea, and the waves smash the sunlight into pieces of gold. The scenery is very beautiful.

An Boxiu took out the Code of the Undead and posted in the group chat: "The sea at sunset is so beautiful. I haven't seen it in many years." 】

[Don’t like humans: XXXXXXX! 】

[Ultraman Tiga: What's wrong? I said the sea is beautiful. Does this also offend you? ! 】

[Don’t like humans: Bastard, I’m a vampire, what are you talking about about sunset with me? 】

Amber Xiu:......

I accidentally forgot about this. Generally, when the undead reach the legendary level, the impact of sunlight is very small. It is not a big problem for Amber Xiu to walk directly under the scorching sun. But vampires can't do that. Sunlight is extremely poisonous to them, and even legendary vampires turn gray when exposed to the sun.

[Apoptotic Rose: Are you going to the beach now? Why so fast? ! 】

Not long ago, Amber Xiucai said that in the Lion Imperial Capital, even if you were teleported directly to Emerald Dream Forest, you wouldn't be able to reach the seaside that quickly, and you couldn't even fly.

Amberxiu explained: [When I first arrived, I played a little trick to speed up my flight. 】

Apoptotic Rose sent a private message: [You came earlier than expected. I'm afraid the messenger sent by the Mute hasn't arrived yet. I'm afraid you have to wait for a day or two. 】

[Ultraman Tiga: Messenger? This senior seems to be quite powerful. What does she do? What kind of undead souls live in the sea? 】

[Apoptotic Rose: She didn’t tell me in detail, but I guess the race of the sea is related to the fishmen. 】


Kuo-Toa fishmen, sahuagin fishmen, triton fishmen, loka fishmen... There are many fishmen races, and the gap between strength and weakness and camp differences are very big. I don’t know which kind this mute senior is. And why do you call yourself mute?

Unfortunately, Apoptotic Rose didn't know these details. She only knew that the mute senior seemed to welcome Amber Xiu as a guest, and had helped him seal off the sea area where the artifact was located in advance.

This generous act seems to be another queen-level figure.

Anyway, he had to wait, so Amberxiu was ready to repair his body.

After many shellings, the mechanical body made of mithril was a little unable to hold up. It was damaged in many places and needed to be repaired as soon as possible.

Amber Xiu hid in his private space and began a comprehensive repair of his body.

Fortunately, I had prepared more when I bought Mithril, otherwise it would have been troublesome to repair it. Once cast, this metal is extremely strong and extremely difficult to recast.

After spending a long time tinkering with things in his private space, Amber Xiu finally had a completely new look.

When he reappeared, he put on a black cloak to prevent the silver-white armor from being too conspicuous.

As night falls, the seaside is dark, but it is not dead.

As the tide rises, many strange-looking creatures appear on the beach. Each one has a huge fish head, thin arms and legs, and a big belly. It can be said that they are very ugly, like a giant silver carp whose fins have turned into hands and feet.

Amber Xiu recognized it at a glance, this was the Kuo Tao fish man.

Could it be said that the messenger sent by the mute senior is the Kuo Tao fish?

But Amberxiu looked carefully and found that this was not the case. These Kuo Tao people were obviously not here to pick up anyone. After climbing onto the beach, they began to dig around frantically.

They dug out the shell creatures one by one, inserted their sharp claws into the gaps, and could easily pry open the strong carapace. After eating the soft flesh inside, they collected the shells.

They seem to have very special perceptions. No matter how deep the shells are hidden, they can accurately locate them and dig them out to eat.

After a feast, these kuo-toa began to build a weird tower out of sand, and then decorated the tower with things like shells and seaweed. From a distance, this strange thing looked like a weird-looking human woman with shells on her shoulders and a crayfish head and claws.

This is the god of kuo-toa, Blibodup. His painting style is as ugly as the kuo-toa. He is at least in the top three on the list of the ugliest gods.

Interestingly, according to book records, the "Mother of the Sea" Bribodupu did not originally exist. Her body was a broken human statue. Then she was discovered by the Kuo Tao fish people. They prayed to the statue for many years, using Various sea creatures decorate the statue, and over time the goddess is born into the world.

It can be said that this is a god who was truly born based on faith.

This is due to the characteristics of the Kuo Tao fish people. They have an ability called "god creation". This is a race that inherently needs to believe in something.

For most intelligent beings, faith is acquired. Needless to say, humans can believe in any kind of god, and it all depends on their own choices. Even the elves need to be educated from an early age before they can believe in the elven gods. Drow born underground are usually educated to become perverts who believe in the Rose Spider Queen.

Most people believe that without upbringing, intelligent races are born to be faithless.

But the Kuo Tao people are different. They seem to have an urgent need to believe in something from birth.

Because most kuo-toa people have very low IQs and may not have a complete inheritance, some kuo-toa people will believe in the common aboleth fish in the sea as gods, and some will just meet a more powerful being. Worship it, and the faith they generate is like the most devout believers. Even mortals can sense it and use this power.

Many races have taken advantage of this characteristic of the Kuo-Toa, such as monsters like the Mind Flayers. They once turned a large number of Kuo-Toa into their servants and enjoyed the power of faith they provided. There are also some weak monsters who will trick a small tribe of Kuo Tao fish people into worshiping them, and these fish people will often believe it.

Despite these benefits, there is also a very strange thing about the Kuo Tao people, that is, they shape gods according to their own imagination. If they think you don't look like the imaginary gods, they will really dare to "prune" you.

The weird and twisted "Mother of the Sea" Bribodup looks like this because of the special aesthetics of the Kuo-Toa people.

Other gods do not dare to accept this group of "high-quality believers", lest they be contaminated by their weird beliefs and distorted into another form.

The sand sculpture of the goddess has been completed, and the group of Kuo Tao fish people began their kneeling ceremony.

Ancient and weird tones emanated from their mouths, accompanied by bursts of red light, and merged into the statue. This is the belief from the Kuo-Toa people, and it has become so powerful that it can be seen with the naked eye.

Amber Xiu looked a little envious. If these Kuo Toa fish people became his followers, then the Golden Throne might be able to steadily replenish gold. Anyway, since I am a lich, I don't mind looking a little more twisted. At most, I can just build a "body" that fits the aesthetics of the Kuo-Toa people.

Amber Xiu was a man who did whatever he wanted, and immediately began to think about how to trick these Kuo Tao fish people into becoming his followers.

But he didn't know much about the Kuo-Toa people, and it was difficult to do things like follow their liking without information.

"How did those mind flayers deceive the Kuo-Toa people in the first place? Directly using psychic spells?"

Amber was about to look through her book collection to see if she could find any useful information, but she saw that the statue on the beach began to change.

The red power of faith of these Kuo-Toa people gathered together, dyeing the entire statue as if it was soaked in blood.

Amber Xiu could sense that an evil aura was emanating from the statue.

"The Mother of the Sea has arrived? That's not true. Although this spirit is not very powerful, it cannot be summoned so easily."

Just pick out some shells and make an ugly statue to summon gods. How can other religions survive?

Amberxiu quickly determined that this was not a god, because the evil aura revealed did not have the pressure of a god. It was an aura that was superior to all living beings, and it was very fake.

This evil aura does not have the majesty of a god, only pure blood and violence.

When the bright red color completely covered the entire statue, the statue's body suddenly swelled, as if it was pregnant.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp sickle pierced the sand sculpture's belly, and a rickety figure emerged from it.

This is a little monster wearing a red leather hat and half a head shorter than the dwarf.

This thing is called a red hat.

When a being has a strong murderous intention, a red hat will appear at the place where he committed the crime, where blood is soaked.

Redcaps look like hunchbacked dwarfs, but they are actually monsters from the Feywild, born to hunt down their murderous murderer, their creator. After killing their creator, they were able to stay in this world and began to satisfy their perverted desires through murder and massacre.

But they are not without wisdom. On the contrary, the red hat can plan a rigorous and wonderful murder, which is as full of ritual for them as blowing out candles on a birthday.

Amberxiu became happy when she saw the red hat appear.

Someone got there first and deceived these kuo-toa people into becoming his followers, so it would be much easier to snatch these kuo-toa people away.

In order to snatch believers between gods, a divine war is the simplest and most direct way.

However, if the mute senior is a murloc, will it be related to these kuo-toa murlocs... Forget it, I don’t think so much, anyway, these kuo-toa murlocs have been deceived by the red hat, even if the mute is a kuo-toa. Man, he was just helping her get revenge.

Putting so much power of faith in front of you, don’t let it go in vain!

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