This lich needs more money

Chapter 144 The Buried City of Giants

What you see are all kinds of buildings with astonishing proportions.

All the gates are more than ten meters high, and the main buildings are also quite tall, but most of them are buried in the yellow sand and rocks.

"Has there ever been a civilization of giants in history?"

Amber Xiu tried hard to recall the history books he had read. He had never seen official history, but as for unofficial history... forget it. Some unofficial histories even said that the creator god Io was born after goblins had sex with the universe. This is a bit too much. Wild.

Catherine was also surprised. There seemed to be no mention of the existence of this civilization in the historical records of the elves.

You must know that the inheritance of the elves has never been cut off, and the recorded history can be traced back to thousands of years ago.

Catherine said excitedly: "It's amazing. It turns out that only by traveling in person can you increase your knowledge."

Amberxiu also felt that his eyes had been opened. Giant civilization had never been recorded in the book. The only thing he was familiar with was the hill giant, but this thing's IQ was worrying, and it was just a monster with great strength.

Since the giant civilization has not been recorded, it means that all the technologies of this civilization have not been recorded. Then it may be possible to find ancient magic and magic equipment in this lost dungeon.

Ancient magic may not necessarily be more powerful, but magic that has never been seen before must be of great value to researchers.

After entering the city gate and walking a few dozen meters along the wide road, a huge monument appeared in front of you. It's just that the words on it are blurred, and the original appearance is completely unrecognizable. All you can see is that the top of the monument is a weathered human shape.

"This human sculpture...what do you think of it, Your Majesty the Queen?" Amberxiu asked.

When it comes to artistic attainments, no one among the elves can be ranked first if they are ranked second.

Catherine looked at the statue carefully and said with some regret: "The weathering is too serious and many details cannot be seen clearly. However, this sculpture has a naked upper body, with perfect muscle lines and full of power. In terms of sculpting skills, the author's level is very good." High. The surrounding buildings and sculptures are of the same style. This city should have been designed by a certain artist. If it can be placed at the entrance of the city, if it is not the god they believe in, it may be their hero, and more I can’t see the things anymore.”

Amberxiu touched his chin. If Catherine could praise her for her high artistic level, then this civilization was really very developed. Art is something that cannot develop until it is full. This giant civilization must have a large number of people who don't have to worry about having enough to eat, so that it can support the development of art.

Do giants have this kind of intelligence?

Amberxiu remembered that most of the recorded giants were just muscle monsters with worrying IQs.

"There is a strange place. Look at the road behind it."

Catherine pointed to the location behind the monument. The city gate road split into two halves behind the monument, forming a subtle angle.

Generally speaking, cities will try to use intersections to divide them, so that the overall layout is better, but the Y-shaped intersection in front of us seems a bit abrupt.

Catherine stretched out her finger, checked the angle, and said a little strangely: "This angle seems to be the angle of a five-pointed star... I have a guess, please give me the map."

Ambrose opened the map that Huggie Stone had given him, and Catherine took it and began to draw on it with her fingers.

After a while, Catherine condensed magic lines and drew a pentagon in the air, and then drew a five-pointed star inside the pentagon.

"I guess this city is roughly laid out like this. The outer city wall is a regular pentagon, and then the interior is divided into different areas using five-pointed stars. We are now standing on one of the corners of the five-pointed star, and the two roads on the left and right should be leading to areas with different functions.”

Amber Xiu looked at the buildings on the two roads and saw no difference.

He had little knowledge of architecture, but he trusted Catherine's judgment.

"Could the five-pointed star-shaped layout have something to do with the belief in hell?"

Catherine shook her head and said: "No, the five-pointed star is not exclusive to demons and devils. Many ancient magics have elements of this shape."

"Then let's explore separately to see if there's anything valuable. We'll meet here in an hour."

Catherine looked at the deep darkness ahead and felt a little nervous. This was her first independent adventure.

However, isn't this exactly what I want?

"Okay, it's more efficient to act separately." After Catherine said this, she blessed herself with several defensive magics, and even cast an advanced invisibility spell to completely disappear into the air.

Amber Xiu looked a little funny. This girl looked like a rookie adventurer. I really don't know how she became a legend. Maybe she was a genius.

Catherine went to the right, and Amberxiu could only choose the left.

Liches don't need light. Amber Xiu completely blended into the darkness and walked into the left fork.

Although it is said to be a fork in the road, it is actually wider than the main road in the Alchemy City. Seeing the huge stone slabs on the ground, Amberxiu became more and more certain that this was a city built by giants, and everything seemed to be magnified several times.

There was no danger along the way, but after only a kilometer away, the fork in the road was blocked by rocks and yellow sand.

Amberxiu tried to use magic to dig out the sand and stones blocking the road, but the result was that after digging more than ten meters deep, it was still the same. He didn't know if this city was mostly buried, but just a corner of it happened to be exposed.

The road ahead was blocked, so Amber Xiu could only go back along the road and explore the buildings on both sides of the road.

Some of the wooden doors were rotten and could be blown to pieces by the breeze when Amber Xiu passed by. The space inside the house was also quite empty. Except for the remaining outlines of some furniture, nothing of value could be seen.

"It seems that this is a residential area, the residence of giants..."

I checked several houses. The layouts and sizes may be slightly different, but the interiors are all similar. The dining rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, etc. are all very complete.

What surprised Amberxiu was that the city also had a very good sewer system, which was directly connected to every house. This shows how much thought was put into building the city.

It can be seen from these details that this city did have a glorious civilization.

But what surprised Ambrose was that he couldn't see any bodies in the ruins.

Except for the special materials used to cast the city gate, he had not seen any remains of corpses from the time he entered the gate until now.

Where have the original residents of this city gone?

Did they all flee before the city was destroyed?

Unfortunately, it was so long ago that many of the traces had been erased, and Amberxiu couldn't tell the difference.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Amberxiu returned to the monument and saw Catherine already waiting here.

"Come back so soon?" Amberxiu said in surprise.

"This road is blocked not far ahead. There's nothing interesting to see." Catherine said with wandering eyes.

Amber Xiu:......

Could it be that this little girl got more and more scared as she walked in, so she ran back here and waited halfway?

Forget it, it's not a good idea to expose her directly. Let's wait until we have more time to investigate slowly.

Amberxiu said to Catherine: "I didn't find anything here, I can only tell that this area is a residential area."

Catherine said: "I didn't find anything. The road on the right should be a commercial area. The buildings look like various stores, but there is nothing inside, and it seems that someone has already come and moved away all the valuable things. .”

"It must be that old boy Heggie Stone. He must have sent people in to search it in advance. He didn't even leave me a single gold coin. He's quite stingy."

Amber Xiu snorted, but didn't take it to heart.

Now I have money and I am not short of money.

"Since there is nothing of value and there is no danger, let's choose a place to start moving. I have a nice house over there with enough space and a good location."

What Amberxiu was talking about was the largest house in the residential area. It was a three-story structure that was almost as tall as his original castle. The interior space was also large, enough for Amberxiu to build a new home.

Catherine naturally had no objection to this, and followed Amberxiu to the big house where the giant lived.

Amberxiu summoned a group of skeletons and began to clean the house. All the decayed furniture remains were cleared away, and then the private space was opened and all kinds of luggage started to be moved out.

Catherine took a handful of seeds and began to sow them around the house, using magic to promote growth.

This underground city is not ventilated at all. It is fine for a short time, and Catherine will not be suffocated to death, but if you want to live here for a long time, you need to purify this environment.

Various magical plants that purify the air, have their own lighting effects, and provide food quickly grew up, wrapping the house in green. Outsiders would definitely not believe that this was the territory of a lich.

But these magical plants can only be grown outdoors, and Catherine's private room is also built with vines outside the house.

Amber Xiu's skeleton army is relocating inside the house. Low-level skeletons have no ability to accurately control dark magic. Magic plants cannot survive in this environment and will only wither quickly.

The boundary between life and death is so clear that no one can cross it.

After working for a long time, the laboratory was finally set up.

Amberxiu put away the Skeleton Corps and took out a lot of metal materials and piles of blueprints from his private space.

These are the remaining resources used to make demon puppets after the disappearance of the Alchemy City.

Amber Xiu had no interest in golems at first. That was because undead magic was incompatible with golems, so there was no need to sacrifice one thing for the other.

But things are different now. The Lane Empire is likely to unify the continent, and he needs to think about his future.

Amberxiu is preparing to build a new body for himself, a body of steel that cannot be restrained by the holy light.

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