This lich needs more money

Chapter 121 The Devil’s Ambush

Above the wilderness, raging flames lit up the sky.

A large area of ​​hellfire trapped more than twenty elves in it. Countless demons rushed out of the flames and pounced on these elves without fear of death.

Catherine looked at these surging demons, calmly drew her bow and released the arrow.

Thousands of starlights burst out from her hands, nailing large demons to the ground. The huge black panther guards Catherine's side, protecting her from cold arrows and spells from all directions, so that Catherine can focus on destroying these demons.

The elves following Catherine are also strong. Their bows and arrows are equally sharp as well as their spells. Their attacks can steadily suppress the wave-like demons.

Although there is no danger yet, the hellfire has no intention of being extinguished.

Thousands of demons have fallen, but the speed at which the demons rush out has not slowed down at all.

The elves have begun to feel a little tired. If these demons continue to flow, they may not be able to hold on.

Suddenly falling into such a desperate situation, the elves began to suspect that it was a trap set by Amber Xiu.

An elf guard advised Catherine: "Your Majesty, please leave here first. We have fallen into the trap of that lich. He doesn't want to negotiate at all. He just wants to take the opportunity to assassinate you, Your Majesty."

Catherine also had some doubts. Could it be that the lich negotiation was fake and the real purpose was to kill her, the Elf Queen?

Because the capital of the Alchemy City has been turned into ruins, and the teleportation array system of the entire kingdom has entered a state of collapse, the elves cannot reach their destination directly through the mainland teleportation array. They can only teleport to the border of the two countries first, and then use magic to quickly On the way.

And this route was arranged by the other party.

As the intermediary between the two parties, Amberxiu designed a path forward that "would not cause misunderstanding" for both the desert dwarves and elves. Catherine believed in the "sincerity" shown by Amber Xiu before, so she cooperated and followed this route.

Unexpectedly, when they were about to reach their destination, they were suddenly ambushed.

That was definitely planned for a long time, otherwise it would be impossible to open a semi-permanent door to hell in this place.

The Gate of Hell distorted the nearby space, making it impossible for Catherine to use teleportation magic to escape. Endless demons rushed out of the hell flames, constantly consuming their power.

From this point of view, it is very possible that the other party deliberately designed a trap.

But thinking about it carefully, Catherine felt that something was wrong with the situation. If she really wanted to intercept and kill herself, how could she rely on these low-level demons?

Although there are many demons in front of them, most of them are just little cowardly demons with wings. They are about the same height as dwarves. Their skinny bodies are not stronger than ordinary beasts, but their claws and teeth are sharp. If they can't fly, they are no more powerful than wild dogs. Not much stronger.

Occasionally, there is a small amount of khiss demon mixed in the little timid demon. This monster looks like a mixture of humans and flies. In addition to being disgusting, it can also cast simple spells. It is a very cunning and difficult demon.

The battle situation seems to be that the elves are suppressed, but Catherine has not used her full strength yet. Not to mention her legendary spells, just summoning a giant eagle can take her away. These demons cannot stop her. Catherine was just protecting the other elves, and that's why she was trapped here.

"There's no need to persuade me to leave. If their target is me, they can't only use this method. Be prepared, we're going to break out."

Catherine gathered her magic power and started chanting quickly.

The Black Panther held Catherine tightly behind him, using his body to protect her from the demon's attack.

In just a few seconds, the black panther's body had several scars, but the black panther guarded Catherine every step of the way until her spell preparation was completed.

A translucent magic passport quickly unfolded among the demons, and all the demons enveloped in it seemed to be frozen in place.

Change spell - time stops!

Within the scope of the barrier, everything except the caster himself is frozen in time.

A large chunk of the originally raging demon army was suddenly dug out, revealing a huge gap.

Dozens of light points flew out of Catherine's body and submerged into the bodies of these elves. Originally, only the caster was immune to the effect of time stopping, but Catherine's legendary favor "selfless sharing" can extend this immunity effect to other elves.

"It's now!"

Catherine rode on the black panther and rushed towards the barrier where time stood still. The other elves followed Catherine and rushed into the barrier together.

The frozen demons were unable to resist at all, and could only let the elves' sharp blades cut open their bodies and tear apart their flesh and blood.

The hot and smelly blood of the demons flew away, and was also fixed in the air by the effect of time stopping.

Wherever the elf passed, it left a path of blood and flesh.

The demons outside the barrier wanted to stop them, but as long as they touched the barrier, they would be frozen. They wanted to bypass the barrier and surround the group of elves again, but they couldn't keep up with the other party's speed.

Catherine has already led the elves out of the encirclement. She only needs to run a few hundred meters further to escape the influence of the Gate of Hell and use teleportation magic.

But these ambushers were not only prepared for this. Just when Catherine stepped out of the time barrier, a large amount of magma emerged from the ground, and the flames of hell rose into the sky. Four tall Balor Balrogs crawled out of the magma and blocked the way. Catherine's way.

Balor Balrogs are also famous demons in Hell. They are huge in stature and hold flaming swords and long whips, symbolizing the oldest evil. They enter battle with hatred and fury, capable of destroying all enemies with fire.

As soon as these four Barro Fire Demons appeared, the flame aura on their bodies enveloped the surrounding area for a hundred meters, causing the elves to be immersed in high temperatures.

The long whip burning with hell flames swung over and tied the panther tightly where Catherine was sitting.

The Black Panther's charge was intercepted by the Balor Balrog, and his flesh was burned by the flames, causing the beast to wail in pain.

Catherine nimbly turned over and jumped off the panther's back. Before landing, he had canceled the summoning effect of the black panther. At the same time, he bent his bow and shot an arrow at the nearest Balor Balrog.

The starlight condensed on the arrow, and after flying out from the string, it turned into thousands of rays of light, shrouding the Balor Fire Demon.

The Balor Fire Demon roared in pain, and Catherine's arrow shot his body riddled with holes. His thick hell armor seemed to be made of paper.

Although the Balor Fire Demon was seriously injured with one arrow, the other three demons did not care about the life and death of their companions, and the flaming whip was already lashing towards Catherine.

Catherine could only dodge and fight back against these demons.

It's just that the Balor Balrogs have learned to be smart. When faced with Catherine's arrows, they will directly use teleportation to avoid them.

With the blessing of the Gate of Hell, Barlow's teleportation technique seemed to require no magic power, and he turned these berserkers into assassins.

Catherine tried several times, but could only inflict some minor injuries on these Balor demons. Although these demons were restrained, other elves could not bear it.

The Balor Balrog has its own flame aura, which will make the surrounding environment scorching and continue to burn all mortal creatures.

The magic equipment on Catherine's body is enough to resist this kind of fire damage, but other elves are not immune to the superimposed fire aura effect of the four Balor Balrogs.

Their hair began to curl, their faces turned red, and some of their weapons were so hot that they could hardly hold them.

Catherine had to cast a change spell that controlled the weather, causing heavy snow to fall from the sky.

The snowflakes fell, but before they reached the ground, they were melted by the light of the flames and turned into mist that enveloped the surroundings. Although it failed to completely extinguish the flames on Balor's Balrog, the heavy snow offset most of the effects of the flame aura and turned the battlefield into a thick fog, blocking the enemy's sight.

It looked like both sides had become blind, but the Balor Balrog kept making sizzling sounds in the thick fog, and Catherine could determine the opponent's position just by the sound.

The long bow was fully drawn, and then a brilliant arrow was shot.

This time it is no longer thousands of stars, but an arrow condensed to the extreme.

The magic arrow accurately hit the head of a Balor Balrog, leaving half of his head intact.

The tall demon fell to the ground with a crash, the fog blocking his sight, and he was unable to use the portal to escape in time.

Just when Catherine was about to target the second Balor Balrog, the ground began to shake again, more magma gushes out, and three more Balor Balor crawled out of the ground.

The endless high temperature dispersed the fog, and the battlefield once again turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Not only that, the barrier that stopped time has also disappeared, and the surging little demons have begun to surround him again.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about us anymore, get out of here quickly!"

The elves knew that they had caused the queen trouble, and they were all extremely ashamed.

It's just that these demons are too despicable. They used the Gate of Hell to ambush, which not only created a huge geographical advantage, but also interfered with the elves' spellcasting. Only the legendary strong ones could not be affected in this environment.

As long as you give them a little preparation, even half an hour in advance, they won't be beaten in such a mess.

But war is so cruel to the weak, and they now have to admit that they are a burden to the queen. If it continues like this, Catherine may also be exhausted of her magic power.

Catherine looked at the elves who were determined to die, and felt a sharp pain in her heart again.

I obviously came to save people, but in the end I just let more elves die in vain?

Catherine fell into despair. Even if she still had a chance to escape, she no longer wanted to escape. The elves have long since lost their future.

Looking at the approaching demons and the elves being tortured by the high temperature around her, Catherine opened her mouth and couldn't help but want to tell them the truth. At least, let them understand what they are dying for.

"Everyone, actually this time..."

Catherine was about to tell everyone the truth when she suddenly heard the Balor Balrog scream.

Turning around, he saw that the tall demon was entangled in green magical energy, and its magma-like flesh continued to cool and collapse, eventually turning into a semi-rotted corpse.

Then, the empty eyes of the Balor Fire Demon lit up with the blue light of the soul fire, and he swung his sword and slashed at his original companion.

Catherine recognized this as an advanced necromancy spell - the Finger of Death.

Kill the target and quickly transform into a zombie.

However, the Balor Fire Demon has strong magic resistance. Under normal circumstances, the Finger of Death will not be effective against this kind of demon.

Catherine looked at the sky in surprise. Under the moonlight, a black-haired boy sat on the bright throne.

Amberxiu's voice came from mid-air: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty Catherine, there were some problems with my reception work. But please don't worry, I will handle these accidents."

The demons on the ground roared towards the sky, and countless fireballs flew towards the young man, as if they were going to drown him.

Amberxiu lightly snapped his fingers, and an anti-magic force field appeared under the throne, annihilating all the flying fireballs.

Immediately afterwards, strange rustling sounds came from all around. It turned out to be the corpses of the dead demons twisting.

One or two... a large group of demon corpses climbed up and rushed towards their original companions with their claws and teeth.

This is the simplest zombie resurrection spell, but with the blessing of the Golden Throne, Amber Xiu pulled up tens of thousands of zombies in an instant.

Now, the demons were at a numerical disadvantage.

Sorry, today's update failed and there are only 7,000 left. I will continue to work hard tomorrow.

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