This lich needs more money

Chapter 116 Contract with Shar

The Magic Network is nothing new.

When Io created the world, everything in the world contained primitive magic elements. These were the most essential magical powers.

It is very difficult to use this kind of magical power. Even individuals with outstanding talents are easily affected by chaotic magical power when using magic. So much so that you want to light a cigarette for yourself, but end up freezing yourself into a popsicle.

For most mediocre people, magic is something out of reach.

So for a long time, magic could only be performed by gods.

After the first generation of magic goddess appeared, in order to allow mortals to perform magic, this benevolent goddess created the magic network.

The Magic Network can limit magic power and greatly lower the threshold, allowing mortals to use magic power without causing uncontrollable consequences due to chaotic magic backlash.

From that time on, magical civilization began to develop rapidly.

Later, because the goddess was too kind, she handed over the authority of the magic network to ambitious humans.

Then, a genius magician made a big move, trying to completely seize the goddess of magic's control over the magic network and make himself the new god of magic.

As a result, the magic network exploded.

The former goddess of magic died directly. This mortal who wanted to become a god finally died completely when the magic network was destroyed. Perhaps at the moment before his death, he had a little time to become the god of magic, but it was too bad. short.

It’s a classic story about mortals trying to become gods, but ultimately harming others and themselves.

It can be said that 99% of the catastrophes in this world are caused by a certain mortal who wants to become a god.

However, it was not this history that Ambrose was looking for.

After the destruction of the Magic Network, the splendid magic civilization suffered a devastating blow. In the end, a new magic goddess was born from the chaos and restored the Magic Network.

The second-generation magic goddess absorbed the lessons of her predecessor, but from that time on, mortals were deprived of the high-level authority of the magic network to prevent any lunatic from wanting to blow up the magic network again.

When magical civilization was at its peak, wishing was not a rare thing. Those proud and arrogant mages were constantly changing the world. After playing too much, they thought they were like gods.

After the new magic network was built, all the mages were knocked out of the mortal world, and the highest spellcasting authority was restricted. Many legendary spells disappeared completely, and no one could cast them anymore.

Back to the topic, the effect of the magic net is to make the originally uncontrollable magic power become controllable by mortals.

The magic addiction disease of the elves is a physical disease. The magic power naturally absorbed by the body cannot keep up with the speed of dissipation, so they can only rely on taking drugs to make up for it. But the gap will get bigger and bigger, and in the end, he won’t be able to keep up with the drugs, and he will have to be smoked and fucked.

Then before death, the spirit will be greatly tortured and the person will lose his mind quickly.

But the problem is, even if this elf is lying on the bed, his magic power will continue to be drained. So where does the lost magic power go?

If it dissipates directly into the air, it means that magic addiction is an alternative state of out-of-control magic.

The principle of the magic net can be applied to these elves.

As long as these elves can be helped to control their out-of-control magic, the problem of increasingly serious magic addiction can be solved. By properly replenishing magic power, one can maintain a normal life.

Although this was just Amber Xiu's guess, he knew that he was right.

However, although the magic net is such a common thing that every spell caster is familiar with, it is still so mysterious. Even if Amber Xiu is a legendary mage, and all his bonus points are intelligence, he only knows about the existence of this kind of thing, but does not know the principle of the magic network.

After the first goddess of magic was tricked to death by her beloved spellcaster, the second goddess of magic destroyed all documents related to the magic network and banned all related research on the magic network. Mortals can only use the Magic Network under her supervision. Any mortal who attempts to gain access to the Magic Network will be punished by her.

Therefore, although Amberxiu is not trying to seize control of the Magic Network, he is trying to save the elves. But for the sake of the elves and gods, the kind-hearted goddess of magic probably doesn't care, but she won't give any help.

Unable to obtain information about the magic network from the goddess of magic, Amber Xiu could only choose to find another god for help.

The Dark Goddess Shar, one of the two goddesses born in the original chaos, was originally supposed to be the most powerful and ancient god, but she was defeated in the war with her twin sister Selune, the goddess of the moon, and was severely damaged. .

This goddess who once represented the original darkness could not even keep her own temple. No matter which kingdom on the continent, few people believed in this goddess Shar.

Perhaps there is still faith in Shar in some corners overseas. Anyway, this god has become extremely weak and cannot even protect his own believers.

It is rumored that in order to regain her power, Shar turned to the goddess of magic.

The first major incident of the magic network being broken allowed Shar to obtain some fragments of the magic network, and then she began to use these fragments for research, hoping to seize the power of the goddess of magic.

When we really look into this matter, it seems to be a bit of an ethical tragedy.

Because the first generation of Magic Goddess was born out of Selune's war. According to the epic records of the gods, Selune tore off a part of her body and used it as a weapon to throw at Shar, severely injuring her. The flesh and blood of the Moon Goddess absorbed Shar's power, and then the first-generation magic goddess was born.

In this way, the goddess of magic is the daughter of the twin sisters, so the goddess of magic is naturally powerful. After taking control of the concept of magic, her power is almost superior to that of the gods.

What Shar longs for is the power of the goddess of magic. As long as she can seize this power, revenge will be easy for her. All in all, apart from the goddess of magic, only Shar in the world knows something about the magic network.

The dusty book in Amber Xiu's hand is a research record on the belief in the Dark Goddess.

Although the gods are powerful and mysterious, the study of the gods has always been the most important subject among mortals. This study of the Dark Goddess's beliefs records a special sacrificial ritual through which the Dark Goddess can be communicated and allowed to serve as a guide for believers. Solve doubts.

It's just that this offering is a little bit special.

Each god has a unique sacrificial ritual. Lauvita requires believers to torture themselves or others. Blood and pain are the best sacrifices; for example, the Lord of the Morning, the best sacrifice is the evil that has been eliminated; the Archduke of Hell What they like most is the soul, and the soul that has been tortured to madness is the best.

As for Shar, this one needs a very special sacrifice - everything related to light.

Shar has a deep hatred for Selûne, a sister, so she is eager to destroy everything related to Selûne. The Moon Goddess and the Lord of the Dawn are staunch allies, and together with many other gods, they form an alliance with light at its core.

So Shar even held a grudge against the Lord of the Dawn.

The best sacrifice is naturally to corrupt a believer of light. If Amber Xiu can bring a fallen believer of light to Shar, Shar will definitely not be stingy with the reward.

If those paladins were still there, Amberxiu really wanted to try to corrupt these believers of the Lord of the Dawn and turn the paladins into oathbreakers. Maybe Shar would be in a good mood and tell him the secret of the magic network directly, but now Only one sacrifice can be exchanged.

Amber Xiu pulled out the mutilated helmet from the mouth of the mercury figurine. It was a counterfeit artifact of the Lion Empire. Although it was a counterfeit, the light power inside was real. The mercury figurines have been eaten for many days, but only half of them have corroded. Now it's time to use the waste.

Amberxiu began to arrange a ceremony to sacrifice Shar in the castle.

The depiction of magic rituals is not difficult, and the details of the relevant processes are not complicated. It is even simple enough to give Amber Xiu a feeling that it is not grand enough. Probably because Shar knows that his faith has declined. If the sacrificial process is still strict, there will be fewer mortals who believe in Shar.

Most mortals are picky when choosing their beliefs.

Amberxiu prepared the sacrificial ceremony according to what was written in the book, and then placed the helmet that was dilapidated but still retained the power of light on the altar.

"Under the endless black night sky, we gather here to dedicate our faith to the master of the night. You are the weaver of shadows, the master of the night. Under your protection, all things can be hidden and reborn..."

Amberxiu carefully recited the prayer in praise of the Dark Goddess. Although his attitude was very correct, it was not considered pious. After all, Amberxiu was not a believer in any gods. He only maintained basic respect for these superior gods, not worship.

After reciting the prayer, Amber Xiu used magic power to ignite a dark flame and ignite the helmet placed on the altar.

Dark magic and light power collided with each other, making a sizzling sound.

Amberxiu's power was much stronger than that of the Mercury Zombie, and he quickly eroded most of the light power on the helmet. If this artifact could still be used after some repairs, now it is completely filthy and can no longer be repaired.

Desecrate the light and pay homage to the night.

After the ceremony was completed, a thick black smoke emerged from the altar, and then condensed into a black shadow nearly ten meters high.

This black shadow is wearing a cloak of black feathers that are constantly scattered. Each feather will slowly disperse after falling and will never fall to the ground. The shadow covered her face, and only her graceful figure could be seen under the cloak.

Shar opened her mouth and made a beautiful but desolate sound.

"Mortal, I am very satisfied with your sacrifice. But you are not my believer. Tell me, what do you want in exchange?"

Amberxiu tried his best to contain the power of his soul, not daring to listen carefully to Shar's voice.

This goddess comes in the form of a dark night singer, and her voice is like the endless night, carrying a fatal temptation. If you are not careful, you can easily be seduced by her voice, completely swallowed by the power of the night, and become her fanatical believer from then on.

"Dear Goddess of Night, I offer this filthy divine power of light as a sacrifice in exchange for knowledge related to the Demonic Network."

"Oh, bold mortal, do you want to recreate the destruction of that time?"

Amberxiu did not answer this question, but said to Shar: "If the destruction of the Magic Network is destined, it will happen no matter how I choose. Dear goddess, please accept this deal."

Shar replied: "You should know very well how important the secret of the Magic Network is. Just a fake artifact is far from enough."

"Then may I ask Goddess, what price is needed in exchange for this knowledge?"

"What are the conditions for becoming my divine choice?" Shar asked.

Amber Xiu was silent. What was wrong with these goddesses that they made him their divine choice one after another.

Although Shar is in despair, he won't grab a legend and drag him into his camp, right?

Although he is a lich and is naturally evil, whether it is pain or darkness, he is not a good match for Amber Xiu. It was impossible for the gods not to see the path chosen by Amber Xiu. They rushed up one by one to snatch people away, which gave Amber Xiu a bad feeling.

"Why, you don't want to accept the favor of the night?" Shar asked.

"Sorry, I'm a believer."

Amber Xiu refused firmly. Even if Shar didn't give him the knowledge of the Magic Network, he would never let go.

Belief is no joke. Once you believe in a god, you are giving the god the authority to judge yourself. Most people are willing to exchange decades of life for the blessing of gods, but as a lich, Amber Xiu does not need to exchange eternal life for this thing.

Perhaps because he heard Amber Xiu's determination, Shar did not continue to force it, but changed a condition.

"If you don't want to be my divine choice, then you can make another legend become my disciple, or you can let three holy warriors break their oath and fall, which can be regarded as meeting the conditions."

Amber Xiu sighed and said: "Dear Goddess of the Night, I need the knowledge of the Magic Network to do a big thing. Time is tight. Even if I agree to your conditions, I may not be able to make it in time."

"It doesn't matter. I can give you what you want first, as long as you complete the contract within ten years."

Amberxiu didn't expect Shar to take another step back. Just when he felt strange and wanted to think carefully, Shar said: "If you want to sense your future, then I advise you to save your energy. When it comes to the future of gods, you still have to Not qualified to see clearly.”

Shar's words made Amberxiu silent again.

Indeed, Amberxiu couldn't even see Lovita's future. Last time, he was just trying to scare the goddess of pain. Although Shar is in decline, her rank is far higher than that of Lovita, and Amberxiu naturally cannot see the future related to it.

But Shar emphasized it so seriously. It was obvious that she felt that this contract was beneficial to her.

So, why not take a gamble?

Amberxiu hesitated for a moment, and then said firmly: "Dear goddess, I agree to your request."

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