This lich needs more money

Chapter 114 Showing off magic in front of Mystra

The elves are preparing for negotiations, and so is Amber Xiu.

The desert dwarves have already made contact and are preparing to send the first batch of dwarf iron guards over. The first batch of immigrants have also gathered at the border. Amber Xiu helped select several pieces of wasteland and prepared to open up wasteland and build a city.

There is no need for Amberxiu to consider the issue of city construction. The desert dwarves are very good at construction. Give them three days and they can build a city wall for you.

What Amberxiu needs to do is to "persuade" the nearby lords to welcome the desert immigrants.

In fact, it was not that difficult. The dwarf iron guard and Amberxiu's skeleton army were teleported to the northern border. After a few simple walks, Amberxiu received their non-aggression contract.

There are still many peace-loving good people. The orc tribes, lizardman lords, and human nobles all expressed a warm welcome to the dwarf immigrants, and also sent humanitarian care to these war refugees.

Interestingly, the first batch of immigrants sent by the dwarves were also orcs, lizards and humans, which matched the races of the surrounding lords.

Umbershoe thought the Hand of the King, Hoffman Ironfist, was a smart man.

The biggest advantage of the Golden Country is its open and free policy, which is very similar to the former Alchemy City.

This first batch of immigrants can just integrate into the original environment, making the subsequent large-scale immigrants more easily accepted.

Within a few days, the immigrant orcs had already gone to the aboriginal tribe to play wrestling, and the lizardmen had already rolled in the mud with their own tribe. As for humans... well, not every race is so welcoming to their own tribe.

Although there was a slight surprise, overall, the relationship between the immigrants and the surrounding lords was pretty good.

The Kingdom of Gold actually does not want a war between the two sides. After all, Ryan has beaten them until they are almost unable to fight back. It is also very difficult for the desert dwarves to mobilize their troops to the rear to open a map.

Therefore, Hoffman Iron Fist directly told Amber Xiu that it would be best to be gentle on the immigration issue and avoid violent resistance. This idea coincided with Amber Xiu's, and the two sides cooperated tacitly to suppress the chaos in the Alchemy City as much as possible.

As a result, a strange phenomenon occurred. The Kingdom of Gold, as a foreign invader, and Amber Xiu, as the evil undead, combined did not kill many people. Instead, the local lords came under the chaotic environment. I was fighting on the ground and had already caused many casualties.

We can't blame these lords for being crazy.

Just imagine, your family has been inherited for hundreds of years, and you only have such a small territory. It is a rare opportunity that your weak neighbor loses the emperor's protection and becomes food on the lips. Who can bear this situation?

Regardless of whether the desert dwarves rule in the end, or the elves want to follow them and kill them all, the greater the power, the more qualified they are to negotiate. Only with power can you control your own destiny. This is human nature. Who would leave their fate in the hands of others?

Even the deceived Duke Flayed couldn't hold himself back and sent someone to ask for instructions from Amber Xiu. Naturally, Amber Xiu would not let this pained believer come out to cause trouble. Instead, he deceived the other party by saying "everything is part of the plan" and ordered him to guard his territory and not initiate a war.

As a result, after a period of time, a rumor spread among the various aboriginal lords that there was a crazy lich who was maintaining world peace.

It is the only one in history to achieve this state as a lich.

However, the effect was visible to the naked eye. The war was limited to a small area, and because of the intervention of Amberxiu and the dwarves, many lords who were ready to take action had to choose to wait and see.

Otherwise, the dwarf army and Amberxiu's undead army will play "military parade" outside their territory, and these small lords will have no other choice but to surrender.

Now, it depends on the situation on the Elf side.

Amberxiu has been waiting for a reply from the elves, and for this reason he also postponed the transaction with the dwarves. Originally, Cicero and the elves should have been sent to the desert several days in advance. This is not an easy task for Amber Xiu. After all, the dwarf offered one million gold coins, which is already a very good price.

It's just that there has been no reply from the elves, which makes Amber Xiu feel a little impatient.

Judging by the time, that girl Naya should have returned to Silvermoon Highgarden long ago, and the letter has been delivered to the Elf Queen. If the other party refused to negotiate, Amberxiu would not be surprised, but the elves only suspended the Twilight Guard's actions but did not reply to Amberxiu, which seemed very strange.

In the past two days, Amber Xiu was still thinking about whether to go to Silver Moon High Garden in person, but before he could make up his mind to act, Amber Xiu suddenly felt a strange feeling.

"Someone is spying on my fate?"

At the same time, in the palace of Silver Moon High Garden, a huge magic circle was formed under the magical control of dozens of elven elders. The huge power pushed the magic circle to rotate like a wheel of fate.

This is a magical ritual that the elves spent a lot of effort to create. After several generations of continuous modifications, everything you want to know can be found out in a simple way.

Allowing so many elven elders to cast spells together at one time is a very high standard of treatment. It is such a grand event because it is related to the survival of the elves.

The wheel of fate is turning, and the letter in the center of the magic circle is being corroded and shattered by magic energy bit by bit. The aura of Amberxiu remaining on it becomes the position of the wheel of fate. As the wheel of fate turns, Amberxiu's life will change. will be displayed.

The magic circle slowly revealed the appearance of Amber Xiu when he was sitting in the castle. His skull face was as calm as ever, with only his eyes radiating the light of soul fire.

The old king stood aside and carefully looked at the image displayed by the magic array.

Is this the lich who wrote the letter?

It looks unremarkable, no different from an ordinary lich.

But the moment the two looked at each other, the lich's empty eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier of time and space and fell on the old king.

The old king was indeed a veteran legendary powerhouse, and he immediately sensed something was wrong.

The lich in front of him turned out not to be a virtual image of the past, his sight was like reality.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with the operation of the magic circle?" the old king asked quickly.

The elven elders quickly checked carefully, but found nothing wrong. The wheel of fortune was still spinning smoothly. As long as you put more effort, the scene in front of you would begin to regress, showing the life of this lich.

After collecting enough "past", you can try to deduce the future. If everything goes well, you can predict the outcome of the negotiation.

But just when they were about to take action, the shadow of the lich displayed in the center of the magic circle suddenly moved.

It was obviously just a projection at a certain moment, but it seemed to be alive at this time. The lich snapped his fingers at the elves.

The next second, the wheel of fortune spun uncontrollably.

When the old king saw the panicked eyes of the elf elders, he immediately understood that something was wrong.

It's a pity that he is not good at magic, so now he can only watch and cannot intervene at all.

All the elven elders turned pale with fright, and they didn't even know what was happening. The magic circle was not destroyed, and the wheel of fortune was still running, but it was completely out of their control.

To seize control of the magic ritual they had prepared for so long in just an instant was simply unbelievable.

But no matter how hard they try, the wheel of fortune is like a lover who has changed his heart, completely indifferent and throwing himself into the arms of others without mercy.

The elf elder had to tell the old king this terrible fact: "The ritual has been controlled by others, and now it is completely out of control."

"Can't you cut off the supply of magic power?" the old king asked.

"It has been cut off a long time ago. Now the operation of the magic ritual does not depend on us to supply the magic power."

The old king's expression changed drastically. This sounded ridiculous.

Not only did the other party instantly seize control of the magic ritual, but could it also provide magic power to this magic circle from such a distance?

The elves were in a mess, while Amberxiu was sitting in his castle, watching everything in front of him with interest.

After seizing control of the other party's magic ritual, Amberxiu was able to see everything happening on the elven side.

They actually want to pry into his fate. I really don’t know what’s wrong with these elves. He is the true darling of fate. Even though they have broken up with each other cruelly, the power of fate still tries every means to get back together with him. I love him so much that I can't help but love him.

Are you saying this is Lovita's trap?

Haha, traps are also a part of fate.

It sounds great, but either you don’t believe it or you believe it all, there is no in between.

The magic ritual of the Wheel of Fortune seemed quite powerful, but in Amber Xiu's opinion, it was just a clumsy method that didn't work well. None of the elves in front of me really grasped the power of prophecy, they were just simulating it through this magic ritual.

It's like artificially building a dam to influence and transform the water flow. It is generally effective. But if the water flow has its own will, no matter how high or strong the dam you build is meaningless, because the flood at this time can already ignore the restrictions of the river and flow directly upstream.

Amberxiu has regained control of the power of destiny at the legendary level. These elves playing prophecy in front of him is like showing off magic in front of Mystra.

Amberxiu touched his chin, thinking about the reasons why the elves did this.

Compared with the entire elves, he is just a legendary lich, so he doesn’t need to be treated so grandly, right? What was the reason why these elves spent so much manpower and material resources investigating his information?

If the elves' behavior is inconsistent with common sense, there must be an unreasonable reason.

"Haha, could it be related to the reason why they started this war?"

Amberxiu's finger gently drew a circle, and the elves saw the wheel of fortune spinning crazily. Scenes of light and shadow appeared from it, and the appearance of the Elf Queen Catherine became increasingly clear.

The elf elder shouted: "What's wrong, he is using the power of fate to spy on our secrets!"

The old king roared: "Destroy this magic circle, immediately!"

However, the elf elder said helplessly: "It cannot be destroyed. This magic circle was designed to prevent external interruption. Even if we destroy this place, it will not affect the operation of the wheel of fortune."

The old king said angrily: "Isn't there an emergency stop function?! How do you usually maintain it!"

The elf elder was even more helpless and explained: "Of course there is, but the premise is that the control of the magic circle is still in our hands. Who would have thought that the person being observed can control the wheel of destiny?"

At this critical moment, the Elf Queen Catherine appeared in this secret room.

The elves saluted quickly, but Catherine had no time to respond.

She condensed her magic power and injected it into the Wheel of Fortune, trying to interfere with the operation of the magic circle and directly destroy the structure within it with brute force. Catherine and Ambrose are both legendary level spellcasters. Although Catherine is not good at the power of destiny, it is easier for her to destroy than to maintain.

The two sides, who had never met before, were engaged in a magical confrontation thousands of miles apart. This was an unexpected surprise.

But Catherine cannot give in, and the secrets of the elves must not be known to the other party.

After a long time, the rotation of the Wheel of Fortune slowed down, and the flickering lights and shadows disappeared.

Catherine retracted her hands while sweating profusely. The old king quickly stepped forward and asked, "How is the situation? Has the secret been kept?"

Catherine nodded and said, "We should keep it."

"Thanks to you." The old king said with lingering fear.

Catherine shook her head with a wry smile and said, "It wasn't me who stopped him, it was him who gave up on his own initiative."

"What did you say?"

The old king was full of surprise. He didn't expect that even Catherine could not stop her. But what does it mean that the other party suddenly gave up?

"I can't control this magic circle. It was the lich who took the initiative to return the control of the magic circle. He said..." Catherine hesitated for a moment, then continued: "He said this was his sincerity and hoped that the negotiation could proceed smoothly. .”

The old king frowned, not knowing whether to believe what the other party said.

"He really didn't discover our secret?" the old king asked.

Catherine nodded and said, "I am certain of this. Wheel of Fortune has not revealed the secret of addiction. All relevant information has not yet been revealed."

"That's good, that's good."

The old king breathed a sigh of relief, finally the greatest blessing among misfortunes. But after experiencing this, they had to renegotiate their negotiation strategy. This lich was much scarier than they imagined, and he was worthy of being a member of the Mourning Poets Society.

On Amberxiu's side, he was opening the Code of the Undead and writing furiously: [Friends, I know the secret of the elves, and you won't believe me if I tell you. 】

Wheel of Fortune did not show the secrets of the elves, but... After Amberxiu came into contact with Catherine's magic, he used her magic as a position to spy on her life.

There is no need for more than a dozen people to gather in a circle to perform a ritual. Amberxiu only needs a thought and hundreds of dice of fate to reveal the mystery of fate for him and reveal the secrets of the elves in front of him. .

But Catherine does not have Ambrose's sense of destiny and knows nothing about it.

Now that Amber Xiu has mastered the biggest secret of the elves, it is time to change the negotiation plan.

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