This lich needs more money

Chapter 10 Price surge

The original alchemy city was the richest city in the mainland. The people living here felt somewhat proud. Even if they were just workers driving screws in the alchemy factory, they would walk on the road with their heads held high.

When meeting "outsiders" like Amber Xiu, his eyes would unconsciously be a little arrogant, as if he was seeing a countryman who came to the Alchemy City to take advantage.

But it seemed different today. The pedestrians on the road lowered their heads slightly, and no one was standing on the roadside chatting. Moreover, everyone was walking in a hurry, as if they had no leisure time.

The shops on both sides of the street that should have been bustling with activity now turned out to be that most of them had their doors closed at a glance, and there were also many notices for leasing.

"Is this Alchemy City really going bankrupt?"

Amberxiu thought carefully about it. In recent years, the prices of various magic materials have increased significantly, and the export volume has dropped sharply.

But it seemed that it could still be maintained before. Why haven't we visited here for two years? The economic environment of Alchemy City is so bad? No wonder they are raising taxes heavily, maybe they have really reached the red line of collapse.

Amber Xiu was not in the mood to hang around and went straight to the tall tower that was as ugly as a green poop. Because its shape resembles the product of a failed refining of a healing potion, locals call this tower the "Green Healing Tower."

The tower is ugly on the outside, but it looks very stylish on the inside.

The alchemists of Alchemia could not change the appearance of the towers, so they tried their best to make the interior decorations look low-key and luxurious, full of elegance and art. However, they turned these seven ugly towers into Characteristics of Alchemy City.

But if you take a closer look, you will see that most of the waiters inside are listless, the doors of some shops are closed, and there are even garbage residues in the corners of the ground. In the past, I would have liked to turn the ground into a mirror surface.

Feeling more and more that there was a big problem in the Alchemy City, Amberxiu ignored the observation and went directly to the place where magic seeds were sold.

Amberxiu came here today to buy seeds. He wanted to prepare crops for the coming people. But since he is farming on the lich's territory, he needs some special seeds. What he wants can be found in this dada tower in the entire continent.

Human beings need a lot of food to survive, and farming has always been the most important production behavior, so the Alchemy City has also developed many enchanted seeds with different effects. For example, oats can be harvested quickly after planting, sugar beets are sweeter than sugar cane, potatoes are extremely drought-resistant and can be grown in deserts, etc.

Although most of them can only be planted once, subsequent products will quickly lose their enchantment effects. But this is just suitable for Amber Xiu, a poor lord. He wants to calm people's hearts and allow them to adapt to the new territory as soon as possible. Food that can be easily planted and matures quickly is the most suitable.

It's a pity that Amberxiu really doesn't know much about farming, otherwise he would have just summoned the magic crow and ordered it. It was precisely because he didn't understand that he needed to come to the scene and ask the staff here.

Amber Xiu walked around for several times and found that no matter what kind of enchanted seeds they were, they would be blown like no other in the world, as if they could be harvested directly even if they were planted in the air.

This is the trouble of not knowing how to do it. Amberxiu didn't know anyone who knew how to farm, so he could only choose a few of them with the mentality of giving it a try. But when Amberxiu asked about the price, the waiter with a decent smile actually reported a figure that shocked him.

"What? One hundred gold coins is so expensive, robbery?"

Two bags of fast-growing enchanted seeds cost one hundred gold coins. The money used to buy the cheapest low-grade food was enough to feed hundreds of people for a year, which was five times faster than the previous price.

The waiter immediately put away his smile and said coldly: "Why is it so expensive? It was already this price last year and it hasn't increased this year, so don't talk nonsense, okay?"

"And our enchanted seeds are not made of cheap materials. They are all genuine and good things. The price is already very cheap. If you can't afford them, think about whether it's your own problem."

Amber Xiu stretched out his finger expressionlessly and flicked the magic bell in front of the counter.

A line of smoke emerged from the bell, transformed into a small human form, and said in formulaic language: "The Bell Elf No. 996 is at your service, may I ask..."

Before the elf could finish speaking, Amber Xiu said, "Complain, bad attitude."

When the waiter heard this, he was so excited that he wanted to explain.

But Amberxiu didn't give her a chance at all, turned around and left, and then heard the elf say: "The customer complained and failed to get understanding. Thirty percent of this month's salary will be deducted."

Hiss, 30% off!

It seems that the Alchemy City is really poor and crazy.

Amberxiu left the tower with a heavy heart, and he began to worry. Prices in the Alchemy City have skyrocketed to a terrifying level, and the living mercury solution I ordered before is probably worth 20,000 gold coins.

Do you want the deposit refunded?

No, absolutely not.

Amber Xiu felt uncomfortable at the thought of refunding the money. He could never refund the deposit, and he could never lose money.

Amber Xiu decided not to wait for the delivery and went directly to pick it up.

After leaving the green healing tower, Amberxiu came to another black tower that looked like a mutilated corpse. This appearance is the most common failure result of biological alchemy. The creatures used for experiments will be blown into a charred, indescribable mass.

But just because it is such a classic, others can tell at a glance that this is a place for bio-alchemy.

After entering the gate, we went straight into the most luxurious hall and found the waiter who was dozing off.

Amberxiu said directly: "Yesterday I placed an order for a bottle of living mercury solution, and I'm here to pick it up now."

The waiter checked the record and then said: "Oh, I found it. A bottle of living mercury solution. The price is 30,000 gold coins. Is it cash or a note?"

"How much?!" Amberxiu asked in disbelief.

The waiter repeated: "Thirty thousand gold coins."

"Wasn't it only eighteen thousand gold coins before?"

"That was the price a year ago." The waiter said expressionlessly. She began to feel that the customer in front of her could not afford it, and her good attitude suddenly lost.

Amberxiu still thought he could make a small profit, but he didn't expect that he would now lose 10,000 gold coins. How could he bear this?

"Can't we get a discount?" Amberxiu asked.

"Discounts are impossible. It is estimated that the price will increase again in a while."

Amber Xiu said strangely: "If you just raise the price, wouldn't it be even worse if you can't sell it?"

After hearing this, the waiter said mysteriously: "It's not like there's no discount, it's just..."

Amber Xiu became interested as soon as he heard this, and quickly said: "How much after the discount."

"Only five hundred gold coins."

Amber Xiu was immediately shocked. How could this be a discount? Is this selling fake goods?

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