This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 97 Before publication

Until Norbeta finished eating the eggshell and fell into a deep sleep, Dumbledore did not come.

Fortunately, Andrew had been trained and was not panicked at all - being stared at by people from various colleges during this period was really a training, and he had become desensitized to such things.

Anyway, Professor Kettleburn seemed to be used to this matter, "It's normal that Albus didn't come. He missed a good thing - I haven't seen a dragon hatching for a long time."

So you really made an appointment? Didn't you use Dumbledore as a gimmick to attract them to come and see the hatching?

The logic of this matter is indeed a bit strange. Andrew has no impact on this side, but Huffman's original firm determination to carry out the mission softened after seeing the hatching of this dragon - he actually discussed with Andrew on the way back the possibility of leaving the dragon on campus...

Damn it - this is a dragon hatching, not a succubus or something!

Anyway, Huffman finally woke up from the temptation of the dragon, and then submitted the report and recorded the scene with regret, (the part that Andrew missed was completed by the old professor...)

As for Andrew himself, he took advantage of this rare leisure time to go to the library and read a magazine on Transfiguration.

‘I am afraid that the next step will be...’

He thought about the current story and shook his head.



Dumbledore used the Disillusionment Charm to perfectly cover up all his traces and stared at the two red-haired boys in front of him-in order to observe the comedy in front of him, he even missed the hatching of the dragon egg.

‘Fortunately, I didn’t agree, otherwise Sylvanus didn’t know what to do...’

He studied too many dragons, but he didn’t see many students who studied Peeves-especially the two of them sneakily confirmed the location of Peeves first, which made people even more curious.

At this time when all the students in the school were targeting Peeves, these two people actually hid from Peeves to find the place where Peeves hid things, and left quickly after confirming-this made Dumbledore very interested.

He guessed that the two Weasleys were making a big move to attack Peeves, but it was not clear how they planned to arrange the follow-up plan.

But soon, Dumbledore found that the two took out a piece of parchment and whispered.

‘Drawing a treasure map of Peeves? Or marking the location to bring people to dig? ’

He made a guess-because he was also a Gryffindor. Which Gryffindor would not like adventure and treasure?

After the novel pointed out the secret of Peeves, he also considered it, but he couldn't take action-otherwise it would be a brand new war, and whether it succeeded or not, the protection of the school would be completely destroyed.

This was absolutely undesirable-so he could only watch the two young Gryffindors over there...


In Dumbledore's puzzled eyes, the two Weasleys who looked at the parchment were stunned for a moment, and then they didn't know what to say, and then they left calmly.

But when Dumbledore tried to follow them again, he found that the two disappeared without a trace after leaving his sight.

"Is he old? He was discovered by a third-year student? Or do they think Peeves is coming?"

Dumbledore looked puzzled, but finally gave up thinking about it - at his age, he could already accept some insignificant little secrets that students deliberately concealed.

'Let's go to Hagrid's place to see the dragon first - I haven't seen it for a long time since studying it with Nick...'


"Damn it, brother, is it broken?"

George, who was running out of breath, communicated with his brother with his eyes.

It was simply too much - he was happily working to investigate the place where Peeves hid his belongings, and Dumbledore appeared on the map!

If the two hadn't acted together in front of Filch many times, they would have screamed in fear at that time!

"Shouldn't he be discovered?"

"It's probably - let's not use the Marauder's Map recently. We just need to be more diligent in finding out where Peeves is."



"It seems that we are the only three watching the show..."

Ron can finally take a deep breath - he is not used to being stared at like Harry and Hermione, and he really feels uncomfortable under the watch of a group of sixth and seventh grade students.

Especially when those students began to use Transfiguration to record the scenes, the rustling sound on the parchment made him dare not even relax - if he was drawn, it would be the end...

"Hagrid must be very happy this time," Harry patted Ron on the shoulder, "think about it, he has been talking about dragon eggs for a long time - this time the professor's experiment has given him a great opportunity."

"Indeed," Ron also grinned, "his letter was so happy that he was incoherent, and there is good news - didn't you notice that this time we really encountered something that Hermione can't do!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

It was really fun to see Hermione unable to get a word in when watching the group of sixth and seventh graders and professors discussing heatedly - although they didn't know, this matter was really...

'It's still a bit strange...'

Hermione always felt that something was wrong - the excited expressions of those students and the not-so-fluent answers didn't match at all.

This shouldn't be - the words excited and not preparing for the class don't go together, and it always felt like those students were called in at the last minute...

But it didn't make sense...

'Forget it, let's think about how to avoid Peeves...'


"Here they come, here they come!"


"Write a book?"

The three editors reviewed the manuscript separately to correct the wrong words and sentences, and to revise the obvious mistakes in the manuscript.

"The rhythm is fine."

"The fun is also very good. Although there is no higher fantasy this time, the gimmick of writing a book is really good."

"What about the biography? Check it out!"

"Hmm, it is consistent. Dumbledore did publish some papers in the same year. I guess he checked a lot of information!"

Dumbledore's biography is something they have collected from the beginning, but they have not used it much, because the Dumbledore described by the other party is basically wandering in the gap of time. It can't be called out of line at all. It's not on the grid at all...

They are professional editors and quickly found a part of the content that is not consistent with history.

"I've never heard of a black-to-fan story. You can make it up as you like - at best, he'll be sacrificed..."

"For the exam, we can consider filling in Professor Marchbank's name, and Dumbledore's ability can be a little more magical - anyway, that guy keeps saying that."

"Let's do it!"

A group of people analyzed the problem, and then quickly filled in the loopholes - if they could find out, they would use the real ones, if they couldn't find out, they would just make up something. They are very familiar with this technique.

"Although the logic has been changed, it's still a good story. I think we should prepare to print more!"


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