This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 65 Gryffindor is silent, something must be going on

While the Gryffindors were planning something big, Andrew was trying to mark the homework of the fourth grade in the office.

Although his original intention was to gain knowledge from Professor McGonagall, during the days of marking homework, he found that the benefits brought to him by these homework were no less than spending the same amount of time reading in the library.

Whether it was reading, self-practice, or Professor McGonagall's guidance, all of these brought him correctness - correct techniques, correct spells, correct assumptions, and correct conclusions.

There were no mistakes, which was good, but not so good - he didn't know where it was easy to make mistakes, and what consequences different mistakes would cause.

Although it was a bit inappropriate, using Professor Snape's class as an analogy, he could only brew a perfect potion, but when he saw the failed product, he could only judge that it was wrong, but he couldn't recognize the student at a glance like the professor - well, this student who put his brain somewhere made a stupid mistake worth deducting one point at which step.

But now it was different—he didn’t feel that way about the first and second graders, but the third graders made him excited all of a sudden. He finally realized that Transfiguration could make such mistakes!

After realizing this, he took advantage of his assistant time to start looking through the homework of the fourth graders—although he was not yet capable of this aspect of Transfiguration, he had already learned a lot in theory.

After simply referring to the grades of previous students, he quickly found the top three homeworks with almost no mistakes in theory, and then used them as a blueprint to reversely study the mistakes of others.

‘It can actually be like this! ’

‘Well, for this mistake, my original idea was exactly the same as his…’

Andrew was extremely excited to see this huge collection of wrong questions, but after the clock rang, he could only reluctantly put the homework back in place and leave Professor McGonagall’s office.

‘I have to go to the basement again…’

He shook his head. This job could never be done in Professor McGonagall’s office—it was too close to the astronomy tower.

Although he could occupy the dormitory alone during the holidays, he was not sure if he could finish so many manuscripts at once.

After becoming an assistant, everything was good, except that time was much tighter all of a sudden, and writing manuscripts required planning time.


"How many people have you contacted?"

"A lot, Weasley brothers, we unanimously decided to give them a big gift before graduation."

The super group of the first grade made the senior Gryffindor feel pressured. It was okay that they did not win the college cup in these years, but it was too embarrassing to lose to the younger grades in terms of unity.

The fact that they would leave school in half a year made many people active all of a sudden, and with the twins' genius plan, this Christmas holiday was destined to be not so dull.


"Finally, the holiday is coming."

Amid everyone's expectations, time seemed to speed up, and the last night before the holiday soon arrived.

When the celebration began in the castle, the seventh-year Gryffindors gathered together at Hogsmeade Station, which was a distance away from the school.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we don't have much time!"

They greeted each other. After nearly seven years of getting along, they were very familiar with each other's abilities.

The trees that had been moved over these days were easily lifted, and then formed into the shapes they wanted under the skillful Transfiguration of the Gryffindors.

Stones, wood, and snow that had been collected and piled up - these messy materials were quickly formed under the effect of Transfiguration, and then formed a long and extremely deterrent whole.

Any student who has been to Hogwarts can recognize this thing - an almost perfect replica of the Hogwarts Express.

Gryffindors even sent the best Transfiguration masters to the front of the train to ensure that this ridiculously fake train could start briefly.

They even forged a fake track, transformed into a fake road, and used magic to cover the line of sight between the real and fake platforms.

After completing all this, except for a few brave guys who stayed to watch the prank site, the rest of the people swaggered back to school in the name of extracurricular internship overtime.


"The Thestrals are not flying very steadily today?"

"Indeed, but it's better than rowing... Hey, are we here already?"

"I don't know... Get off."

The students left the carriage one after another, not realizing that the Thestrals were more impatient than usual today - although Hagrid had worked hard to train these guys, the seventh graders had already figured out his secret feed and prepared a lot of it here.

"Go to the back, the Slytherin students have reserved the front carriage this year!"

Under the orders of the rude new train conductor, the students of the other colleges were driven to the back carriage with curses, and then led by the Gryffindor students to get off from the back and take a detour to the real train.


"Strange, there are quite a lot of students staying in school this year..."

On the real Hogwarts Express, the conductor looked at the missing students and shook his head in confusion - although the snacks on the dining car were not selling well, there was nothing he could do about it.

After the departure time came, the Hogwarts Express, with fewer people on board, traveled happily on the railway at a faster speed than before.

On the other side, the Slytherin students finally found something wrong - the train was too quiet.

It's no wonder they found it late. The most capable compartments for the sixth and seventh graders were built for them by the best Gryffindor students. The drawbacks of Transfiguration were not discovered until the train started.

The hastily built train was not as useful as Gryffindor imagined. It might be fake and real when it was placed there, but it was exposed when it started moving.

When the train started to shake slowly, the disguised conductor and the fake crew who noticed something was wrong happily Apparated away - and this slowly moving train began to disintegrate and scatter in front of all the Slytherins who were going home, and then turned into countless snowballs and fell on them.

But this was not the most frustrating thing. As the magic failed, the linked concealing magic also began to fail gradually. Amid the cursing of all the Slytherins, the real Hogwarts Express, the train they were going to take home, pulled out a long smoke not far away, and then drove away with a click.

"Gryffindor's group of bastards, hooligans, shameless people!!!"

All kinds of curses began to resound in the sky of Hogsmeade Station.

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