This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 44 Don’t compete with people who cheat

"Weird, is there Peeves in the library?"

"Gryffindors bombed the library?"

"Mrs. Pince has made the rare decision to take a vacation?"

When Andrew returned to the dormitory, the three remaining people in the dormitory all opened their mouths.

"As for it?"

Andrew rolled his eyes in response to his roommate, and then began to rummage through the few remaining snacks for a pack of preserves.

"Of course - we've always felt that if Mrs. Pince allowed you to build a bed in the library, you might not go back to your dormitory."

Kevin responded with a smile on his face as he ate one of Bell's knights.

"Anyway, the senior class said that the library is our third dormitory. Don't think it's weird to go to the library."

While complaining about his roommate, Andrew checked the remaining effects of the transformation spell on the objects in the box, took out his notebook and recorded it, "Where's Hal?"

"I heard there was new news, so he went to inquire."

"New news?"

"Yes, that Harry Potter is said to have been admitted under special circumstances. Professor McGonagall even used the school's funds to buy him a Nimbus 2000."


Andrew stopped what he was doing and opened his mouth wide, "Nimbus 2000?"

"That's right, the new broomstick is added to the Seeker position of the courtyard team." Bell was sure that he could not take advantage. He collected the chess pieces and admitted defeat regardless of the soldier who was complaining. "And no Gryffindor raised any questions."

"Be clear about it, you can't compare with the kind of legend who is in the textbook." Andrew threw the snacks around - although no one would be polite if he didn't throw them away. "Practice hard, since you can't catch it with one hand like him." If you have one hand to catch the ball, then let’s wait for the second-year recruits to be recruited normally.”

"That's all we can do...but you really don't want to come to training?"

"Forget know, I'm more interested in transfiguration." Andrew shook his head, "Seus, would you like to play cards?"

"Wait a minute, I will finish transcribing this history of goblin rebellion. It will take about two minutes."

Hughes raised his head from the desk, responded and began to copy again.

"You should get an automatic transcription quill, man. I heard from the seniors that it's very useful!"

Kevin responded to him while rummaging for the Thunderbolt Explosion cards, and muttered to Andrew, "It's really despicable of you to drag us into playing cards after going to the library."

"Then let's go to the library together this afternoon?"

Andrew was smiling.

"Forget it, I can't do it. Why does Ravenclaw exist like you?" Kevin shook his head repeatedly. "Going to the library twice a week is the limit for me. I prefer to apply messy spells in practical applications. It's not like rummaging through those books to find long and stinky explanations of principles..."

"Sooner or later you will be trampled on the chest by a cow like this," Bell said as he put in the last knight's thoughts and put away the chessboard. "Especially those spells that are popular among students. God knows what will happen if you make a mistake."

"If it can be passed down, it is highly safe. I just finished researching the leg-locking spell recently. Are you interested? I changed the spell for one lesson and sold it at a friendly price."

The price was very reasonable, and Kevin's work was quickly taken over.

So a few people began to prepare mats in a mess, and then started playing cards.

About six or seven minutes later, Hughes, who looked depressed, became the subject of the curse experiment. "Did you three remember the cards again?"


Answered in unison.

"Don't worry, I've even solved the curse."

Kevin said cheerfully, "I ended up taking the risk of doing the homework myself. It's really fair!"


The magic teaching was very successful, and today was still the day that no roommates were sent to the hospital.

When Hal, who was inquiring about the information, came back, several people had already played several games happily - Hughes, who was killing everyone, was having a good time, and Andrew and Bell's faces were covered with notes.

"Well done, Hughes - but Andrew, are you back so early?"

? ? ?

What do you mean?

Andrew rolled his eyes, "Of course, because there is no cafeteria in the library."

"It makes sense, I will write it in the opinion book for you." Hal said happily, "You must not have imagined what happened in the castle."

Perhaps because his desire to talk was too strong, Hal announced the answer before anyone else started guessing, "That Miss Granger, the one you all know, beat up several Ravenclaw students!"

? ? ?

Andrew's eyes widened. No, which hospital are you from? A traitor sneaked into our hospital!

Why do you look so proud? Are you an undercover Gryffindor?

"It's the ones that know..."

Probably because the looks in everyone's eyes were too outrageous, Hal took the initiative to explain, and now everyone was relieved - those people really fought well.

Those who forge the appearance of herbal medicines, forge amulets, and forge magic potions. A slight change of mode is a new routine. These people seem to use the school as an experimental field, and they have to practice at a loss.

Although if you are caught, everything will be confiscated and you will be imprisoned, but you can't stop it, and it won't lead to expulsion. In short, it is a headache...especially if you run fast, are familiar with secret passages, and have magical disguises and occasional appearances. The compound soup potion made it even more difficult.

"I don't know who provoked her. It seems that she started to target people after being reprimanded by the prefect. It happened that the freshman period was chaotic, so she really found a group of them, and then called the prefect to deal with a group of them.

"Of course, seniors can't fight, but it's okay for juniors to have conflicts, and then-"

Hal spread his hands, "The first-year freshmen were naturally taught a lesson by a bunch of evil curses."

"It's what they deserve. Those guys who get together are disgusting."

"Indeed, and how dare they deal with a first-place defense against the dark arts with a wand? Even if the other party is a first-year..."

"He's the first in every subject, there's no comparison, no comparison."



"Don't you want to say anything?"

"What can I say?"

Andrew spread his hands and leaned back in his chair, "The enrollment scope of the college is too diverse. If I were there, I would definitely have to help the outside colleges deal with the students of my own college... It's outrageous. "

"Look at it from a bright side, at least we don't need to change dormitories for that reason... We have different interests but no conflicts, isn't that enough?"

"Indeed, we can't ask for too much."

Andrew shook his head, "Let's go, let's go eat."

The effect of this spell was quite amazing, except that Hal looked sad, "Don't worry, I still have Harry Potter's first-hand Quidditch trial records."

"Let's talk about it at the dinner table, let's talk about it at the dinner table."

Everyone started to go to the cafeteria noisily.

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