This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 42 Ravenclaw treats everyone equally

The school library at Hogwarts is never short of people.

As long as the library is still open, there will always be daring guys peeking around the restricted book area, hoping that Mrs. Pince will make mistakes when catching other students, giving them time to try and make mistakes.

Yes - try, because most of the books in the forbidden book area can only be read by their covers, and the specific contents can only be read after going through the borrowing procedures with Mrs. Pince. The remaining books that have not been sealed by the borrowing procedures are It will make a sound that can be heard throughout the library when it is opened.

But this has nothing to do with Andrew - just one transformation skill is enough for him to learn, and he can't finish the serious road, so where can he distract himself from other things?

While looking for books, he once again marveled at the rich collection of books in Hogwarts, and began to search hard for information again.

But something is different today.

Not long after he sat down, there was a figure on the table next door. Although he was also reading a book seriously, as soon as he sat down there, Andrew felt that he was being watched from time to time.


He was stunned for a moment, looked at his clothes, and looked at his schoolbag - everything was ordinary, nothing out of the ordinary, and the decorations on his body were popular goods, not at all related to words like ancient and mysterious. Not right.

‘What’s going on? Who wants to trouble me? ’

After confirming once again that the other party was still staring at him, Andrew stood up, brought a book to the other party's table, sat down, and said, "Hello, do you need any help?"

"Ah? no no, there is..."

The other party was in a panic, and his face turned red, white, and red again. Apparently, the prepared opening remarks were messed up by Andrew.

"Um...just, I found that you like reading books?"

Probably the original opening was a bit more handsome, but now it's become a bit stuttering.

"No such thing - I'm just interested in Transfiguration."

"Then do you have the urge to convert knowledge into a little pocket money-ah?"

The other party was minding his own words and didn't notice Andrew's response until he was almost finished speaking.

"We are really not's just that we need to find this money from history...this is also rare -"

"I have my own club," Andrew interrupted directly, and rummaged through his bag to find the badge issued after he was officially admitted, "Do you know me?"

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

The subsequent series of troubles disappeared immediately, and the other party almost immediately took his things and left, as if avoiding the plague.

‘Is this a money scam or a coolie scam? ’

Andrew didn't know, but he tended to the latter - in the name of exchanging knowledge for money, he tricked coolies into searching for the information they wanted in the vast sea of ​​books in the library, and then used a little money in return...

It is a more advanced deception method than recruiting student workers, and the target is to give priority to people in the library who like to read.

There is no way. The library at Hogwarts is too big and the information is too complete. At least professional books still have a good inheritance and can get systematic guidance. Those who plan to go out to be adventurers will not be familiar with certain professional materials. For those in need, if there is no index, it is a very cost-effective exchange for a few galleons for the hard work of a few students.

The deception was not very professional, and Andrew could see something was wrong at a glance - but the reason why he knew so much was naturally due to the so-called internal information of the society...

Although Andrew feels that his club is like taking a ruler to the streets to measure others but not himself, he has to admit that the club's internal information is quite complete.

Passed down from generation to generation, the common gray field information for students in Hogwarts is quite complete, and even contains a lot of deception content in the magical world - but the latter can only be viewed after the fifth grade.

Selling lucky charms, memory potions, smart potions and the like before exams is just childish. The records of nearly a hundred fights in the school, and the methods of carrying prohibited items brought into the school in recent years - can make Filch Things that excited me were well organized and preserved.

However, Andrew still does not have permission to view those in-depth information - again, he needs to pass the fifth grade.

Because those things were originally collected and organized by students in fifth grade and above. Without contribution, they are not qualified to read them. Moreover, those things were not collected to be handed over to the school, but were used as a basis for the so-called internal resource tilt of the club...

And the so-called tilt of internal resources is something that cannot be takes a fifth grader to know.

In short, the main theme is magical and outrageous...

Anyway, Andrew has no plans to participate deeply at the moment. He just hangs around and clocks in, borrowing the name of the club, and what he can see is waiting to be eliminated.

‘I have to say that some students in our college are far more motivated than other colleges in recruiting new students...”

Now that the freshmen have entered their lives on the right track, people with evil intentions have begun to sum up the freshmen's character and prepare to take action - this is also an important reason why Andrew met the fraudster just now.

'It's still impossible to determine whether it's a fraud, because the other party really gives can't hit someone because of this...'

He shook his head helplessly and prepared to continue immersing himself in the sea of ​​books.

But a similar sound came from across a bookshelf.

“…Exchange knowledge for a little money.”

"Is it okay? It looks like that?"

"It's quite a bit. If you read carefully, you will get a basic salary. Not to mention five knuts per hour, as long as you find the information you need, you can get a maximum reward of one Galleon!"

"One Galleon...ah, forget it..."

? ? ?

Andrew was shocked, and the similar voice was also stunned-it was a female voice.

'Are you still using the same gender to reduce the other party's concerns about fraud? Also, although a Galleon is not a good money, it is just a carrot to tempt the donkey, but freshmen don't care about the temptation of one Galleon? '

He is an exception-I'm not bragging. Before entering school, he had more money than many graduates. How could a normal first-year student be so generous? Did the other party bump into the Slytherin kids?

Andrew, whose curiosity was slightly aroused, took a look under the pretext of looking for a book, and then quickly returned with a guilty conscience.

He knew the one who didn't fall for it. She was very famous in Ravenclaw-Miss Granger, who was scheduled to be the first.

The reason for the guilty conscience is obvious - the one who cheated is from their own house...

Well, apart from the existence of their club, most other Ravenclaws do not discriminate against any house - there are many good aspects, such as competitions, playing cards, and playing in groups, but there are also many bad ones, such as the one just now, who is practicing equal fraud.

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