This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 4: Not a very polite meeting

Andrew was reading with a headache when there was a knock on the door of the room.

The double pain of self-study Latin and the lack of suitable teaching materials is enough to make the listener cry, but it is necessary - even if you learn a mute language, it is still useful.

"I'll be right away," he said as he closed the pen and stood up to open the door - he usually locked the door, and this was acquiesced.

"Good morning, Mrs. Camille (she stubbornly asked all students not to call her Dean, but Mrs. Camille)," he looked at the two people at the door and welcomed them in, "Who is this?"

"This is Ms. McGonagall. She's here to find you to attend their school, a school called Hogwarts."


Andrew was stunned for a moment, the name was extremely familiar.

"Yes, Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall nodded, looking at Ms. Camille who had no plans to go out, and said, "Sorry, Ms. Camille, can I be alone with him for a while?"

At this moment, Andrew finally remembered what Hogwarts was.

A wizarding school, a wizarding school just for wizards - he even played a game called Hogwarts Legacy, which, to be honest, was actually okay.

As for more, he has only read the brief plot in those movie speed passes. Although he has wanted to appreciate the original work several times, he never has enough time and has no choice. The plot of the original work is too long. , and compared with books in the Internet era, reading this kind of traditional good story requires too long of immersion.

After thinking of this quickly, Andrew immediately looked at Professor McGonagall who was still communicating with Ms. Camille before the conversation started.

'The appearance is not very similar, but the temperament is still very close...'

‘In other words, what I call telekinesis is magic? ’

'The good news is that telekinesis - no, magic training can be obtained from previous experience, and the possibility of going the wrong way is greatly reduced. The bad news is that the unique power has become wholesale. ’

‘But none of this is important. What I have to do is to continue pretending not to know anything... because I have no chance of knowing that school. ’

When he quickly adjusted his mentality, Professor McGonagall had already persuaded Dean Camille to leave. Then he looked at Andrew, pulled out the wand, and tapped it gently.

The chair between the two people immediately turned into a goat. Under Andrew's gaze, he pulled a piece of paper from the table and began to eat slowly.

However, the surprised look that Professor McGonagall expected did not appear. After a moment of daze, Andrew slapped the sheep on the head, and then quickly took back the half-written piece of paper.

"Your power is indeed very powerful," Andrew's voice sounded a little dumbfounded, "but I don't think it is necessary to use what I wrote for a long time to prove it."

Fortunately, what I wrote at this point is about language learning. If it were other manuscripts - it would have been put away long ago and would not be placed on the table.

He pushed the manuscript paper back hard, while holding down the docile goat with his other hand, "A very amazing power, what is this? Oh, no, to be precise, what is it called? Telepathy, Superpower, internal power, magic, source energy, or something else?"

Without waiting for Professor McGonagall to respond, he looked at the goat and quickly added in a surprised tone: "I have read many books about fantasy powers. They use various ways to call the unusual powers they have mastered. So I’m relatively receptive to this—especially when I still have this power.”

When we meet for the first time, it is extremely impolite to talk continuously like this. Rather than speaking, listening and giving timely and uninterrupted feedback, such as ah, this, oh, so that’s what it is, can promote the conversation more. continue.

But he had to do this, because he had to let the continuous questions give him enough time to calm down.

"Ah, I'm sorry," Andrew continued to pretend to be flustered and expectant, "I got a little excited and asked too many questions."

"It's okay, this is normal," Professor McGonagall nodded, "Hogwarts, the Hogwarts you are going to is a magic school. You will learn magic there with many children of your age. ”

"A school for learning magic?" Andrew showed no need to pretend to be excited. "This is great...but, can I afford the starting tuition?"

"No need at all, Hogwarts doesn't require tuition."

This question was a little beyond Professor McGonagall's expectations, but only a little.

"What about book fees, accommodation fees, food fees, and clothing fees?" Andrew looked sincere, because he really didn't know, "Sorry, madam, maybe I asked too much, but I really may not be able to pay enough. cost."

"Moreover, madam, where is the school located, which currency is used, what is the exchange rate, is it a boarding school, are there any channels for further education..."

This is not a disguise at all, but a sincere question - sincerity is the best disguise.

'This kid, maybe he can do odd jobs in the office...'

Professor McGonagall was not offended at all.

She seemed to see an intern working for the school, and a very good intern.

Due to Albus's indifference, she was responsible for most of the chores in the school. Those messy jobs really needed help - but the students who could reach this level in Hogwarts were generally in the fifth grade, and she could not let students work in the office for years.

Students in the sixth and seventh grades began to be exposed to off-campus internships. When she worked in the Ministry of Magic for a few years, many departments were used to letting seventh-year interns take over some of the work.

Over the years, her office has also used many interns, but they often went out for internships or even graduated after working for more than a year after getting familiar with the work. Even if they occasionally stayed in school, they were professors and could not be caught in the office to do chores all the time.

An intern who can assist in handling office chores from the first grade has a good reputation among the elders, is more meticulous in doing things, and also needs the subsidy of an assistant...

So, she was very happy to respond to Andrew's question just now.

Then, to the professor's surprise, more questions came again.

"Great... But professor, I actually have some knowledge I really want to know about your magic just now. Regarding the goat just now, did it turn into a goat as a whole? Is it a permanent transformation or a temporary or limited transformation? If some limbs are separated during the transformation, will it return to the original form or partially return to the original form?"

"I just felt the temperature and blood flow. Is it completely simulated by a goat, or is it fixed after the transformation? If it moves, will there be any changes in heartbeat and blood flow rate?"

"After the transformation is lifted, where is the food eaten? Is it inside the chair or falls down, or disappears directly?"

Forget about the assistant...

Even the second best professor of Transfiguration in the whole of Britain still had such thoughts after hearing a series of questions.

"You need to master Transfiguration initially, and then read enough theoretical books before you can continue to think about these things."

"For magic, the most terrifying thing is not the lack of imagination, but the exploration of the unknown, which far exceeds the part you have mastered. The tragedy of Transfiguration is the most common in magic learning."

"Let's go, I'll take you to Diagon Alley, and we can slowly answer them on the way. Although there are many questions, I will try my best to answer them in a way that you can understand. However, the most important thing is that you have to remember."

Professor McGonagall's expression became serious.

"In magic learning, any experiment with the unknown is extremely dangerous. There is nothing right in magic, and getting involved in too many unknowns at once is something that you absolutely cannot touch."

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