Fighting in Hogwarts is very particular - to be more precise, fighting between Gryffindor and Slytherin is particular.

Because the other two colleges basically do not participate in group fights, the people of Ravenclaw are busy fighting among themselves and are not very aggressive to the outside world, and Hufflepuff - the number and unity are there, and basically no one will mess with them.

And the conflict between Gryffindor and Slytherin has been so long ago that it is impossible to verify it, so group fights basically have a fixed pattern.

First of all, stay away from the castle, because there are too many variables in the castle. If a professor passes by, everyone will be confined.

Secondly, assign people to look out for the wind, so that they can run away if something goes wrong.

Thirdly, try not to use magic, and even if you use it, use evil spells with antidotes - because the injuries caused by magic are more serious than those caused by normal fists, especially if you get too excited and use any overly serious curses, you will be finished.

And the last point, if you can run away, run away. If you can't run away, leave one or more people to resist. You will be fine after deducting points and being put in detention.

This is not a special case of one class of students. This is the default rule after so many years of confrontation - a group of teenagers with great destructiveness naturally formed such things in the continuous confrontation.

This is also the reason why the school hospital of Hogwarts always has a large amount of white fresh water, a large bottle of bone spirit and other serious injury medicines - thanks to these students, Madam Pomfrey can sit on it when she goes to St. Goman's Hospital for exchanges.

And the reason why these rules are mentioned is that the first-year student Harry Potter inexplicably abided by the rules and inexplicably violated the rules.

In short, he was also blocked.

Generally speaking, the fight between the new students of both sides will happen after each other's Quidditch games. This year, it's new and early.

The Slytherins blocked Harry on the way back to the castle after Harry and his friends finished the Herbology class and dispersed. They beat him up and ran away before the Gryffindors came to support.

Although Harry, Ron, and Neville who came over voluntarily fought hard, they were still outnumbered and sent to the school hospital.

All the above information was told to Andrew by his roommate Hal during lunch - according to him, it is estimated that there will be another conflict tonight.

"Most of the first-year issues are resolved by the first-years, only the Quidditch confrontation is a little chaotic."

Hal never tired of popularizing the so-called unspoken rules of those guys' fights to his four roommates - messy and disorderly.

Anyway, Andrew listened for a long time and confirmed a few things - 'Fight until the guys who can carry people are detained, and then the students will almost figure out who the future prefects will be. '

'Madam Pomfrey will not tell the professor unless she encounters magical injuries. ’

‘There will be no fighting on weekends, it’s considered a truce day (Andrew wanted to complain about this, but after careful consideration, he found that this was indeed the wisdom gained from years of fighting.)’

“Anyway, let’s watch their potions class in the afternoon. Haha, I’m afraid the whole grade will have to participate, and it’s the last class before the weekend!”

In short, it’s a big scene.

But Andrew and his classmates also have classes, History of Magic.

There’s nothing we can do about it, the classrooms are not that far away.

“I can’t watch it, let’s think about how to take notes well in the afternoon…”

Andrew made a summary speech, everyone calculated the time, and did not raise any objections - without any additional factors, Ravenclaw would not be stubborn in the face of facts.


“Haaaaa… Yawn…”

Andrew, who finally survived History of Magic, covered his mouth with his hand and yawned loudly, then asked if there were roommates who wanted to go to the library to read books together.

But no one was invited - probably because History of Magic has a strong special attack, everyone wanted to go back and rest.

After failing to find a partner, Andrew had to go to the library by himself to complete the two extra assignments and prepare some manuscripts.


There was no one to talk to on the way, so Andrew couldn't get rid of the sleepiness accumulated in the History of Magic course. When he yawned for the second time, he decided to go to the bathroom to use cold water to help himself.

'I remember there is a magic called clear water like a spring, but unfortunately, the basics are too far away...'

He stimulated himself with clear water while thinking. After the sleepiness was almost dispelled, he carefully took out a piece of paper from his backpack and tapped it with his wand, turning it into a towel.

'Transfiguration, on the other hand, has grown so fast after figuring out the theory and practicing it...'

He wiped his face casually with a towel and looked at the mirror.

His pupils dilated and his breathing stopped - in the mirror, a transparent ghost stood behind him, staring at him intently.

Andrew's hair stood up almost immediately, and the sleepiness that had been firmly in his position had already disappeared. He almost immediately pressed his left hand on the nail in his trouser pocket and prepared to pull out his wand.

Damn it!

Wait... When he pulled out his wand, Andrew finally realized this, oh, damn it...

This is Hogwarts, it's normal to have ghosts.

He saw ghosts at the beginning of the school year. Although the ghost of Ravenclaw basically ignored them, he could still see the ghosts of other colleges clearly.

It's just... I'm not used to it yet.

I was looking at the mirror sleepily, and suddenly I saw a ghost standing behind me - who can adapt to this! ! !

"What are you doing?"

The ghost behind him stared at Andrew with ill intentions and asked, her eyes were very aggressive.

"Wash your face," Andrew, who understood what happened, was no longer afraid even though his heart was still pounding. He had learned from the seniors that the only harmful and burnable garbage in the whole school...the ghost was Peeves, a ghost that looked like a man.

"Aren't you planning to smash a book on Myrtle's head or stomach?"

It was probably the so-called Myrtle ghost who stared at Andrew's backpack with ill intentions - it was bulging inside, and it looked like it was filled with tools for committing crimes.

"I'm a Ravenclaw, and I won't do boring things that don't pay off."

Although these two points were not related at all, and Andrew had seen many Ravenclaws killing time, he still spoke this perverse logic with confidence - after all, this was the fastest way to solve the problem.

He had a hole in his brain to try to have a doomed argument with a female ghost who looked like she had delusions (whose normal ghost would go into the men's bathroom and come out to scare people!)




The ghost's mouth grew bigger and bigger, and she started to cry in Andrew's puzzled eyes, "Useless, boring Myrtle..."

"Myrtle despised by first-grade ghosts..."

"Myrtle who no one cares about..."

Tears fell quickly from her transparent eyes, and the faucet opened for some unknown reason, and then Myrtle got into the water pipe and ran away crying.

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