Andrew actually had a full schedule today.

Theoretically, after finishing the potion class, he should find an empty classroom to practice the transfiguration of complex objects that he had just figured out, and then think about his thesis after dinner and prepare for the afternoon group meeting.

Even the evening was not free, as the first-year astronomy class was tonight. Although it was closer to the common room, there was not much time left.

But he still found a secluded place to sit down and began to scribble in his notebook with a pencil - today's potion class touched him more than transfiguration.

Of course, it was not Professor Snape who influenced him, but the potion itself.

Although he was not from a chemical engineering major, he still noticed the absurdity of potions - this was a subject that intertwined rigor and magic.

‘No, no, no, it’s not like that, it’s not like that…’

Andrew quickly denied his thoughts again, ‘It’s just that I haven’t found its rules, I just use magic to cover up what I don’t know…’

‘Besides, this doesn’t conflict…’

He wrote a few words in his notebook, crossed them out, and after repeating them several times, he finally determined what exactly touched him.

With a bit of joy, Andrew wrote this sentence in his notebook.

[As far as I understand it now, the essence of the generation of potions is to decompose the magical properties of the materials in the crucible and obtain the intermediate products of the reaction under a specific state. ]

This is definitely not accurate, but this is the best explanation Andrew can summarize at present.

Afterwards, Andrew added the words that touched him.

[And in my understanding, the essence of transfiguration is to allow objects to become an intermediate state of non-original and non-real transfiguration objects under the action of magic power. So, can transfiguration be used to seal the extracted magical components, or even use this special state to replace the generation of potions? ]

Is this what I wrote?

Andrew looked at the two sentences above, and pointed at himself with a funny expression, as if he saw a diary recording his childhood wishes - is this something he should think about?

There are countless potion masters in the magic world, and masters of transfiguration are as numerous as carp crossing the river. If this kind of thing is possible, wouldn't it have been studied long ago? It's his turn as a pure newcomer who has just entered the magic world for less than three days to do it?

But - what if?

After thinking for a while, Andrew finally decided to wipe out this bold ambition with a smile, but after taking a last look at the notebook, he still couldn't bear to destroy this arrogant idea.

"Don't think too much, just practice transfiguration first, and if potions are really not good, just spend money to practice..."

He shook his head helplessly - even if it is for potions, practice makes perfect is still feasible.

It's just that it will be a huge expense. Although they purchased a standard potion raw material when they entered school, those things are auxiliary materials. Every time they boil potions, the school provides the main materials.

This means that if he wants to practice potions in private, he has to buy all the materials himself, and even if he makes a finished product, he can hardly get any money back.

This is still the most basic. After he has reached a certain level of proficiency in potions, he still needs to purchase a large amount of potion raw materials to analyze which part of the magic material properties are used in the potion brewing... In this step, he can't save any Galleons.


Andrew gritted his teeth and made this decision. If it doesn't work, he will suffer for Dun - no, suffer for Gryffindor, and the editorial department will bear the infamy!

After making this decision that almost burned Galleons, Andrew resolutely stuffed the notebook into his backpack and walked out of the castle. Before lunch time, he decided to use a method he just thought of to test the Transfiguration problem.

About ten minutes later, he found a rope that met his requirements as he wished, and then started the first step of Transfiguration practice, making knots.

'I can't do the transformation of simple objects into complex ones, so I'll try to reverse it, use a complex but simple model to perform simple transformation, and then reversely explore the principle through destruction. ’

Unfortunately, he couldn’t remember the complicated knots. After tying a few simple knots, Andrew almost couldn’t wait to turn the rope into a stick, and then destroyed it in the simplest way without hesitation - that is, he placed the stick on the edge of the podium and kicked it against the slope.

He heard the crisp sound of the stick breaking, but unfortunately, at the moment of being destroyed, the stick turned into a soft rope and fell to the ground, and the rope itself was not destroyed.

‘It’s no different from the previous attempt, but what if it’s like this…’

Andrew performed the Transfiguration again and put ink on the stick - this time after it was destroyed, a very thin piece of dry ink fell.


This time Andrew dyed the rope with ink.

The stick was intact, and after it was transformed back, the ink was still on the rope.

‘No change… It’s the same as before, even the ink is in the same position at the knot…’

‘So, what about the stick made of two materials with the knot as the dividing line? ’

He increased the difficulty, but the result was not satisfactory... the stick he turned out looked like an unprocessed branch.


“Then... the last step... use the stick to turn into a rope with a knot...”

Andrew tapped the broken broomstick with his wand.

A very strange rope appeared - it had an unsolvable knot. Even if Andrew used magic to assist, the strong knot could not be untied. It seemed to have existed when it was woven.

But Andrew smiled. This was not very successful, but it was an improvement - his guess and practice direction were correct.

'It's a perfect practice. I can start writing my first paper...if everything goes well. '

He put the poor broomstick back, and then happily used the levitation spell to untie the rope by itself, and then waved the wand, making it hover perfectly in the backpack.

'I always feel that something is wrong...not the environment, not the classroom, not the classmates, but my own senses...Forget it, forget it if I can't think of it...'

He thought about it, and finally got nothing - then he happily left the empty classroom with the joy of harvest and walked quickly towards the cafeteria.

This afternoon he will be facing a group of people with different ideas, and he has to pretend to be friendly with them in order to blend in. Thinking of this tiring situation, he really can't fool himself at the meal.

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